Chapter 44

"We still have no idea what they mean by 'what you'll sorely miss,'" Cedric groaned, rubbing his face. "And Harry needs to find out what to do to survive underwater!"

Harry sighed. "Actually, I do. I talked to Snarl, he's providing gillyweed."

"Vhat is gillyweed?" Viktor asked curiously.

"It ees a plant zat turns your lungs into gills," Fleur said distractedly, slamming her book shut. "Do you sink zat zey are using people?"

Harry blanched. "What do you mean, Blaze?"

"'What we'll sorely miss,'" Fleur repeated. "Are zey using people?"

Cedric paled. "Marcus for me-" Viktor scowled "-Gabrielle for Blaze, Red for Scales."

"If those mermaids hurt my Tom I will kill them," Harry snarled. Cedric and Viktor cowered, and Fleur whimpered.

"Zey would not dare," Fleur said, shaking herself. "Your headmistress is in charge, she would never harm a student."

"What about Viktor?" Cedric asked, still pale.

Harry laughed suddenly. "It would be hilarious if they used Granger," he explained when the other three champions stared at him.

Viktor wrinkled his nose in disgust as Fleur and Cedric sniggered. "If it vas her, I vould leave her there to rot," he said coldly.

"Hmm, except you'd have to pretend to actually care, or you'd get in trouble," Harry pointed out. Viktor scowled again.


The next day, Harry, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor went down to the lake. Stands had been erected on the north side of the lake, as well as a judges' table. Headmistress McGonagall-Pomfrey, Percy, Karkaroff, Bagman and Maxime were already waiting for them.

"Ah!" Bagman said brightly. "Here are our champions!" He walked around the judges' table and approached them.

"Mr. Bagman, we already know our instructions," Harry said with great irritation, feeling a stab of alarm when he saw Tom and Marcus were missing. "If you'll kindly get on with the task..."

Bagman blanched. "Y-yes, yes of course, Mr. Potter," he said quickly. He pulled out his wand and cast, "Sonorus!" Then he addressed the crowd.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely one hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One... two... three!"

He gave a short blast on his whistle, and Harry pulled out the gillyweed. Viktor transfigured his top half into a shark, while Cedric and Fleur cast the Bubble-head Charm. After casting the gillyweed a disgusted look, Harry shoved it in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. He then jumped into the lake with the rest of the champions.

A few seconds later, he felt incredible pain in his neck, signaling that he now had gills. He took a breath of cool water and shot forward, heading in the direction of the mermaids' village. He passed Viktor and Cedric along the way, but he didn't spot Fleur.

He turned around, mouthed a quick 'Find Fleur' to Viktor, and rushed off again.

Twenty minutes later, he found himself in the mermaids' village. In the center of the village was a tall statue, and tied to the statue were four people.

Tom was bound between Marcus and... Granger? Well, Viktor was going to be disappointed. The last person was a small, silvery-haired girl Harry knew to be Fleur's little sister, Gabrielle.

Harry swam up to the statue and pulled out his wand. Cultro! he thought, slashing his wand through the water. Instantly, the rope connecting Tom to Granger was cut in two. He did the same to the other side and grasped Tom's arm.

Cedric swam up to him at that moment, panting. Harry gave him a questioning look and mouthed, Regal? Blaze?

Coming, Cedric mouthed back. He performed the same spell Harry had, severing Marcus from the statue. He glanced between Harry and Marcus desperately.

Go, Harry ordered. Cedric nodded and shot upward, dragging Marcus with him.

Viktor and Fleur arrived a few moments later, Fleur covered in scratches. Harry cast her a worried look.

Grindylows, Fleur mouthed, shooting over to her sister with a panicked look. Viktor stared at Granger with utter disgust, causing Harry to snort.

The three of them rose swiftly through the water, arriving only two minutes after Cedric. The stands were roaring with pleasure. Madam McGonagall-Pomfrey and her wife were the only ones who looked worried, and the healer was fussing over Cedric and Marcus when they arrived.

Tom, Gabrielle, and Granger woke up as soon as they hit the surface. Gabrielle looked panicky until she saw Fleur, and then she began complaining in French. Tom blushed when he saw Harry, but said nothing. Granger, on the other hand, gave Viktor a longing look.

"Oh Viktor," Granger simpered, "you're so romantic!"

Harry, Tom, and Fleur gagged, and Gabrielle giggled. Granger cast her a look full of loathing.

"Granger," Viktor snapped, losing his temper, "I only asked you to the ball because you vere the last option! I am friends vith Harry, and he hates you. So do I. Stop flirting vith me!"

Granger looked like she'd been slapped, but she silenced.

The judges conferred for a moment, and then Bagman cast the Sonorus spell on his throat again. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached our decision," he called. The stands silenced.

"Fleur Delacour demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble-head Charm, but was delayed by several grindylows. She was the third to find the hostages. She arrived two minutes after the hour. We award her forty points."

Polite applause.

"Cedric Diggory also used the Bubble-head Charm, and was second to find the hostages. He arrived one minute after the hour. We therefore award him forty-seven points."

The Hufflepuffs roared in delight, joined by several Gryffindors. Harry smiled at Cedric, who beamed.

"Viktor Krum used an incomplete form of Transfiguration, which was nevertheless effective, and returned with his hostage at the same time as Miss Delacour and Mr. Potter. We award him forty-five points."

The Durmstrang students and the Slytherins yelled and stomped in support of Viktor, and Harry chuckled when he saw Viktor's scowl. He was clearly annoyed that he had to rescue a girl he hated.

"Harry Potter used gillyweed to great effect," Bagman said, casting Harry a nervous look. "He returned at the same time as Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. He also told Mr. Krum to return and help Miss Delacour with the grindylows, and refused to leave until he was sure the other champions had their hostages. Most of the judges-" he glared at Karkaroff, and Viktor hissed in defense of Harry "-feel that this shows moral fiber and merits full marks. However, Mr. Potter's score is forty-seven points."

"First place," Tom said over the roar from the crowd, a soft smile on his face. His cheeks were red, but Harry couldn't tell whether it was because his body temperature was lower than normal or because he was blushing. When Tom kissed his cheek, causing catcalls from the Slytherins and a disgusted noise from Granger, he knew it was because he was blushing.