Something's Not Right

Aavesh still felt a bit dizzy, as if his mind had worn out thinking about those memories and experiencing that memory as a nightmare was not particularly nice, it felt as if his head was reliving those events once again as if it wanted to embed those shards until he dealt with them in the future...

He decided to take a bath and get cleaned up. At least having some food and then thinking about this would be proper, in his past life those memories would come from time to time and he had taken a long time just lock them away in his mind somewhere but now he felt that all of those memories, especially the most traumatic ones were coming back in full force.

It seems he was going to have to somehow relearn partially locking them away so that it would not bother his current life, for the time being, another method would be to walk on the Path of a mental force warrior, like his mother.

This would definitely help sort this issue out as he would be able to perfectly manage his mind like a library and those memories would only recur if he wanted to access them. But this path- one needed extreme dedication and required a lot of talent which he currently did not yet have, it would be a long painful path for that as well.

After a while he came out of the bathroom, he did feel a bit of relief given from the cold water. He quickly changed into new a cute small red T-shirt and blue cotton pants. He came down to the main hall only to see 2 little lazy kids sleepily eating their breakfast-

(little sister)Chhavi was eating a sour flavored Dolves nutrient bar and (little brother)Vatsya was eating grilled pesto toast with red cherry tomatoes-his favorite food-

~Sigh both were still in their night clothes. It seemed that these 2 brats were still in sleep mode but had to wake up otherwise, Mom would give them an earful. They still needed to go have a bath to get ready for the Day.

He then turned to the Kitchen, where his mother and father were preparing breakfast together.

"You Convinced Them for the Upgrade?"

Kriti looked at Antriksh, as she started to put some vegetables onto the Pan.

Antrish then poured some oil over the vegetables and replied,

"Yes, Although many people are still a bit skeptical about this, and are complaining that the budget should have been used elsewhere... Those old farts should not be overly reliant on getting protection from the Military and Planetary Corps..."

"That's fine, all that matters is the safety of our children"

Then Both of them saw Aavesh enter the kitchen, both had warm smiles on their face, but were surprised to see him washed up and ready, they thought he would a bit harder to handle but it seems they were wrong. Antriksh then bent down as he smiled at the brat,

"Ah, you had nightmares last night little brat?"


"Still scared?"




"You still look a bit glum...-Here ya Go! Mom made your favorite little brat! Cheer up!"

Antriksh then gave his son a plate filled with spiced vermicelli noodles and vegetables.

"Thank You Mom!"

Aavesh then happily took it in his hands and sat down in the main hall to have, They would sit down on the floor to have food, as Antriksh believed it was good discipline and also it would help the food to get digested easily.

He started to dig into the food, happy memories started to flood his mind and his turned a bit watery. He truly missed this. Holding back his tears, he kept on eating, savoring each bite.

However Antriksh and Kriti were not that happy, The look in his eyes became a bit solemn as he turned towards Kriti.

"You saw how he looked and replied right?"

"He may look refreshed but his eye are a bit wrong, like they show a lot weariness and the tiredness in his voice, something is not right."

Kriti spoke her observation with a bit of worry in her eyes. Antrix then held her hand,

"Lets go and check up on him"

Kriti nodded and followed him to the main hall and Antriksh looked at his son who was happily wolfing down his breakfast, however there was still a little redness in his eyes. He asked slowly,

"Ave (MC's nickname) are you feeling Ok?"

Aavesh looked at his Dad with a bit of confusion. ~Do I look a bit unwell? Well my mind sure does feel a bit worn out...~ Aavesh then replied,

"Just a little headache Dad"

"Oh!?Let me check- WHAT! Why is Your Head So Warm!?"

Antriksh was now really taken aback, a simple nightmare or scare should not heat up the brain to this degree, should it? It was like he was having a full blown fever! But the Atrios compound was highly secure with the latest scanners, sanitization tools and the whole compound was doused with the high grade disinfectants!

