Higher Dimensional Blood

Bloodlines could offer a powerful boost to a person's Mythic Abilities and also place a powerful obstacle to their Future growth depending on their unique Traits.

As Lord Irolin often said - 'Any Obstacle can be broken and you will find a new way of Power'

The same principle applies to Bloodlines as well - despite how limiting they can be, once you work around it or break the limit, You essentially can receive immense power and make up for your weaknesses in certain areas"

For eg: A Girl born with celestial Bloodlines may not be able to master Arcane forms of Spells easily as she masters Divine forms of spells - But as she grows stronger her bloodline could be slowly molded to tap into the arcane potential as well and she would have an opportunity to become an extremely powerful Class of a Spell caster - The Mystic Theurge who do not have any form of conflict found between the Arcane and The Divine.

A Regular Mortal would not be able to accomplish the same because most either choose Divine or Arcane Paths while Learning Magic. Magic is an essential form or rather a different form of Living Energy that runs through the fundamental Building Blocks of the Cosmos.

Think of it as strings woven through reality that can be either used to bring order or cause chaos. Mythic Power allows you to use Higher Forms of Magic that are far too advanced for mortals to even comprehend.

A Mythic/Higher-Dimensional Bloodline can allow any of its owners a powerful advantage in the aspect of magic that cannot be matched by just regular efforts alone. People who possess Higher Dimensional Bloodlines have always been targeted by all forces.

Once One Pops up out of nowhere - they are either recruited by a like-minded faction or killed by an opposing faction. In other words - it would cause a lot of trouble if not resolved quickly.

Aavesh understood his sister Chhavi possessed a Powerful Bloodline from Nirvanloka, most probably inherited through his Mom, His younger Brother Leo had a rather tragic story in that alternate Timeline, Vatsya had died early- right when they were about to escape- due to the tathlum, Aavesh was forced to leave his little brother on that broken spaceship as the dead were left behind.

But Vatsya's Story did not end there. Years Later when Aavesh was fighting against the combined Hordes of Undead and Demonic Forces along with The Resistance- There were rumors of a Profane Lich ripping through the Resistance Defenses like a hot knife chopping Butter.

In an Event, where he and a specialist team were sent to intercept the Profane Lich, they found an army of undead led by a little Undead Boy. Aavesh did not recognize the Boy due to his flesh rotting off and no token of memory present.

But the Boy Recognized him and unleashed his hatred on Him. The Boy was the Profane Lich - A weapon created after not only resurrecting him as an Undead but also corrupting His Celestial Bloodline with the Darkness of the Abyss.

When they clashed, the Boy spoke in a bony voice unheard of before, a sentence that sent chills down Aavesh's Spine - "Vatsya - My Name is Vatsya Xander, It has been a long time Brother..."

Aavesh obviously did not believe him At first, Instead, he thought it was some kind of Scheme and focused on eliminating the Threat.

The Battle was intense and fierce but Aavesh's Side had brought Artifacts that were created especially to kill Lichs and tackle undead. They would not take any chances!

In the End, They destroyed the Undead Army under the command of the Undead Boy and encircled him. Aavesh and His squad brought the Boy to his knees after an intense battle that already killed around a third of Aavesh's Squad.

Every lich has a crucial weakness - Their Phylactery - their most powerful weapon and greatest weakpoint. The Phylactery is used to store the Undead souls to protect them from the clutches of Reincarnation and their greatest form of Channeling Destructive Undead Energy.

They cannot simply hide it at a location - They must carry it and guard it safely - so no Enemy can ever find it.

Once it is destroyed - It makes it possible to send the Lich's Soul to the Afterlife, finally killing them.

Aavesh did not take long to find the Phylactery, a bone toy resembling an old sword. It was as if this Profane Lich wanted him to find the Phylactery that was hidden in a Rune inscribed Void Cubic Box that followed the Profane Lich like an invisible shadow.

Aavesh had easily cracked it but found something eeriely familiar on the Puzzle and the Toy But could not put his finger on it. He could not recall where he had seen them before.

The Profane Lich also observed his reaction carefully, despite being bound in painful chains of Light'

At seeing no recollection on Aavesh's face the undead Boy screamed in pain and despair, "You Don't Remember after all this Time?! YOU Abandoned me - To the Demons! You Left me to SUFFER - You Promised Me, I would not have Nightmares after we left Sarkon! I live in this Nightmare you left me in -- You told me, that we were Brothers - we would always have each other's backs! You liar - Coward - Oathbreaking Bastard! You are the reason for my suffering!"

The Undead Boy Howled in Pain as Aavesh stood in shock, He recognized those words that haunted him for so long, that was his deepest regret!

He collapsed onto his knees upon realizing who the Undead Boy or The Profane Lich was - His Little Brother Leo. It broke him inside and froze his body as he stared at the screaming Undead Boy. He could not move or destroy the Phylactery. His hands trembled uncontrollably while holding the toy bone sword - It reminded him of the small metal toy sword he and Caria bought for Leo on his Birthday.

In the end, his Squad leader came and pried the phylactery from his shaking hands as his eyes never left Vatsya, The Squad Leader destroyed it and the chains of light destroyed Vatsya - Finally freeing him from his eternal nightmare in undeath.

But it trapped Aavesh into a new form of Nightmares - He never fully recovered from that incident.

