The Heroes Part -1

" Crippled Wang! Why do you even cultivate?"

"You got some nerve wang! Why do you even care about the Half Blood!"

"I hate you Wang Zhong! You are nothing like me!"

"I don't need your sympathy - Keep it for yourself!"

"Why do you even care to help?"

"I'm Sorry - Tell me your Orders Captain Wang."

"Hey Zhong! I got your back - Let's go get a beer Bro! Let's rile up our spirits to kick ass tomorrow!"

"Captain Wang - The Battle is Lost! WHAT! What are you doing! That's Suicide! Stop! Wait for me Captain - I'll Back you Up! Wait! WAIT!"

"Captain Wang! I won't fucking abandon you! Don't Sacrifice yourself - We'll face it together!"

"Wang Zhong wake Up! Wake UP! Don't die on me Brother..."

Aavesh felt a whirlwind of emotions as voices from deeply scarred memories haunted his mind. In his last life, he served under the Hunchbacked Boy - Wang Zhong in the Resistance Army. He knew Wang Zhong Before - he was immature and foolish back then. They were love rivals, enemies then comrades in war, friends and finally life and death sworn brothers.

It was that simple really - Aavesh had a crush on a Girl who like spending time with Wang Zhong and she always rebuffed his attempts by using Wang Zhong as an excuse which pissed him off!

Aavesh never really believed back then that Wang Zhong would heal but the Mad man did it - he was able to get rid of his hunch, received a higher talent in Mythic Power than Aavesh could ever hope for and never lost his humility. Above all, he was too kind to people and always prioritized life.

Most of his squad were made of people with dark pasts, freaks and pariahs of society because he was the only one to treat them with dignity and respect. His deeds were incredible and miraculous to the point- he was famously called 'The Redeemer', 'Unbreakable Dragon', and 'Golden War King'.

He never judged Aavesh for his past deeds and brought Aavesh out of his self created Hell of Guilt. The man was a saint - literally. He even convinced some of the demons to fight back against the abyss!

If he lived and grew stronger, he would have been a true Leader of the Milky Way Galaxy - He had the potential to back it - even if the higher-ups did not notice it before. He may have even won the War...

Unfortunately, He too died, like most heroes - while sacrificing his life to save the Resistance Forces from a Deadly Curse which he had absorbed into his body to protect others from getting affected by it. It also made him weak and vulnerable to enemy attacks.

But he still stood his ground and killed the Culprit with a mutually destructive attack, moments before Aavesh and the rest of his squad could reach to his position. He died in Aavesh's arms, in his sworn brother's arms.

Scarred and rendered numb after this, Aavesh lost one of the few people that gave him meaning - He could not fight as well as before - like something was lost within him. He remembered Zhong wanting to find a new planet to allow the children of Rathiel Republic to settle in.

He decided to fulfill his sworn brother's wish and the previous events soon followed.

Now, he was back and Zhong was still alive. 'So I changed this fate as well. Good.'

However, Eon shut off his stealth Ability and stared intently at Wang Zhong who was helping his mother rest.

"Aavesh, do you know this boy? Can you tell me about him?"

"Eon, he is a sworn brother from my alternate timeline - Why are you so curious about him?"

Eon, hesitated a bit before speaking carefully in Aavesh's mind,

"This brother of yours - He may have a cosmic key spirit like me within him, lying dormant"


Aavesh exclaimed at the news! His life and death sworn brother actually had a cosmic key spirit like Eon! Damn!

" Yes, his hunchback which was constantly forming despite several treatments to remove it were actually a side effect of the injured key spirit residing in him!"

"But should it awake it would be a massive turning point! This boy would follow the same path which I described to you before! But the difference is he is more special - His soul is far more special considering that my fellow - sibling - key spirit is bound to him without a contract!"

"If my thoughts are right - In one of his Past lives - Your sworn brother was a supreme Cosmic being that had reached a level that was only a single step below the Archaic Gods! He was a Cosmic Autarch! And an Autarch that had won the favor of a Cosmic Treasure like mine! It would be the reason why the key spirit is so deeply bound to him and followed him into reincarnation!"

Aavesh felt his world view shake once again - Zhong was a - What?! This sworn brother of his was that Powerful? WTF! WTF!

Seeing that Aavesh was about to have a mental break down, Eon quickly explained further,

"Well, he is not a Cosmic Autarch yet - He has not fully awoken his soul! His soul is in a dormant Power state - meaning his memories would only slowly awaken only after he reaches a certain level of Power - But he has his own defined path which he will explore once again with the help of his key spirit, unless an Outer God or Old One decides to interfere in his fate!"

Suddenly, as if realizing the implications behind Eon's words, Aavesh asked Eon with faint bloodthirst and anger in his voice,

"You mean - His fate could be manipulated by Others? The only reason he would die is because -"

"Yes, They would make subtle changes Aavesh - Changes so minute so tiny - yet it would eventually lead to the worst tragedies, Your sworn Brother is not aware of fate Power - not yet at least, For now those being can't lord around in the material plane, as long as the Goddess of fate exists"

"She is a special Guardian existence for the Material Plane at least, while the Other Planes are usually protected by Cosmic Functions - A mortal is far too susceptible to the influence of these Outer Gods and hence this requires someone to step in and protect them..."