Chapter 10

Harry was the epitome of a pureblooded wizard as he strode across the marble floor, focusing on one goblin. Behind him was a nervous but excited Draco Malfoy and an astounded Lucius Malfoy.

The goblin looked up when Harry approached and said in a nasally tone, "What can I do for you, Mr. Malfoy?"

"I am escorting Mr. Potter," Lucius said stiffly. The goblin's eyes narrowed.

"And what can I do for Mr. Potter?"

"Greetings, sir goblin," Harry said in a silky but warning tone. The goblin raised an eyebrow at him. "I have been informed that Gringotts has been attempting to contact me, but have failed. I also have other business to discuss."

The goblin grinned, showing off his pointy teeth. Draco shuddered behind Harry. "Ah, yes. I return your greetings, sir wizard. I will take you to Swordbreaker, your accounts manager. What is your other business?"

"I need a ritual to remove some... unwanted magic inhibiting mine, sir goblin," Harry said vaguely.

The goblin gave him a faintly alarmed look and lowered his voice. "Blocks and compulsions?"

"And controlling potions, sir goblin," Harry agreed.

Instantly, the goblin leapt off of the stool and went over to another goblin, who was standing in the corner keeping an eye on all the customers. After a few minutes of alarmed whispering, the goblin in the corner turned and shouted, "Stormeye!"

After a pause, a smaller goblin ⎯ and a female ⎯ appeared behind them, looking worried. "Yes?"

"Follow me and Stormeye, sir wizard," the goblin who had been helping Harry called to him.

Harry glanced at Draco and Lucius and said, "Wait for me here." Then he walked over to the three goblins.

He was led into one of the back doors, where there was another tunnel, but this one had several doors: double and single, painted several different colors. They passed several doors before the goblin helping Harry stopped, turned, and knocked on a jet black door.

"Enter," said a deep, sharp voice. The goblin opened the door, revealing a desk and yet another goblin.

"Ah, Mr. Potter," the goblin in the office said briskly. "Stormeye."

"Greetings, sir goblin," Harry replied as he walked inside. "I was told you were attempting to contact me, but the letters were intercepted?"

"Greetings, sir wizard," the goblin replied, eyes glittering. "Please sit. Why was Healer Stormeye summoned?"

Harry glanced at the goblin at the door as Stormeye came in and sat down beside Harry. The teller goblin nodded and shut the door.

Once he was sure no one would listen in, he turned back to his account manager. "I have recently discovered that my magic is being inhibited by compulsions, blocks, and controlling potions, as well as a Horcrux and a love potion." He wrinkled his nose.

The goblin ⎯ Swordbreaker ⎯ paled dramatically. "We should remove those at once," he said quickly, pulling a piece of parchment from his desk. "Three drops of blood, sir wizard."

"You may address me as Harry," Harry said absentmindedly as he pulled out his potions dagger and pricked his finger. He squeezed the required amount of blood onto the paper and waited.

Soon, words began to appear:

Magic Aura of H.J.P.:

Level: 4000 (80% blocked)

Creature: Unknown (50% blocked)

Mate: Unknown (100% blocked)

Animagusi (Dragon, Welsh Green)(Snake, Anaconda) (100% blocked)

Parselmaege (100% blocked)

Necromancer (100% blocked)


Arrogance (60% broken)

Recklessness (80% broken)

Bravery (60% broken)

Fight Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA Voldemort (30% broken)

Insult Slytherins (90% broken)

Insult Snape (80% broken)


Armortentia (80% broken)

Object of Affection: Ginevra Weasley

Keyed to: Molly Weasley Née Prewett/Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: August 10, 1992

Reapplied: September 10, 1992

Odium Elixer (30% broken)

Object of Hatred: Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Voldemort

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Odium Elixer (80% broken)

Object of Hatred: Slytherins

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Odium Elixer (80% broken)

Object of Hatred: Severus Tobias Snape

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Fiducia Elixer (90% broken)

Object of Trust: Hermione Jean Granger

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Fiducia Elixer (90% broken)

Object of Trust: Ronald Bilius Weasley

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore/Molly Weasley Née Prewett

