Assault On Visordin!

After Quickly Analyzing the Rift Signature and Structure on their Control Panels on the Ship - The Specialists on Board the Space Ships warned about bombarding the Rift with Technological Weapons - The Rift was already Unstable as it was now after the Recent Expansion - Any form of Destabilization could make the whole situation worse!

They would have to manually find and remove the object that sustained the Rift. If they could not close it - They would Control IT!

As a result of seeing the massive horde of Demons Emerging From Chaos Portals - Various Mechs and Dropships began to Descend as well! Squadron After Squadron of Mech Warriors, Armor masters, and Colossal HRVE Mobile Tank Dropped down from the Ships.

Powerful Energy Gates opened around the Cavern Revealing Specialized Mech Warriors from the 3 Local Academies! Even members of Different Clans and Groups had joined in the fray along with the schools! It seemed this mass mobilization of the Demons had caused nearly 90% of the Best Armed Forces in the System Had Arrived.

Imagine Millions of Troops Facing off with Hordes of Demons. Neither Side had an Advantage on Numbers - Now it would be a brutal fight to the death! No one would Give in.

The Alliance Forces charged in on the Frontlines with various Small SKAR Jets raining Hellfire on the Flying Demons, Armored Mechs charged right on Hulking Behemoth Skull Demons! Holy Clerics casting Divine Rays to incinerate Succubi and Incubi who were attempting to launch a Mind Rending Bewitchment Spell On the Human Troops!

Several Colossal Sinews had been unleashed against the Mobile HRVE Tanks - Elite Mech Warriors clashed off against 'modified' Troops, with Terrifying Blasts echoing on Both Sides.

Regular Cultivating Troops fought against the Vile Babau and Shadow Demons.

Blood Splattered on Both Sides as dismembered limbs and heads flew like Chopped Vegetables all over. The Whole Assault had yet to Still reach the Climax - This was only the beginning.

Specialist From AEON and CCC joined together for a rare moment to unleash Several Distortion Bombs that shattered All the Shields set up by the Demons To Protect The Rift!

Even Rayna and Traven joined in the Battle along with Antrix and Kriti. - Yes Even Troops from the Atrios Compound had joined in as well! As Runemasters, Rayna and her disciples created a specialized meat Shredder construct to tear through the Demon Lines!

Traven and Antrix Began to start Blood Bath on the Flaming Vakiis Demons to take out the Flame Cannons that were being used to shoot at the Dropships and the Healers of the FNC.

While the Fighting Continued - A silver Armored Demon Butchered Demons while Zapping through towards the Rift and Tore through the Black Shatter Shield left ON by the 'man'. The 'man' however cast several black chains of light to constrict Aavesh while he Turned towards the Arch - Priests and spoke, " It is Time - Begin the Final Ritual, Your Souls shall not go to Judgement! Our Divine Mother Will Gladly Accept you for Your Sacrifice!"

But most Of the other Arch Priests Looked Hesitant and Reluctant to do so - They obviously did not want to sacrifice their lives - they were not Saints or Slaves! But the Female Arch Priestess Mora who had turned into a swarm of insects before and was hovering around the Obelisk - immediately swarmed up to every living Being with her insects Except Aavesh and the 'man' within the Black Shatter Shield and Dug through their Brains to take immediate Control.

They instantly became part of the Swarm. Her Swarm.

The Whole Swarm then Descended into the Projection of the Demon Goddess above The Rift To Serve As Fuel! The Projection opened its mouth and Thoroughly Devoured the willing and the unwilling Food served by the Swarm and Absorbed the Swarm as well.

The Swarm however obediently let itself be devoured by the Projection of the Goddess without Resistance. As if Sensing most of the Swarm to be dead - The 'modified' soldiers dropped dead immediately as if the connection between them and the queen had been broken.

The Unique Laser which had disintegrated most of the Outer Layers on the Chunk of Rock had been forcibly enhanced again by the Projection of the Demon Goddess - causing the Inner layers to disintegrate faster and faster. The 'man' however focused his energy on trying to restrain Aavesh, who began to forcibly break through the Black Lines that tried to coil around him with the Glowing Red Runes.

Aavesh used that forbidden power again but this time he suppressed his feelings to focus on his opponent.

As a slight red aura surrounded him again but it was more controlled now - He had to thank Executor Visor for this. The Executor Kept his mind clear now, instead of handling any other function. He had to do the final step himself!


Aavesh successfully tore through only to see the rift growing Bigger and Bigger. 'DAMN IT!' He cursed internally at the sight. What the fuck was happening now? Why did the Rift Expand Three TIMES? In his Past life, this Rift expanded only Once! A Lot more innocent people were going to get implicated! Enough had already died for this Bullshit!

Red Light covered his fist as he saw a new web made of Black Lines - Heading his way, attempting to restrict him again.

He mobilized the destructive Crimson Red Aura around his Body and Leaped towards the Web!


