The Choice

As the Demon Goddess kept shouting profanities to hear, Aavesh kept punching the Obelisk with His Mythic Power. Each Punch seemed to curb the Demon Goddess's Influence on The Runes. He paid her no heed and kept punching the Main Obelisk to vent his Rage.


Soon the White Runes had spread enough to cause the Main Obelisk to add an additional Function. The Original Rift which connected to the Abyss began to distort partially and Blue Light of Order Began to shine through the chaos-filled rift.

It seemed to be shaky but Suddenly let out a huge force of Power that even pushed back Aavesh and interrupted his rage punching.

A curious Scene Emerged - The Original Rift which was only connected to the Abyss - Had become a Binary Rift System! It was now connected to the Infinite Machina Dimension. Although it was smaller - the power of Order it Radiated was undeniable. At that very moment, A new Projection had arrived - summoned by the Silver Obelisk through the new Rift.

It was a Stern Tall Handsome Human Man between his 20s - 30s with striking Black hair and iridescent eyes. He looked neither too young nor old but perfectly mature. He wore the Traditional attire of a long-lost civilization that was probably not documented on Earth.

He had a very calm expression but a strict posture - refined by millennia of discipline. His presence gave off an indescribable Aura around him as a Powerful Light Blue Domain emerged from him and easily caught up to the size of the Demon Goddess.

He was none Other Than - Irolin, God of Martial Prowess and Perfection - The Uncrowned God King, Archduke in Empyrean Heaven, Machina Axis and Naraka Hell. The Twin Brother Of the God Magic and Chaos. The Ultimate Warrior in the eyes of the God Mind - The Only Person who was capable of standing on the Same Level as the God of Order in the Infinite Machina!

Irolin Stared at Aavesh and the Demon Goddess. He spoke very calmly,

"So this was your scheme Gahadria - You were very meticulous and would have probably won - Alas you could never predict this... Curious Variable"


Irolin waved his hand and the Goddess was - unable to speak anymore? Although one could see her cursing so much that even a knight might commit suicide because of it. But Irolin ignored her.

He looked at the rift and spoke further,

"You are Surprisingly Right Gahadria - I did break the Rules ... But to fix them. After all even the universe has not caused any form of resentment against me like it has for you - though I believe you do not care anyway - We'll chat later."

He clapped his hands towards her and her Projection Broke down into simmering Dust - Just Like That! Although it tried to Reform again with the Help of the Abyssal Rift. Irolin pointed a finger at the Main Obelisk and the Black Runes unwrote themselves - literally, they unwrote the runes which involved summoning the Projection of the Demon Goddess!

He still did not close the Abyssal rift yet - There were Demons who had trespassed the Material Realm, Even if he wanted to extinguish them, he could not - He had also broken the Rules and hence the petty Universe negotiated these rules with him. Even the will of the Boundless Abyss chimed in to Support this Stance!

He did however leave a little mark on them, The Universe never said anything about what happened in the Abyss, Even the Abyss would not be able to find this little trick. He turned to the remaining Hordes of the Abyss and spoke in a commanding Tone,

" You all have violated the Interplanar Treaty. You Do Not Belong Here. Order will be restored and those belonging to other Planes shall leave without question or face my Wrath- You will also remove every curse you laid in the Material Realm! Unbalanced Chaos Magic has no place in the Material Plane!"

With a flick of his fingers - Irolin Create a Space Bubble Around the Rifts and which also encased Aavesh within it. All remaining Demons soon Began to get pulled into the Bubble without Resistance.

They all went into the Abyssal Rift without a word - none of them wanted to face the wrath of a Powerful god like Irolin - Nobody had a death wish despite how insane they were. A Tiny Swarm of Demonic Insects wrapped around the beheaded 'man' 's head and dragged his still alive head into the rift as well while a few demons dragged whatever remained of his Body as well.

Within a Minute All of them disappeared, except for Aavesh who was being held back by the Blue Chains of Order! It was the Hold Demon Spell- which Irolin had secretly cast on him when he created the space Bubble.

Aavesh however looked at Irolin and Growled like an animal. Irolin stepped down from the air and placed his palm on Aavesh's Forehead with Blue Light - He did not give Aavesh any time to react.

He only returned partial lucidity to what remained of Aavesh's Humanity in his Soul and when he saw the Red glow in Aavesh's eyes disappear, only then did he remove the Chains of Order. Aavesh's Body had long become that of a Demon's, His Energy was had already Transformed to match that of a Demon and his Soul was the Last to go.

