The Blood Lord Awakens

The Scorpivae was going to kill him, She did not want any threats that could mess up their invasion. He had seen how she effortlessly defeated him, infact only the runes inscribed by his granparents had any affect on her!

Aavesh tried to fight back but his struggle only increased the strength of her chokehold. Her craziness only became more fiercer with his struggle. His vision was becoming darker- No matter how hard he struggled against her grip, Death seemed to be around the corner.

Aavesh stopped struggling as he felt despair, was everything going to be lost once again? Was fate not going to change? Would all of them die like they did before? He failed again? Yes he failed again... again...

The light in his eyes dimmed as he stopped breathing.In his mind, All that was left now was despair and darkness. His hope had been shattered. Now all he had to do was wait for death to claim him... or well not.

When a person is driven to the deepest abyss the first time, they always feel the deepest despair and an incredible amount of self loathing.

But drag them out with hope only to toss them down once again into the abyss-

that said person's mind will break and there will be no restraints for a shattered mind except for itself, it is still the most vulnerable moment where one can unknowingly accept a foreign entity.

If one could see Aavesh with Astral vision now- just close to his mind pond, a tiny figure resembling a Dark Blood Droplet which Aavesh never noticed had begun to whisper words of madness and rage in demon tongue.

Infact the moment Aavesh cultivated the Blood demon Descending Sutra, a shadowy droplet shaped mental strand of the blood demon Lord did indeed descend quietly into his mind - silently waiting - observing this strange mortal child that managed to cultivate this rather private technique, it grew extremely curious as its voices were unable to influence this little bug.

What was even more curious - it could not access a portion of the memories either, it was incapable of breaking the unknown hidden mental runes guarding the child's memories.

~These Runes... Even the Demon Goddess would not be able to recognize them~ The consciousness within the Dark Blood Droplet surmised, These runes would only be visible to Beings above the Immortal Myth Stage - even he would not be able to detect it without observing carefully.

~These Runes do not belong to this Epoch... How interesting~

Luckily apart from that particular section of memories, there was no other protection apart from weak runes left behind a stage 3 Rune master, which it crushed instantly.

~Those memories... do they contain some kind of unknown forbidden Knowledge?~ Like any Demonic entity, it felt an itch in its heart regarding this notion-It definitely felt that the child had some unspeakable secret only known to Ancient Gods!

One Could die if they knew such secrets!

But he wanted to find out anyway... After all there was no risk without reward! But that would be only if the child became his soul slave- for that he must wait patiently and silently influence the child' thoughts to chaos bit by bit.

So it just waited for an opportunity- one where he could fuse with in the mind pond, in the Child's most vulnerable and unconscious state.

The child had a strong will, meaning that its mind would not die easily in the face of death, No matter his psychological thoughts, the child needed only to feel one thing for his plan to work-Rage, an unrestrained rage that could burn anything down without regard for anyone else!

When the child was reaching the moment of death - within it's broken psyche which began boil in rage like an erupting volcano, The Dark Blood Droplet moved into the unstable mind pond and began to fuse with it , carefully to avoid triggering the runes present in that section of memories.

Almost Every inch of his Mind Pond became crimson colored- with hints of eerie purple spots had already begun appearing, But it dare not touch the part covered with Glowing Blue runes. The Already unstable Mind Pond , began to burn with Abyssal flames , all other thoughts than RAGE were burnt down!

The Blood Droplet could feel it!

He could feel how the child WANTED REVENGE AGAINST EVERYTHING THAT STOOD IN HIS PATH! HE WANTED BLOOD! In the depths of Aavesh's mind pond all his dark desires, vengeful and rage infused thoughts that he had suppressed before while having clarity - now had nothing to restrain them anymore!

They became stronger and stronger as with the Blood Droplet's influence as it began to merge with Aavesh, As long as one had a common goal even a demon and an angel would fight side by side!

The common objective now was Rage and a thirst for BLOOD! Aavesh did not even care now, he easily accepted the blood droplet's temptation in his blind fury.

The moment the blood droplet completely merged with his mind Pond - Dark Flames exploded around it, commanding the Strength of the Abyss to Descend!