At least, things would be different now in this changed Timeline.

To further prevent something Like this from happening again he would have to find Backers for Chhavi and Vatsya. Extremely Strong Backers - His Grandmasters fit the bill Easily. He looked at them and spoke in an incredibly serious tone,

"According to the memories I received - Chhavi and Vatsya have Higher Dimensional Bloodlines - The ones that manifest in later Generations, due to Sudden Atavism in the Genes-"


All four Adults looked at him in surprise, stumped at this revelation. They did not believe it easily at first - But Aavesh was not lying one bit -

There was only one possibility and if it were true, Then they had to hurry back to the Atrios Group Compound!

"We'll Leave for Sarkon immediately, I'll talk to the Captain, He will get us there in a few Minutes!"

Rayna spoke as she immediately contacted the Captain to Depart for Sarkon ASAP!

The Trouble if news leaked out that a child possessed a Higher Dimensional Bloodline was endless and they had to act fast before the Other factions found out!

The Ship reached The Atrios compound on Sarkon in No time as the group rushed out with Aavesh being carried by Antrix to keep up with the others.

Luckily the two children were obediently staying with Grandma Xander and Grandma Kumaran - No one had suspected anything. They immediately brought the children back to the Ship to perform High-Level Bloodline Testing.

They did not dare to stop and perform the tests on Sarkon.

The Tests involved minimal blood collection and testing reactivity with Different Higher Dimensional Power Infused Runes, along with in-depth genetic Analysis to identify patterns that resembled Anomalous.

The Report came out in no time.

Aavesh was right. The two kids possessed indeed possessed Dormant Higher Dimensional Blood Lines. They even performed the test on the Rest of the family as well to see if there was any correlation.

It seemed that Kriti had Matrilineal Ancestry from a Nirvanloka Agathion Ancestor, but the Genes within had not been unlocked and hence she did not possess a full fledged Higher Dimensional Bloodline, Antriksh was in the same condition - He had Patrilineal Ancestry from Empyrean Celestial Angel Ancestor, whose Bloodline had been fully formed in Vatsya Instead.

Aavesh did possess certain characteristics of the Bloodlines but ultimately it did not fully form within him and he was in the same situation as his Parents. It was pure luck that the Bloodlines had formed in Caria and Leo!

Aavesh wanted nothing but the Best for his Brother and Sister - as long as they live happy and carefree lives, he would be satisfied, there was nothing to be envious about. Even if he did have a dormant bloodline before, he was sure that it got destroyed during the previous course of events.

Aavesh just waited in the lounge along with his siblings, as his parents had gone to speak with the Grandmasters and the other Disciples for planning the next step of actions. There would definitely be huge changes now - considering the special status his siblings would have.

It would be a huge event in the Atrios Group, considering 2 children had been born with High-Level Higher Dimensional Bloodlines! Representatives from GLNAC and DLCL would come to personally teach Chhavi and Vatsya about their special Heritage and how to activate it.

Both of them would be put in trials and several training phases before being accepted as Apprentices into their Respective Factions - In fact his two siblings had a real chance to Go to the Inner Rings and maybe a small chance of even reaching the Galactic Core!

He had never ventured that deep into the Galaxy before - It was his dream to visit and go on adventures in Distant Foreign Lands. It was but a childish dream but a dream nonetheless.

His Parents soon brought them back home to the Atrios Compound - Luckily it did not get too damaged during the Demon Siege. They went to their Homes and their Parents cooked Dinner while explaining that both Grandmasters were going to Move into the Compound and their Friends in the DLCL would arrive as well.

They would soon talk with the Clan Head and the Elder Council about their 'Special' Situation. Kriti still arranged for Aavesh to go to the Psychiatric Ward with her tomorrow. He had just been through several Traumatic Experiences - He needed to heal from them as well.

Everything felt so dreamy - yet his own path forward to strength was nearly closed - nearly. Whatever. He would find some way to gain strength, the Right way. Besides deals with any Mythic Being would not at all improve his condition.

As he sat on his bed at night - He looked at the Blue Runes left by Irolin on him. He could use them to enter Irolin's Martial Temple and access the full Martial Repositories. It was a form of Reward for Closing the Rift and not going into the Abyss.

If he wanted to find any weird techniques that could help treat his Body and Soul Step by Step he had to first Start at Irolin's Martial Temple - It was the most comprehensive Temple that stored all kinds of methods and Techniques throughout the Galaxy!

He was in Luck because the Oculus Academy did indeed house an Entrance to the Martial Temple. he could later go with his father to visit the Place. He sighed for a bit and then went to the Bathroom to wash his face for a bit.

As he entered and washed his face and looked at the mirror, he could see changes forming in his reflection on the Mirror. An Incomprehensible spirit that looked like Cosmic Moderator was slowly forming as well. Aavesh was a bit stunned but felt no ill intent from the spirit that was staring at him.

The spirit wore robes that reflected the Starry sky and he had an ethereal figure that had let out soft dark wisps of energy emanating from his dark body that resembled the void - but filled with stars.

It did not seem to have a mouth except it did have a humanoid shape and its Eyes - They were like glowing purple stars especially when his whole figure looked like a being carved out from the image of the cosmos.

"You... Are... The... One...That...Freed...Me..." It spoke slowly in a psychic manner in Aavesh's head, as its gaze fixed on him.