Demons were not Soul less, their souls were just too Dark to be even considered souls - They had different cycle of Rebirth altogether - like all Mythic Beings. Aavesh's Soul could be considered to have few light spots left.

Aavesh did not do anything Evil, His soul just became dark due to never ending Pain and Rage from his Past Life, Ironically it was His hatred against demons that caused this.

He let it consume him, and he vented it all out on Different Demons Ever Since the Invasion - dripping his soul into heavily into negative emotions - plus the Influence of the Mythic Power he had been induced into Cultivating just acted as a Catalyst - This was further hastened when he discovered that ancient Power when his Soul had been pulled to the Deepest Depths of the Abyss.

It was a case where his hands were clean - no innocent life on them and yet his Soul was as Dark as a Demon's. Emotions were strange Powers - it could turn a bright soul into a dark one and turn an emotionless into a remorseful one.

Irolin knew the whole thing as soon as he gazed at Aavesh - It was he who sent Executor Visor after all. He was different from other Gods - His opponents never came from them but those that went beyond the Ordinary God-Level! He knew when Time had been tampered with and managed to deduce the Exact Star Region - where that tiny minuscule new temporal distortion had come from.

To be clear - He had sent his will within Executor Visor to assess the situation and was surprised to find the Variable - Aavesh. It was clear that Aavesh was the root cause of the Temporal Deviation. But did that mean that he was responsible was the Deaths caused in this invasion? In a Mortal perspective- yes and on the Cosmic Scale - No. Aavesh had merely given all the inhabitants new variables and choices to make.

In the end - they had made the decision. Irolin would never blame him - He sensed the strong will within Aavesh that kept him from harming innocents and used his power that stemmed from chaos to fight chaos. Not that Irolin would recommend such a method but it was a remarkable approach given the situation.

Still every choice had its own consequences - good or bad. In Aavesh's case - he lost his humanity to save humanity. A Paradox. An Irony. But Irolin could reverse the Transformation Process to an extent - But Aavesh would lose any Talent he had for Mythic Cultivation. He would be an ordinary Human.

Irolin was tempted to help Aavesh change his fate. Even if he had violated some of Temporal Laws - He had contributed to restoring Order.

He did not despise these so-called Time Travellers as long as they did not sow Chaos.

Most were just Harmless Scientists and Historians who came to seek knowledge of the Past.

Well there were guardians who usually took care of such Temporal Interlopers and He happened to be one of Solutions in case someone was able to Bypass these Guardians. He would Naturally Locate and Dispatch them in an instant.

But Aavesh's case made him very curious - He only detected a small change and No Out Of Time Bodies - He deduced with Visor that Aavesh had received memories from a future after Listening to his Conversations at the Def Sec Hall On Sarkon.

It was so well done that he was only able to find Aavesh when he was the Only Demonized Human on Sarkon when the whole Rift Happened.

Unless he gets involved in another Grand Fate Schemes, Aavesh was free to make his choices - according to him at least.

But He could not interfere - the Abyss would not let him and the Universe had complied. The Best he could do for someone like Aavesh was to let him make the Conscious Choice himself. Aavesh now had the Best Form of Abyssal Mythic Power he had Ever Seen!

Even that Horny Bitch Gahadria was still ways off from reaching this Level - But he doubted whether she could ever achieve it. His Mythic Power had a Purity that She could never hope to ever get.

What really frustrated him, was that it was his Power that had been sealed in Executor Visor that Aavesh had used to Curb the Already Present Abyssal Demon Mythic Power in his Soul.

Aavesh Had created constructs to restrict the Mythic Power as much as possible but due to its Chaotic Nature - It Refined itself while trying to seep into Aavesh's Soul. Irolin's Powers dealt with Perfection - By a Stroke of Cosmic Coincidence, his Power helped to Perfect the Chaotic Abyssal Mythic Powers.

It made them so Pure and Potent that even the Abyss was very interested in this. To Sum Up This Fiasco - what happened to Aavesh now was his fault. He wanted to fix this But the Damned Abyss and The Universe were against it. Fuck!