Aavesh jolted awake as his eyes snapped open with a red blood trickling out and a twisted smile on his face- He felt the freedom from senseless morality and reason , Now - No Order could truly hold him back!

He then looked at the mocking Scorpivae's Face. Aavesh now felt an unrestrained Rage within him Demanding to take over and Tear this Scorpivae Bitch to SHREDS!!!

It was at this time- The blood droplet already felt Aavesh give in to desire with no scruples. It then willed its Higher Abyssal Essence to descend and burn within the mortal child!

The first step of his scheme was about to succeed, he only influenced Aavesh with a thought in order to fully accept the Burning power- By Channeling In the most Primal Fury within him - within his Blood!

'The Bitch deserves what's coming for her, Give in to RAGE! DOMINATE WITH THE POWER OF THE ABYSS AND LET ALL TREMBLE WITH BLOOD BOILING! ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS GIVE IN- BECOME RAGE! BECOME BLOOD!'. The Blood Droplet's dark tempting voice had finished its task.

In all his blind fury Aavesh gave in to this Rage Filled Abyssal Mythic Power! His pupils turned eerily Blood red with no whites only bottomless black. A sudden strong Blood Filled Aura surged out of him knocking the scorpivae back in surprise as she saw the scene in shock.

The mortal child before her was resonating with Demonic Mythic Power and had even called down the Power of the Boundless Abyss. The child's Aura strengthened at a monstrous rate as Abyssal Flames began to burn around him. The flames had increased his demonization process to an incredible speed - His height and remaining arm began to enlarge to a greater size.

His muscles and skin became dark red with hints of glowing earie purple vein - like patterns . He was now 1.7m in height and as canines began to appear in his mouth. Then flames roared even more strongly as 2 Pairs of Flaming Blood horns grew on Aavesh's forehead as he screamed out wildly in inhuman pain and his remaining arm clawed at his face!

A dark Red Sharp pointed Tail grew out from his behind. He let powerful roar as Dense Crimson light exploded around him- sewing chaos in reality. He now had the physique of a Real Demon.

"ASCENSION...You- FUCK YOU BLOOD LORD!!!" The Scorpivae now comprehended the situation in shock as she understood what just happened. This Mortal Brat had undergone what every demon Dreams OF! - ASCENSION! This bug now had the potential to become a true Demon Lord in the FUTURE!

Without undergoing ascension one could only dream of breaking through the Pinnacle of Core Stage. It was not easy to Ascend! The Blood Demon Lord definitely sacrificed a massive amount of power to make the child undergo Ascension! This was costly even for a Demon Lord!

They would not easily do it and usually they never did- But Blood Lord did it! To her it meant that he wanted to completely exploit Her Masters' Hard work! How could she let it happen so easily! She napped back to her senses and struck at Aavesh with her stinger in the strongest force as much possible.

But just as her stinger reached close to Aavesh. His Dark Red eyes snapped back open with intense Blood thirst. His Eyes gave of Purplish Crimson Light as his remaining claw like hand simply caught the approaching stinger in an inhuman speed.

The Scorpivae looked at this in horror as she tried to retract it back with the Strength of a half step stage 4.0 warrior. But no matter how hard she she tried the Stinger would not move a single inch from that Demonic child's grip. The Demonic Child simply stared at her like a Predator observing Prey. He then turned to looked at his severed arm lying not far away .

Dark blood like tentacles appeared out of his broken stump and quickly stretched out to his broken arm - wrapping around it creepily and fused it back with "munch" sound with his body.

His new body and his old arm - Of Course the arm reacted very strongly with the demonic Blood and began to mutate vigorously to adjust with his new physique.

It began to sizzle and grow in size to match his new proportions as with red scales appearing all around it. His muscles began to contort and expand monstrously with red scaled tentacles wrapping around it .

It felt truly powerful now! - with the additional muscular strength provided by these Blood red scaled tentacles, he definitely felt that this mutated arm had 10 times more strength than his other arm!

But this arm is not very powerful at channeling blood energy like his unbroken arm. Oh well, we all cant always have what we want But then again -

Aavesh punched around fist freely in the air with a powerful force and then clenched it hard to hear a screeching metallic sound. His upgraded arm was indeed 'hard' now.

He turned to look at the shivering scorpivae and muttered, " Now where was I?"