Chapter 28



The twins squeezed Harry in an overbearing hug. "Can't ⎯ breathe," Harry choked.

Fred and George instantly let go of him and latched onto Remus instead. Sirius was snickering behind them.

"We can't-"

"-thank you-"


"-for taking us-"

"-away from-"

"-our 'loving' family!" George finished. By this time the twins were sobbing theatrically and were hugging Sirius tightly as well.

"It was our pleasure," Sirius grinned, squeezing them back.

"Harry thinks of you as his older siblings," Remus smiled. "We couldn't not adopt you."

"Harry!" Fred cried in glee, and the twins instantly stopped sobbing and grinned wickedly. "We gave Ronnikins a present from you," said George, smirking.

"What did you do?" Harry asked dryly, chuckling.

"We gave him-"

"-a Ton-Tongue Toffee!"

"What's that?" Remus said cautiously.

Fred and George released Sirius and George pulled a small toffee from his trunk. He handed it mock-revently to Remus, who inspected it.

"It makes the tongue of the eater-"

"-keep growing longer until someone shrinks it," Fred smirked. Sirius joined the twins' cackles, and Harry grinned.

"Ingenious," Remus said with interest. "What else have you made?" he asked, handing it back to George.

"A whole load of things!" George said eagerly as he put the toffee back.

"We're working on a range of sweets-"

"-that make people sick-"

"-and we just finished making-"

"-a Pimple Vanisher, which works in ten seconds!"

"Can I see?" Sirius asked eagerly. When the twins nodded, Sirius squealed and clapped his hands, looking like a child on Christmas.

"Don't blow anything up," Remus warned. The twins just smirked and dragged Sirius up the stairs.

The Floo flared again and Mr. Weasley stepped through, looking exhausted. "Thank you again," he said tiredly to Remus and Harry as he put two more trunks down. "This is the last of it."

Remus put a hand on his shoulder. "It was our pleasure, Arthur," he said gently. "You look like you've been pulling all-nighters. You all right?"

Mr. Weasley smiled wearily. "Just tired. We've been pulling our weight at the Ministry, what with the Cup and ⎯ that other event we're planning." He glanced at Harry with worry.

Remus pursed his lips, looking disapproving. "Yes, I imagine that'd be exhausting. But they're changing the rules this year."

"What rules?" Harry asked curiously.

"We'll tell you and the twins later," Remus replied gently. "See you at the Cup?" he asked, turning back to Mr. Weasley.

The balding redhead nodded, shook Remus' hand, and disappeared back through the Floo with a shout of, "The Burrow!"

"Sirius! Fred! George! We need to have a family discussion!" Remus bellowed up the stairs. "Wake Tom up, would you, Siri?"

"Sure, baby!" Sirius shouted back, causing Remus to turn pink. Harry snickered, and the twins came stampeding down the stairs, roaring with laughter.

Five minutes later, the six boys were sitting in the living room, Harry on Tom's lap and Sirius sitting on the arm of Remus' chair.

"What's up?" the twins chorused.

Tom chuckled quietly, rubbing his fingers through Harry's raven locks.

Remus sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Something is happening at Hogwarts this year ⎯ something dangerous ⎯ and Dumbledore might do something to Harry."

The twins looked furious, and Tom wrapped his arms around his boyfriend protectively.

"I can take care of myself!" Harry said irritably.

"Not against Dumbledore's magic," Tom murmured in Harry's ear, making the smaller boy shiver.

"No PDA," said Remus, swatting Sirius' thigh; his husband was watching the two boys, obviously looking for blackmail material.

"What's happening-"

"-this year-"

"-that's got you so worried?" Fred asked.

"Have you heard of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry?" Remus asked his godson.

Harry frowned. "No. What's the Triwizard Tournament?"

(Instead of red hair, Fred and George have black hair now, with one blond streak, since Remus and Sirius blood-adopted them. Otherwise they look the same.)