Chapter 13

"Harry," Tom said quietly, rubbing the sleeping boy's shoulder. "Harry," he said in a louder tone.

Harry moaned sleepily and muttered, "What time is it?"

"It's been about three hours since you came in here," Tom said softly. "Neville just asked where you were. I'm surprised he knows how to work the diary."

"He must've-" Harry yawned "-seen me come into the diary." He stretched, then blinked. "Why am I sitting on your lap?"

"It was more comfortable for you," Tom blushed. "You looked like you needed the sleep."

Harry looked up at him with a smirk, making Tom blush harder. "Thanks," he purred. Tom let out an undignified squeak. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" Harry asked, without moving from his lap.

"Y-yes," Tom stammered. "If you want to."

"Of course I want to." Harry stood up.

"Harry..." Tom bit his lip. "Why did you kiss me?" he blurted.

Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "I told you. It was a reward." His cheeks were a bit pink, too, so Tom knew he'd enjoyed it.

"You know what I mean," Tom mumbled.

"I kissed you because I wanted to," Harry said. He hesitated, an unsure, worried look on his face. "Did... are you okay with that?"

Tom looked up at Harry and bit his lip again. Then he stood up and, before he could lose his nerve, gave Harry a short, quick kiss.

Harry turned red and smiled slightly. "I'll see you tomorrow," he whispered.

He gave Harry a half smile, blushing almost as hard as the younger boy, before he magicked Harry back to the outside world.


Harry was suddenly on his bed again, and Neville, Fred, and George were in the room, looking alarmed.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Neville demanded, as Fred and George began checking him for wounds.

"I'm fine," Harry said dryly, waving the twins away. "What are you worried about?"

"You were stuck in the diary an hour longer than you were supposed to," Neville said anxiously.

"Did Riddle-" began Fred.

"-do something-" George asked.

"-to you?" they finished together, both looking angry and worried.

"All Tom and I did was talk," Harry scolded. And kiss. "You should probably meet him," he added. "It's because of him that I'm free from Dumbledore."

The twins relaxed, and Neville looked relieved.

Harry opened the diary again and wrote, Is it possible for you to come out of the diary?

Yes, but only briefly. How long do you want me out?

Harry bit his lip. "How long until dinner?"

"Forty minutes," Fred responded.

"And Nearly-Headless Nick's invited us to his deathday party," Neville added.

"We asked the Bloody Baron-" George grinned.

"-to cut Nick's head completely off-" Fred continued.

"-because he wanted to join the Headless Hunt-" George said.

"-but he wasn't completely headless," Fred finished.

"He was so thankful that he invited the four of us to his party," Neville sighed in amusement.

Harry chuckled at the twins, who grinned mischievously, and turned back to the diary.

Can you do ten minutes? I want my honorary brothers to meet you.

Of course Harry, I'd love to meet them, especially the twins.

The diary flipped to the first page on it's own, and then Tom was suddenly sitting next to Harry on the bed. The twins didn't move, but Neville jumped so violently that he was suddenly on the floor.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" Tom asked, looking faintly embarrassed as he helped Neville stand.

"Er, a little," Neville admitted.





"-Riddle," the twins chorused.






"-crush," George grinned.

Tom and Harry both turned violent shades of red, causing the twins to burst into quiet sniggers. Neville chuckled, casting Harry an amused, apologetic look.

"I'm going to set Peeves on you after the feast," Harry grumbled, causing the twins to stop laughing. They pretended to look horrified, but he could tell they were trying not to snicker.

"I'm Neville Longbottom," Neville said, biting his lip to hide a smile. He shook Tom's hand as he added, "And these two idiots are Fred and George Weasley. Don't bother trying to figure out who is who." Fred and George smirked.

Tom smiled nervously. "It's great to meet Harry's friends."

Harry relaxed and leaned his head on Tom's shoulder. "Report," he said to the twins. "Without the twin-speak," he added sharply.

Fred and George exchanged mock scowls before speaking.

Ten minutes later, Harry kissed Tom's cheek and told him he could go back into the diary. Tom blushed before disappearing, half because of the kiss and half because of the twins' snickering.

"Let's go to dinner," said Harry, standing, and cutting off the chortles. "We're getting re-sorted tonight," he added.

The twins grinned wickedly, and Neville looked so happy that Harry could easily compare him to Hagrid.