What do you know about Mythic Power?

Before Aavesh could get Eon to reveal his next plan, a new galactic announcement had come from Chief Marianne. The first news did not really interest him that much - it was an obvious Move. But the second news - the CORE institute, Now that was eye catching.

CORE Institute - the most Neutral Institute formed jointly by several races and All Nine Major Factions as informal arbiter and keeper of balance between the Conflicting Factions. They were the Ultimate Judge, Jury and Executors - They were the ones who ensured that the Galaxy wouldn't tear itself apart.

Tensions and conflicts still do exist but at a very moderate level due to CORE.

Aavesh always wondered what exactly happened at CORE in his past life, Rumors had come that the Main HQ of CORE in the Galactic Center where a massive meeting between several Top Leaders was being held when more than half of the star sector was devoured by something frightening in the Void.

Some say that Traitors had infiltrated the meeting and summoned a Dark Entity from another Galaxy to deal with them or there were speculations of a massive civil war when peace talks failed. No one Really knew what happened but they knew that after CORE disappeared along with the Top Leaders - The Inner Rings and the Galactic Center had fallen silent.

It was a mystery he could not truly solve as whatever was supposed to happen, had been thwarted inadvertently by a series of Chain Reactions he had triggered by not letting the Demon Goddess Gahadria get Eon.

Aavesh stopped thinking about such matters as he raised the matter of the soul with Eon again.

Eon responded this time, in a very measured manner,

"Tell me Aavesh what do you know about Mythic Power - Like what separates it from conventional forms of energy like Qi, Ki, Mana, Prana and Mental Force?"

Aavesh thought for a bit before replying,

"Its a higher form of energy released from higher dimensions in our Universe, with it we are able to harness Order, Good, Evil, Chaos and Neutral Forces that are Philosophical Notions brought into reality"

"We can change the fundamental Fabric of the Universe to our whims should we master it "

"Its different in the sense that Conventional Energies used in old forms of Cultivation are the Fabric and Mythic Power is the needle to knit the Fabric-"

Eon cut him off now,

"Yes in a way you are right - But you only know its applications and basic definition, But you do not know everything"

"Mythic Power is present everywhere, even the Material Plane has an Unattuned Mythic Power, which people absorb and try to build a basic foundation towards a specific path exclusive to a particular Higher Dimension."

"The Usual way - Absorb unattuned Mythic power and shape it to reflect a specific Mythic Path for 3 Grand Stages and then Experience Ascension which allows them to absorb Energy from the Higher Dimension on which they shaped their Power On."

"What do you think of this?"

Aavesh frowned a bit before his eyes widened in shock and realization,

"You mean - People are trying to make themselves as molds for Mythic Power? Wait that would make sense - their behaviors would change to that specific alignment on which Mythic Power Path is suitable for - Lawful Good would almost always end up as Empyrean Beings - Divine Spiritlings, Angels and -"

Eon interjected again, " Do you think their Power is their Own? Do you think they could shape it more after the First Ascension or if they lost connection to that Dimension - Would their Power Even Work?"



For Some Reason Aavesh felt his world view hit rock bottom - as if he had discovered a fatal flaw in Mythic Power.

"That is why most mythic Beings die -Even Immortals and New Gods have died"

"But Mythic Power is not fundamentally flawed."


Aavesh was suddenly pulled out of this lull and he paid careful attention to every word Eon spoke,

"The Approach to Mythic Power is wrong - You must not used unattuned Mythic Power of the Material Realm but rather awaken it in yourself - Your Soul"

"You must be the source of your Mythic Power rather than this world, You don't need Higher Dimensions to mold you, You should do it yourself - You can access and choose what form of Power You want, and even absorb the energy of your Preferred Higher Dimension - But Not to Ascend with it, rather analyze it and shape your in such a way that you do not need its help to Ascend!"

"You will Ascend yourself, with the knowledge you have sought, You will break the shackles and limits imposed on yourself - Gain Absolute Control of yourself! No Power Can Truly Restrain you as well - Nothing can cut you off from YOUR Power!"

"In a more refined context, if you like the path of heaven, form a heaven of your own"

Aavesh exclaimed as his brains were awed and completely fried,


"Wait! I did not finish yet, This Path has its own pitfalls"


"At the Beginning, you will not be as powerful as the Other Mythic Paths, Life will be incredibly difficult"


"You will Face Cosmic Tribulations at every major stage - Don't worry they won't kill you immediately"


"Apart from that you will have to explore and form the path on your Own - I can't lay a solid straight path for you- But I can offer Advice!"


"I am not too sure of what special abilities you might unlock on this Path- but it should be Useful!"


" I do know the technique to awaken the Mythic Power within yourself - at least you do not have to research it right?"



"Eon, I want to break this contract"

"Not possible"

"Then I want to hit you"

"Detected Non Lethal hostile Intention from Contractee, Will engage Stealth Mode Now until Contractee Calms down..."

Eon disappeared from his purple orb form and became invisible.



Aavesh angrily chased after the hidden Eon.


Just as Aavesh rushed out of his house, he could not help but notice the additional temporary residence Pods installed in his neighborhood along with the crowd of busy people collecting supplies and trying to re-organize the stranded refugees.

Healing regular mortal injuries was fine, with current technology most injuries and diseases could be healed. But there are always exceptions - Healing wounds caused by creatures of extra planar origin was incredibly tough and slow - due to residual mythic power left within their bodies.

Lets put it like this

Based on a Person's power level and type, healing differed. In fact even the attacker's powers mattered at times.

But here, mortals recover the slowest - taking up to months, Conventional Practitioners taking a few days to weeks and Mythic Cultivators taking few hours to few days for a single attack. It was why mortality rate was extremely high during any form invasion or incursions.

Just then Aavesh saw a familiar figure from his past life - a hunched back boy with the same age As Aavesh was trying to help a middle aged woman whose body had been racked with severe burns - most likely from demonic flames - she was barely able to walk or even talk.

But the hunchbacked boy did not dare to show sadness infront of her, instead he gave her a kind and caring smile as he led her back towards a Temporary Residency Pod. He was a dutiful son who was caring for his mother in her time of need.

At the same time, a middle aged man with a lot prostethic implants in his charred body, had been running quickly towards them - with med box in his hands. Seeing him the hunchbacked boy became happy as he set his mother down comfortably.

The Man quickly opened the med box in his arms and took out a small growing green ball of fluid covered in transparent edible wrap- it was healing Nirvana Liquid - most probably given to him by GLNAC.

As the woman absent mindedly swallowed the pill given to her, her pain seemed to have lessened considerably and she slowly fell asleep. Both the Hunchbacked boy and the middle aged man took in a sigh of relief, as they helped the woman get into the bed and sleep comfortably.

With the Nirvana Essence Liquid, it would slowly take time to heal but it was enough for their family.

Aavesh had stared at this whole scene - He was feeling very different when he saw the hunchbacked boy.