His Speed increased as he shot through the black web like a bullet and punched the surprised 'man' sending him flying towards the Obelisk. But his armored fist felt a bit of pain when he punched him - It was like hurting a piece of Dark Obsidian.

He frowned as he saw the 'man' get up and looked at him only to laugh in anger, " HAHAHAHA So it was You! You Are the GODDAMMNED VARIABLE THAT KEEPS BREAKING MY PLANS!!!"

The 'man' calmed down as he spoke again, "You should have not tried to stand in my way you Pathetic Brat - Oh Don't give me that surprised Look, I sent that Scorpivae after Lord Bathor Felt a tiny crack on the Fate Stone of this Damned World!"

The 'man' had severe killing intent in his eyes for Aavesh - He had truly infuriated him this Time!

" So Variable, who causes chaos in chaos, Let's See who's Stronger!"

With that both of them disappeared from their places, with flickering shadows of Extreme Punches and Kicks that even got the attention of the rest of the People who were fighting before. Both Sided stopped as they felt dangerous Power fluctuations coming from around the Rift. It was like two figures - one Red and one Black -clashed all over, and performed the most brutal moves against each other to get the upper hand.

But neither side relented for one Bit! The Black Figure threw Red Figure on the Ground and Stomped his Spine. But the Red Figure shook it off and caught the Black Figure's Leg and threw him at the Already Broken Roof of the Once Existing Cavern and smashed his red fist on the Black Figure's Chest causing him to shoot at the roof even faster.


The Black Figure crashed and then what remained of the cavern also exploded loudly, like the rumble of a Volcano. But the Black Figure Suddenly appeared with a massive chunk of the Broken Cavern's Roof which he caught mid-air and smashed it over the Red Figure with a terrifying force that even left cracks in the Ground.

The Red Figure Shot out of the Dust with even more ferocity and smacked at the Black Figure Down. The Black Figure, however, caught his smack and Bombarded the Red Figure with a Thick Blast of Destructive Shadow Force and threw him down, and Bombarded him with even more Shadow Force Blasts that literally scared out Both Humans and Demons Alike and caused them to retreat Further from the Battlefield.

The 'man' then landed down and coughed Thick Black Oily Blood from his mouth. He was sweating profusely now - His Body was riddled with scars and Burnt flesh on some corners. This Variable - extremely Powerful - He was not very proficient but way too creative with whatever Power that was. He could tell that it was of Abyssal Origin But he could not tell which Demon had bestowed that Power - Was it some Hidden Enemy of Lord Bathor and The Divine Queen?

Whatever - No Body could just Survive Death Energy Infused Shadow Force Blasts - Especially when he Used Consecutive Blasts - Just to be Sure.


The 'man' 's ears twitched as he turned his head to the Chunk of Rock under the Mysterious Lasers. It was almost Broken! Their Plan was about to Finally succeed!

Just as he was about to Leap towards it, A Glowing Red Metal Fist Landed on his Neck with Incredible Power that sent a massive shock wave - even stronger than the Shadow Force Blasts! Although the Punch was powerful but it did not behead him - It only partially Broke His neck and shattered his lower spine.

The 'man' in his horror collapsed down with Thick Black blood Spurting out From his mouth like the water being released from the Flood Gates! But The 'man' however still bent his right hand Backwards to Face Aavesh and Released a Deathly Curse Mist that sprayed all over Aavesh's Face, as he collapsed down.

The 'man' expected a thud sound immediately with how deadly that curse mist was! It could kill Stage 7 Powerhouses in microseconds as well!

But the sound never came.


The 'man' felt his right arm break - even if the pain was agonizing his throat was filled with Blood and he could not scream as well. Standing above that Broken Arm was Aavesh - Aavesh was bleeding a bit from injuries on the Head and all over his Body - But Executor Visor Kept healing most of it and that Red Power allowed him to basically ignore any kind of Death Energy or Curse that attacked his Body.

Too bad he was the worst match for his Opponent Today.

Aavesh then picked the fallen 'man' by his neck and showed him the Rift as he spoke,

"You Opened this Rift Personally Didn't You?"


"I'll take your silence as a Yes"


"I couldn't help but notice something extra down there, you guys are shooting all that excess energy on a chunk of a Rock that is almost Disintegrated"




The 'man' vomited a few metallic pieces of internal organs this time - But his throat was clear now, He did not even have to turn to see Aavesh to speak, not that he could turn his Broken neck anyway, His eyes turned a bit crazed and full of worship as they gazed at the Projection and the chunk of rock Reverently.

This Time, Derisive and hoarse words left out from the 'man' 's throat,

"You are Just - A - Mortal. There somethings Your Pitiful brain can never comprehend! How I envy you all for having such a divine treasure- yet being blind enough to never even see it. This Power will be hers and you and all of mongrel cretin of a species will only ever amount AS FOOD FOR HER!"


As He finished speaking, the final layer on the chunk of Rock Broke...