He looked at the dazed Aavesh with Pity in his Eyes, he let out a sigh and spoke,

"Well Done, child - You did it- You stopped the Abyssal Invasion - But with a Price"

Aavesh looked at Irolin in Surprise, as he nearly jumped a bit, and pointed at him as if seeing a Ghost,


Aavesh exclaimed in surprised Tone. But Irolin on let out a soft chuckle at this, and then turned a bit serious as he spoke,

"Calm Down, Listen to me Carefully - I managed to pull whatever light you had left in your soul so that you could make a choice for yourself - In few moments this will fade and your rage will come back - You will truly have become a Demon Then"

"Your current predicament could be said to be partially related to me - more specifically the Power I sealed within Executor Visor - It had accidentally Transformed Your Mythic Power into what it is Now."

Aavesh was a bit stunned at the Revelation and fell silent for a moment,

"So that whole thing was due to you? My Rage and whole Power was because of what you did?"

Irolin replied painfully," Yes."

But what happened next stunned him. He saw Aavesh lunge at him and - hugged him? He could hear the young boy's sobs. Aavesh spoke in tears but his eyes did not have resentment - It was filled with gratitude as he spoke,

"Thank You - I would have never been able to accomplish this without that power - thank you for helping me get it and keeping my sanity, so I could close the rift."

He stopped hugging and just stood back as he still spoke with tears,

"My whole life - I had only this one mission - I only wanted to Save my family! I did not want them to die because of this damned Abyss - I knew the consequences the moment I cultivated that Demonic Sutra. But I do not Regret it. I do not blame you - I only Thank You Lord Irolin! whatever my fate is I accept it!"

Irolin's calm heart was moved after hearing this, 'this child...', It was a longtime since he had seen such a good heart that did not blame the Divine or Worship it Blindly. He could feel so piety except gratitude - That was good. He disliked being worshipped, He would rather have his values passed down instead of blind worship! Alas!

He still decided to have a little bit of hope, and spoke,

" I still blame myself for this, but I am glad that you forgive me - Listen Aavesh, Once this Power Retracts - The Abyss will call you to fully become a part of it "

"You are suitable for it, you have gained tremendous fortune and talent in Abyssal Mythic Power - You will go farther than any Demon has ever Gone and maybe even reach My Level - If you accept it"

"But if You Do Not accept it and resist its Temptation - You will lose not only your Mythic Power But Your other talents as well "

"You will be reduced to an Ordinary Mortal and will find it a 100 times harder to cultivate any Mythic Power, But the choice is yours - Mortality or Myth, Good Luck"

Aavesh Bowed his head in Respect to Irolin and turned to face the Abyssal Rift. He did not speak further. Aavesh was resigned to his fate, His hatred was still there and he knew in just few moments it would ensnare his mind.


The effects had worn off and Aavesh eyes had turned Glowing Red again. The God Sighed, it seemed obvious what he would choose. He sadly watched him walk closer to the Rift, step by step.

All seemed lost - but then again - Nobody was ever lost forever. Somewhere deep within Aavesh's darkened soul, a tiny spot of light remained - unwilling to die out. The Darkness tried to consume it, but it simply could not - no matter how hard it tried.

The Tiny Spot rebelled - it would not let anyone violate it. Aavesh stopped before the rift and frowned, he felt something amiss within his soul - something stopping him from fully embracing his rage. He then focused on what was blocking him, he would remove it forcibly if it did not comply and conform!

He angrily found the spot of memories and was about to extinguish them - but he stopped. The memory was about his favourite food. Spiced Vermicelli Noodles his parents made for him the day he woke up.

He Tremblingly recalled it and the light spot shined brightly as he sank into recollection. His Parents cooking and bantering happily in the kitchen, His little siblings munching greedily on their breakfast! He was getting a hug from his Mom and Dad. He sat down to have those delicious Vermicelli Noodles in Peace. How He enjoyed that day. Tears fell down from his eyes as he recalled it all.

That one memory - He could not Lose! It was a rare moment of warmth. But the Abyss would not let him have it. Then - Then - Then... Fuck the Abyss!

Aavesh rebelled against his own Power! He would not let anyone touch this Memory! No!

At that moment - other realizations seemed to hit him. He had not done enough yet - His family what would they feel if they knew he became a part of the Abyss? Were they not safe yet from the Demons? Why was he still so angry? Was this Mythic Power that important? Was it greater than his love for his Family? - No, it was not!

The Abyss could have its Power Back! He did not want to leave his Family and become a monster!

The Red Glow on Aavesh Flickered as he tried to turn away from the Rift. But The Abyss drew him back! This time it decided to offer the greatest Temptation - It feeded on His Rage and sent him exactly what his dark part wanted - A glimpse of the Future should he choose the Abyss!

