Dancing in the Shadows Part - 2


A Dark Light flashed and got everyone's attention on the battlefield, The Hulking Monsters looked a bit dazed as they were confused - 'Did those pesky shadow demons not know to hide? They even shut off the stealth muter of their weapon and shot randomly in the skies ! Was this not giving their positions away? Those fools - What have they done!'

The Surprised Human Mecha Squad also deployed an emergency probe from their suit to find out what happened and caught a visual of 2 Dead shadow demons on the opposing Buildings - one from the Diner and the other From the building opposite it.

The Demons had been gruesomely killed, one had its heart squished and another had his chest blasted - with a huge hole. They could not catch a glimpse of the attacker but this helped them understand many things - someone had helped them out.

Even the Hulking Demons were able to sense the Dead Bodies of their pesky comrades and they too shuddered a bit at the sight of the slaughter . Just right now they had the advantage - The Abyssal Domain gave them 80% boost in their abilities while reducing the strength of Non Demonic Beings upto 60%! They could easily bully anyone here without caring!

Every fight would be severe strain on the weaker Humans , atleast none in this space should have been able to have the ability to overpower the domineering effect of the Domain - But someone now did have the ability to ignore the domain! Such ruthless Slaughter - the person who did this should be a monster!

They then turned to look at the human mecha warriors who stared back with grim killing intent! With weapons at full charge with none focused on Auxillary shields, they did not need to care about surprise attacks anymore! Their focus was fully on the Hulking Demons Now...


This time the mecha squad wasted no second in butchering the demons, who let out hideous cries as they were overwhelmed in momentum.

Meanwhile, Aavesh was already moving towards the Def Sec Building with the Shadow Bolter. He quickly came up on the scene where he saw a tall man in an armored suit blocking four intense flame jets with his fists emanating a constant shield of light, while protecting 2 others behind him.

The tall gaunt looking man was definitely a Paladin Apprentice, Aavesh recognized the light shield! It was the unyielding Faith of Light spell, a Paladin exclusive spell supported by the divine force and faith. His attention moved onto a thin white - red armored young man with severe burn injuries who was being cared by a heroic looking Woman with a glowing Bow.

A Radiant Wind initiate and an Artemis Sworn? They were from the Legion Academy! Besides it was not easy to become a member of either of the 3, one needed to go through multiple tests and trials to even qualify as one!

Plus they were not even wearing any official Legion Armor - only Lifebound Natal Weapons and emergency gear - They had not come prepared at all. Aavesh Observed from the shadows and he surmised that these guys had probably come for a vacation but unexpectedly got caught up in this mess.


3 More Vakiis Flaming Demons had joined in trying to burn the tall Paladin initiate alive, who was struggling to keep the shield up, The Young Woman got up with the injured Man in her arms as light coiled around her feet, while the man woke up with a vicious look in his eyes and threw 3 steel balls at the Vakiis Demons with an insane speed, that it even cut through the Flaming Jets like air unharmed.

The 3 steel balls exploded on the surface of the Lava armor with a blinding flash and a frosty breath. At that moment the Tall Man stopped casting the shield and ran with the Nimble Woman leading the way. An Icy mist was released from those balls that immediately extinguished the Flame jets. The Demon's Snarled angrily at their escaping prey - how dare those puny Humans use endless tricks!

However, right at that moment , a tiny human shadow flickered towards them, It had a familiar thing in its back... a shadow Bolter, The Tiny Human however grinned at them before pouncing on the Lava Armor of the Largest one and started to dig through its chest like peeling out potatoes.

The Large Vakiis Demon shrieked at the little thing that was tearing its flesh part and grabbed fiercely at the little thing trying to wrench it away from its chest, the other demons too shook out of their stupor and tried to rip the small human figure away, as it kept clawing at the chest at an inhuman speed despite the immense heat of his body.

Four Demon burned with red eyes and pulled the creature away with some guts and charred flesh and forcibly threw him away as they turned to check on their comrade who stood still in numb manner as soon as ripped him out.

To their horror the Demon's eyes were lifeless as they saw its chest missing a vital organ that should have kept beating - The Heart had been ripped out! The Largest Vakiis demon fell on its knees and slammed face first on the Ground with blood gushing out, forming a pool of demonic blood. The Six other demons grew enraged as they burst their fool flaming power at tiny human figure who got just up.

Six Concentrated Flame jets burst out on Aavesh's Body, but he stood still. Vakiis demons noticed something was wrong as they did not feel their flames burning that little shit at all and they did not even hear the screams. They Stopped their flames as they looked at the tiny figure who seemed to have a lava armor around him , just like them.

"Heh Thanks for this new toy I guess..."

Aavesh spoke in Demon tongue with an insufferable tone to mock these 6 idiots, He had just absorbed the concentrated blood essence within the heart of the Largest demon which he ripped out thanks to these brainless fools and even got a power up from the Flame jets that made it easy to simulate their abilities.

He Grinned at them,

"My Turn Now ! "

Flames swirled around his dark claws as he activated his movement skill and moved like a blur around the six demons, the shadow and flame type ability simulation could be stacked upon freely as long as his body did not feel burdensome otherwise he would explode and die.

Aavesh synergized both abilities and kept attacking with his flame infused claws, the swirling flames made it easier for him to penetrate their flesh and absorb Demon blood even faster! He did not get injured by their semi flaming physiques now.