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; August 10, 1992; September 1, 1992

Fiducia Elixer (100% broken)

Object of Trust: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Fiducia Elixer (70% broken)

Object of Trust: Molly Weasley Née Prewett

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore/Molly Weasley Née Prewett

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; August 10, 1992; September 1, 1992

Diffidam Elixer (30% broken)

Object of Distrust: Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Voldemort

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Diffidam Elixer (70% broken)

Object of Distrust: Severus Tobias Snape

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Diffidam Elixer (80% broken)

Object of Distrust: Slytherins

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Compliance Draught (90% broken)

Object of Compliance: Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley Née Evans

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Compliance Draught (90% broken)

Object of Compliance: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992

Draught of Fear (100% broken)

Object of Fear: Vernon Dursley and Dudley Dursley

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Applied: September 1, 1991

Reapplied: October 1, 1991; November 1, 1991; December 1, 1991; January 1, 1992; February 1, 1992; March 1, 1992; April 1, 1992; May 1, 1992; June, 1992; September 1, 1992


Horcrux (90% blocked)

Blocked by: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore (burn when Voldemort is near; burn when Voldemort is angry) (80% broken)

Keyed to: Tom Marvolo Riddle, AKA Voldemort

Date Created: October 31, 1981

Blood Glamour

Keyed to: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

Glamour: Spitting image of James Potter except for eyes, which are Lily's

True Appearance: Spitting image of Lily Potter, except for hair color, which is James Potter's

Blood Protection (weak) (80% blocked)

Keyed to: Lily Potter Née Evans

Blocked by: Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

"Get these removed," Harry snarled. "Now."

Swordbreaker, who had looked shocked up until that moment, nodded and said, "Stormeye will take you to the cleansing room."


Tom gripped his hair, trying to block the tears. Clearly, Harry had discovered that he was Voldemort. It explained why he hadn't heard from Harry since he'd told him about his blood test.

What was he going to do?

He cared very much about Harry. It hurt that Harry no longer trusted him, although he didn't blame him. Tom would have done anything for Harry, if the boy would let him. But now that Harry hated him...

His breath caught in his throat and he curled into a ball, sobbing.


Harry groaned and opened his eyes. "That was excruciating," he remarked hoarsely.

Stormeye laughed and handed him a glass of water. Harry took it with a nod.

Once he'd drunk enough, Stormeye asked, "Would you like to see what you look like now, sir wizard?"

"Yes, thank you, Healer Stormeye," Harry responded, handing the empty glass back. Stormeye conjured a full-length mirror, and Harry staggered to his feet.

Harry looked... a lot more feminine. He was taller, curvy, and that, combined with his long, curly black hair ⎯ well, he looked like a girl. His eyes were wider and more noticeable, especially without his glasses.

Harry blinked. Without his... he didn't need glasses to see!

"Excellent," he said quietly. "What about the Horcrux and my mother's blood protection?"

"Very few rituals will remove the Horcrux," Stormeye responded, handing him his glasses. Harry put them into his robes. "And no rituals will remove the protection. It will continue to protect you from malicious magic until you no longer live with her sister." Sensing Harry's next question, she added, "It could not protect you completely from Dumbledore's magic because it was weak from the Horcrux."

"You removed Dumbledore's block on it?" Harry questioned, rubbing his scar.

"I did."

"Can I communicate with Voldemort through the Horcrux?" Harry asked. When she nodded, he closed his eyes and concentrated. Tom?

Instantly, Voldemort replied, rather angrily. WHO IS THIS? AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY MUGGLE NAME?

This is your accidental Horcrux, Harry Potter, Harry replied dryly.

There was silence for a long time. Then fury exploded through the connection.


Harry blinked. What did Dumbledore do this time?

Voldemort growled before answering, It is his fault you are a Horcrux, Potter.

Raising an eyebrow, Harry said amusedly, That does not really answer my question, Tom.

Stop calling me Tom, Voldemort snapped. It's a long story, Potter, he added in a slightly calmer tone.

Let me speak to my accounts manager first, and I'll get back to you, Harry said.

I have all the time in the world, Potter, Voldemort returned sarcastically.