Plus the Kids were only taken to safe areas whenever they took them out. So what could it be? Wait- Last night... He then looked at Kriti with worry tinged in his eyes and sent his thoughts to her Neural Implant. Kriti was stunned at this and then quickly cupped Aavesh's head in her hands as she spoke,

"Mom, is just going to check a little bit, Don't struggle Ok?"

"Okay Mom!"

This however alarmed his siblings who stopped having their breakfast and got up to see what happened, Antriksh then stopped both of them, as he reassuringly spoke,

"We are just checking on Your brother, you can't disturb Mom while she checks, just stand back and watch Ok?"

The two nodded and obediently stood at his side to see what was going on.

Kriti then slowly increased her mental force, but did it very carefully and gently as her son had not yet started A.G.E (Artificial Genetic Evolution), and his mind pond was not yet reinforced.

A mind pond was located right above the pineal gland, although not physically, it was the interface between the soul and the body.

It is located in the Astral Dimension which co-exists with the material(physical) dimension. Almost everyone is born with a normal mind pond, except for certain exceptional cases.

Kriti was sure her son had a regular mind pond. She could not access memories of another person with her current level but she could view how the mind pond was affected or if anything had tampered with it.

As she switched her astral vision, she could see a normal sized mini pond with glowing lines connecting it to the brain and the to tiny orb floating in the center of the pond, that was the soul.

However something was not right, the entire structure seemed to behave like a glass bottle put through a heavy stress test, like something dragged her son' mind pond into another mental domain partially and was using a very powerful information transmission technique that nearly overloaded her son's mind pond.

But This was not supposed to be possible! All those people capable of THIS- should never come to this small part of the galaxy!

Her mind raced as her forehead started to crease a bit and she quickly condensed a neutral attributed mental force to apply on the scars left around the mind pond, even the soul orb was not looking too good but she could not do anything now, she would have to call her teacher for that.

Aavesh felt as if mind had started to slowly stop grinding in pain and that stuffy feeling was being washed away by a cool sensation, it was like being washed with cool spring water, he felt much better than before.

However Kriti was getting more worried as whatever that being did, it did affect her son's mind pond, it might affect his talent when he starts A.G.E . She needed to confirm the situation with her child and then she would use 'That'. She then retracted her mental force and her child opened his eyes,

"Ave tell me honestly, what did you experience last night? Did you feel someone else? You must tell me because it is very very important"

Aavesh hesitated a bit, but he could he see the worry and concern on his face. He knew he could not tell her about his rebirth, but he did not want to lie either. He inwardly gritted his teeth and decided he would tell her what happened last night but leaving out details about his rebirth.

Of Course he wont make up some random lie, Hehe Lying to mental force warriors was a very bad idea especially when you are just an ordinary mortal. He opened his mouth,

" I felt something very powerful, like an Ocean being pressed on me- But as soon as I opened my eyes it was gone."

Kriti was stunned, although she knew something else had indeed come, but verifying the truth from her sons' mouth shocked her to the core. With her abilities, she could easily tell that he was telling the truth. She then fully exploded her full mental force to cover entire Atrios Estate, Alarming Everyone.

Her parents and in laws noticed this and rushed to her compound while others became a bit vigilant, looking to see if anything was attacking their compound. However Kriti grew even more worried as the Estate was too clean in the Astral dimension, it was as if something had come in and erased every trace of what it had done- this thing- No now only her teacher could handle this situation.

Antriksh was alarmed as he saw the whole thing before his eyes, Now after seeing her outburst, he was sure something was not right. He then saw Kriti looking at him with worry and horror on her face saying,

"The Transponder in the Bedroom, my Boutique NOW!"

Antriksh disappeared in a blur within a fraction of a second and appeared back with a badge shaped object in his hand. He gave it to Kriti, who then placed her thumb on it. the badge scanned her thumb and her mental force seeping from it, It opened an interface on her hand,




"Code Nova Flare 3-7-1"