Chapter 30

"What do you need, Harry?" Draco asked as he sat down between Neville and Luna on the bed. The twins and Sirius were sprawled on the floor, while Tom was leaning against the door. Remus sat at the desk.

"I was thinking," Harry said calmly, "that I want everyone to have code names."

"Cool!" Fred and George grinned. Draco nodded in agreement.

"That would be awesome," Sirius said eagerly.

"Why do we need code names?" Neville asked curiously.

Harry leaned back in his chair. "Dumbledore has his hands in everything. It's ruined the wizarding world of Britain ⎯ and in some cases, the wizarding world in general. I want to get rid of his influence and laws, and I'm going to do that in two ways:

"One: Politics. I want to spread my ideas: creature laws, not restricting Magic, things like that. We will be doing things in a mostly honest way here ⎯ but I'm willing to stoop to bribing and blackmail if I have to.

"Two: Raids."

Draco, Sirius, and the twins instantly looked eager; Neville looked nervous; Remus had a thoughtful look on his face. Luna just smiled.

"You don't have to participate in this section if you don't want to," Harry said, giving Neville a worried look. "But raids can mean anything from attacking Dumbledore's followers and stealing things we need for training."

"So the people that are in this section are the ones who need code names?" Draco guessed.

Harry nodded. "Who would like to be in this section?"

Instantly, everyone but Neville and Remus raised their hands. Sirius in particular was bouncing eagerly.

"Dad, I need you to be a part of the raids," Harry said apologetically. "Sirius ⎯ Papa needs supervision."

Sirius stared at Harry.

Remus smiled amusedly. "That's true..."

"Hey!" Sirius exclaimed, scowling playfully at Remus. "I'm not that bad!"

Remus and Harry gave the Animagus a deadpan look, causing snickers from the twins and Draco.

"Okay, maybe I am..."

"I can probably be part of the stealing raids," Neville said hesitantly. "But I'm not sure about attacking."

Harry nodded. "I already have code names for most of you. Draco, Neville, and Luna I'm having trouble with."

"Do our code names have a theme?" Remus asked.

"Well... the Demon twins and yours are based off of your creatures, and Papa's is based off of his Animagus form."

"My Animagus form is a bunny," Luna said. "Neville's is a demiguise. Draco's-"

Draco made a loud sputtering noise. "Nothing important!" he said quickly.

Luna giggled. "A female albino peacock."

George and Sirius burst out laughing, only stopping when Fred kicked them both. Draco gave Fred a confused look.

Harry stifled a chuckle. "Agent Swag it is." (Swag is a synonym for the verb 'peacock'.)

Draco scowled. "I'd like it if it were scary."

"Then you can be Agent Shen." (Kung Fu Panda Two)

"What are-" Fred began.

"-our code names?" George asked.

"Fred is Agent Oberon; George is Agent Puck; Papa is Agent Grim; and Dad is Agent Alpha," Harry responded.

Sirius snickered. "I like it." Remus nodded.

"Us too!"

"Um, Harry?" Neville asked hesitantly. "Can I be Agent Samwise?"

"Definitely," Harry agreed. "Luna, what do you suggest?"

"Morgan le Fay was a Seer," Luna replied.

"And Morgan can be a boy or a girl name, so nobody would be able to tell," Draco pointed out.



"That was totally wicked!" the twins chorused excitedly as they bounced around Sirius.

Draco grinned and went back to singing with the Irish. Lucius rolled his eyes.

"I have to get back to Mr. Weasley," Neville said apologetically. "See you all at school." He hugged Luna and Harry and raced off.

"I have to go, too," Luna said serenely. "Papa and I want to go looking for Moon Frogs."

"Can I join you, little moon?" George asked. Fred pouted.

Luna giggled. "If it's all right with your parents."

"Be back before ten," Remus said before Sirius could speak.

"I want pictures!" Sirius whispered to George, who grinned in response.

The two disappeared into the darkness, Luna clinging to George's hand.

"It's bedtime, Draco," Narcissa Malfoy said sternly. "Don't think I didn't see that yawn."

Draco scowled. "See you at school," he said resignedly to Fred, Harry, Tom, Remus, and Sirius.

"Bye, little dragon," Fred smirked. Draco blushed.

Harry, Tom, and Sirius sniggered, and Remus cast them stern looks. "We'll see you at school," he smiled. As the three Malfoys moved off, he added, "Bedtime for the two of you, as well."

Harry yawned and blinked. He hadn't realized he was so tired. "Yes, Dad."

"I think I'll hit the sack, too," Sirius yawned. "Quidditch games are tiring."

"If you didn't insist on cheering so enthusiastically-"

Harry staggered, and Tom swooped him in to his arms. "Tired?" he chuckled.

"Shuddup, Tom," Harry mumbled, nuzzling into his boyfriend's neck. He fell asleep to Fred's laughter.

Oberon: People with this name have a deep inner desire to lead, organize, supervise, and to achieve status, power and wealth.

Puck: People with this name have a deep inner desire to create and express themselves, often in public speaking, acting, writing or singing. They also yearn to have beauty around them in their home and work environment.

Shen: People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination. They tend to be courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient.

Grim: People with this name tend to be idealistic, highly imaginative, intuitive, and spiritual. They seek after spiritual truth and often find it. They tend to be visionary and may inspire others. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become dreamers, or misuse power.

Alpha: People with this name tend to be quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathetic to others, adaptable, balanced and sometimes shy. They are trustworthy, respecting the confidences of others, and make excellent diplomats, mediators and partners. They are often very intuitive. They like detail and order, and often find change worrisome. They may sometimes feel insecure or restless.

Morgan: People with this name are excited by change, adventure, and excitement. They are dynamic, visionary and versatile, able to make constructive use of freedom. They fight being restricted by rules and conventions. They tend to be optimistic, energetic, intelligent, and to make friends easily. They may be changeable, restless, untidy, and rebellious. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.