Aavesh saw the world grow dark as he was pulled into this vision - He had arrived at the Largest Realm of the Abyss - The Blood Throne made from countless Demon Lords and a Mythic Immortal. But there was something wrong - The Abyss had gone silent- save for a sole Crimson Maelstrom in the Hall of Desires. He entered the Maelstrom to see corpses of Demons shredded and charred, bodies of Uncountable Demon Lords torn like rabidly, skulls of hundreds of Demonic Mythic Immortals Staked on the Sides on the Cold Purplish Marble Hall - On a throne of Countless Corpses from all Mythic Dimensions- sat atop A lone Demon God - Red Flames Erupted from his Horns, His Pitch Black Obsidian Armor radiated with Red lightning.

He held the Skull of the Demon Goddess Gahadria like a plaything. He ROARED With Laughter as he looked at it. Aavesh knew who this was - it was him, a version of himself in the future. The Abyss No Longer had Demons in it except for Himself. His existence had killed all demons once they were born. His Power was at the Peak of the Mythic Dimensions as Irolin had said.

So He would turn out like this - But Aavesh could not help but look at this future self a bit more deeply. The Demon God version of Himself maybe laughing and Enjoying his power. But Aavesh could see through those smoldering crimson eyes - an emptiness.

It was the same emptiness he felt when he died. An emptiness formed from Regrets. Aavesh laughed a bit at this - Even if he became a demon God - He would not be able to soothe that pain or erase those regrets. He would just be lying to himself.

Aavesh shook his head calmly, His heart that was filled with hatred and Rage for Demons, now was feeling serene. He could hate Demons, But he could not let this hate consume him. It was not worth it. He turned his back and the Vision disappeared.

He was right in front of the Abyssal Rift, But this time Aavesh felt his heart unburdened. He calmly turned away.

But the abyss manifested in front of him like a purple mist ghost - albeit Angrily, Demanding he either go or give his Power Back to remain as a pathetic Mortal, incapable of ever Achieving Mythic Apotheosis!

But Aavesh looked dead serious at this and spoke with a determined tone,



The Purple mist Ghost Dissipated angrily, while within Aavesh's soul - He felt the Power which received from that Mysterious Stele leave him and disappear into the Rift. He kneeled down as he felt his body melt, the Demon Blood in him began to evaporate. His Horns had crumbled like pieces of broken stone.

He felt incomparable pain, as if the Abyss wanted to torture him and try to change his mind forcibly. But Aavesh did not relent, He held on to his conviction as the Demon Mythic Power fully left his soul - leaving no trace behind.

His Blood core had also melted away. The Stench of excess Darkness in soul had completely left and his soul was as ordinary as a mortal's.

Aavesh felt his body was about to collapse as he could sense it completely breaking down at the cellular level. In a few seconds he was about to turn into a pool of organic liquid.

But Blue Lights of Order shined upon his Body. His cells stopped breaking down and were being restored and cleansed of any Abyssal Aura. His Bones and flesh that threatened to melt - were being reforged and resculpted.

Aavesh Looked up painfully to See Irolin Smiling at him while shining the healing blue light that saved his Life. As if gaining relief - Aavesh fainted from the pain. His Body had returned that to of a normal human child before he cultivated any Demonic arts.

Irolin smiled and spoke with a warm tone,

"You rejected the Abyss in the most Grandiose Manner Brat! I have never seen it so pissed and vengeful, But I am glad you did - Welcome Back and Don't cultivate Demonic arts, they are beneath you."

Irolin left several Protective runes and a Blessing of Acknowledgement on Aavesh, before sending him out of the Space Bubble, He knew what Human Inquisitors would think if they saw a child here - with his blessing they would not do anything to harm him.

Besides those runes and blessing would leave once Aavesh was verified and safely returned back to his family.

Irolin looked at the Abyssal Rift and chuckled. He then retrieved the Silver Obelisk and Executor Visor. The runes were already in place and they did not have to do anything more.

He then threw the Silver Obelisk out of the Space Bubble - He was sure she could find her way back without his help.

With his Palm hitting his fist, He spoke a Divine Word Of Power,

"Restore Order"

The Main Obelisk shined so bright with Blue light, that it was erased from Existence. Both the Rifts Mended themselves completely. The Space Bubble and Irolin vanished as if never existing before.

The Invasion had Ended.