The Six Demons Vakiis were not built for speed, they were barely at stage 2.3 but they still felt an innate suppression whenever the little Human attacked, it was as if a Demon Lord was Touching them and they could not resist his claws.

This was a suppression of the Cultivation Technique Grade, A Mid Grade Demon Technique was no match for A Demon Lord Level Technique. Similarly A Demon God Level Sutra could crush Demon Lord level Sutras Without even opening an eye.

Aavesh dodged every attack with incredible speed while clawing away at their weak points, he was too hard to hit and his flame armor allowed to him to deal attacks without getting burned back. Such attacks had terribly weakened them and their Lava Armor was of no use.

*Slap !

A demon fell to its knees as Aavesh sliced at its weak point in its calf and proceeded to dodge and attack the other Demons. It felt pain and was unable to stand back immediately, letting its guard down. Aavesh Noticed it along with other Demons and the closest Demon realized what would happen next and tried to Block Aavesh to no Avail.

He simply flickered behind the kneeling Demon and severed its head from the neck with his claws and kicked it away. Another Death increased Pressure on the Vakiis Demons and they went mad when they saw him kick the head so disrespectfully! They were the True Masters and Humans were meant to be slaves! Not the other way Around!

They madly attacked him with their innate Strength and ganged up on him. Aavesh dodged their attacks again and he took the body of the Freshly killed demon while stealthily infusing Corpse Poison Runes and threw it at the Demons who were trying to attack him together and quickly retreated away.

He his throw so that , their punches would instead fall on their Dead Comrade. As soon as their punches landed on the corpse, Bouts of Dark Red-green Mist flooded around the remaining 5 demons, Causing them to cough up blood and feel their insides begin to rot. After Reaching Stage 2.0 , The Corpse poison Runes were able to display even more greater lethality!



3 Demon heads flew in the air while the other 2 demons had their heads smash to fleshy pulp. Obviously Aavesh would not miss the opportunity to send the demons on their way, He quickly beheaded the first 3 immobilized demons and cracked the heads of the other 2 ,while dancing in the shadows.

To Deal with an Unfair Situation, One needed to use Unfair Tricks as well. He then opened his palm to absorb whatever blood Energy that Remained and drifted into the Def Sec Building while blending into the Shadows once again.

A few minutes after he went inside, the heroic trio who had escaped before, came back to battle with most of their injuries healed up - only to find dried up, rotten and dismembered corpses. Surprised with scene, They immediately began to investigate.

The Female Artemis Sworn Got down along with the Radiant wind initiate to inspect the traces of the battle while the Paladin Initiate closed his eyes and crossed his fingers to sense any aura left behind.

" Lisa, I can surmise an extremely fast, shadow based movement technique, the shadow elements here have been recently interacted with, but the size of this assailant is wrong - a small Human Kid?"

" Derek, these corpses have been shredded down with claws and their blood essence and energy has been devoured, But how could a child even? No! This doesn't make Sense ! Pietr can you sense any strange aura?"

They both turned to look at Peitr , who began to frown as he concentrated his radiant spirit to detect anything , Suddenly his spirit shuddered as if it had seen something horrible!

He then immediately spurted blood as his face turned pale and he collapsed down, trembling. His teammates immediately helped him up and supported him with gazes of concern. He tremblingly spoke with fear in his eyes,

"I sens - ed , th-e, sha- dow - of -a - Dem-on - Lo-rd , Lo-rd! "



Both exclaimed in shock as they heard this from Pietr. It should not be possible! If a demon lord dared to enter the Material Plane with a physical body, The Gods would strike it down and burn its soul! Unless, a demon lord somehow possessed a being...

Damn! First an Invasion , Now a fricking Demon Lord Possession! This shit has gone out of their hands!, they needed to escape and try to find a place to communicate with the Legion Academy to Bring an Exorcist to deal with this!

They were just planning to visit the Atrios Compound to learn more about Mecha Synergy and see if they could negotiate for some training spots and Now they were in this mess. However They decide they would go and inform the Town Mayor -John Camner about this news, At least the innocent people of the town wont get implicated by the demon lord.

Defending the town should be impossible Now! they might as well retreat with the town's populace to the Atrios Compound. They immediately rushed away from the Def Sec Building and moved quickly towards last stronghold in the town.

Meanwhile, Aavesh kept killing all the remaining shadow demons in the Def Sec Building , while moving in between the shadows and killing ordinary Demon Troops that were inside the Building. He stealthily absorbed all their Blood essences and converted it into Blood Energy. He was now nearing a breakthrough. He needed to kill a stage 2.5 and above and absorb its Blood essence.

He quickly headed towards the main Sec Control room to restart the Energy Generators and Town Defenses. Just as he came to the main hall where the entrance to the Sec Control room was, he felt a chill in his body and reflexively dodged back.

*Spiff An acidic stinger stabbed right where he was, it was much stronger than all the demons he had seen in town, The Creature was on the ceiling, It had the upper body of a bewitching Voluptuous Woman with a lower body of a grotesque giant scorpion.

It looked at him with playful curiosity, speaking in raspy voice-

"Jie-Jie-Jie You Dodged that? Well Well, what do we have here , A human child that cultivates the Demonic Sutra of a Demon Lord! How interesting, You will definitely be a delicious delicacy..."

She licked her lips in a sensual manner while staring at Aavesh. Feeling Goosebumps all around his body, Aavesh could not help but curse in his Heart,