Harry laughed and opened his eyes. Stormeye was watching him patiently.

"Ready to return to Swordbreaker?" she asked.

"Yes." Harry followed her back to the office.

Swordbreaker sat up expectantly when Harry entered, and his eyes widened when he took in Harry's new look.

"Have you finished gawking, Swordbreaker?" Harry asked amusedly, sitting down across from him.

The goblin shook himself. "Yes, Harry, sorry. You are dismissed, Stormeye."

Stormeye bowed, smiled at Harry, and left.

"You had something you wanted to discuss with me?" Harry asked when she'd gone.

"Yes, Harry," Swordbreaker agreed. "Someone has been using your accounts without your permission, and your parents' will was illegally closed. Would you like to have a will reading?"

"Yes," Harry growled. "And I want to see who has been using my accounts."

"Yes, of course," Swordbreaker replied, taking another paper out of his desk. "Tap your wand on this parchment."

Harry pulled out his holly wand and frowned. The connection was weaker. He shrugged and tapped his wand on the paper.

Again, words appeared.

Account information for H.J.P.:

Potter (Heir) Vault

--July 31, 1991: 50 Galleons, 19 Sickles, 11 Knuts (Harry James Potter)

-- August 15, 1992: 50 Galleons, 20 Sickles, 10 Knuts (Harry James Potter)

-- Annually on January 1 since 1980: +1000 Galleons (Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: August 15, 1992

Potter (Lord) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- Annually on December 1 since 1981: 1000 Galleons transferred to Dumbledore (Lord) Account (Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore)

-- Annually on January 1 since 1960: +2000 Galleons (Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Evans Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- Annually on December 1 since 1981: 500 Galleons transferred to Weasley (Lord) Account (Molly Weasley Née Prewett)

-- Annually on January 1 since 1971: +1000 Galleons (Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Peverell, I (Lord) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- Annually on December 1 since 1981: 500 Galleons transferred to Moody Account (Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore)

-- Annually on January 1 since 800 C.E..: +300,000,000 Galleons (Accountant Rockcrusher, deceased; Accountant Wilderhair, deceased; Accountant Quickfire, deceased; Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Peverell, I (Heir) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- Annually on December 1 since 1981: 500 Galleons transferred to Tonks (Heir) Account (Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore)

-- Annually on January 1 since 800 C.E.: +100,000,000 Galleons (Accountant Rockcrusher, deceased; Accountant Wilderhair, deceased; Accountant Quickfire, deceased; Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Gryffindor (Lord/Heir) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- December 1, 1981: block H.J.P. from withdrawing/adding to account, ordered by Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

-- Annually on January 1 since 880 C.E.: +1,000,000,000 Galleons (last known goblin: Accountant Brightwielder; Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Ravenclaw (Lord/Heir) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- December 1, 1981: block H.J.P. from withdrawing/adding to account, ordered by Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

-- Annually on January 1 since 880 C.E.: +1,000,000,000 Galleons (last known goblin: Accountant Brightwielder; Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Hufflepuff (Lord/Heir) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- December 1, 1981: block H.J.P. from withdrawing/adding to account, ordered by Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

-- Annually on January 1 since 880 C.E.: +1,000,000,000 Galleons (last known goblin: Accountant Brightwielder; Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

Slytherin (Lord/Heir) Vault (!Illegal Action!)

-- December 1, 1981: block H.J.P. from withdrawing/adding to account, ordered by Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore

-- Annually on August 10 since 1942: 50 Galleons (Tom Marvolo Riddle, previous Lord/Heir)

-- Annually on January 1 since 880 C.E.: +1,000,000,000 Galleons (last known goblin: Accountant Brightwielder; Accountant Swordbreaker)

-- Last Action: January 1, 1992

"I want all of my money back, with interest," Harry snarled. Swordbreaker's eyes glittered as he nodded. "And I want the will reading to be in ten minutes."

"So soon?"

"Yes, so soon, it should have been read years ago," Harry replied stiffly.

"Well, of course, Harry," Swordbreaker smirked. It was no secret the goblins hated Dumbledore, and this would set the old fool's plans back for years.