The Awakening

As Aavesh had dozed off. Others had just begun awakening -in a way. His actions had once again broke the fate laid down by the Old Ones.

After Aavesh fell asleep, the fist to notice changes was Anya. She felt something intimate awaken close to her and a huge amount of chaos that usually overloaded her mind had suddenly gone. She felt more normal now but still retained a slight crazy streak - She was the daughter of a Trickster after all.


A Chromatic orb came from within her and observed her. Anya felt a powerful connection with this orb - she felt that the orb would never try to harm her and would always have her back. The orb then transformed into the form of a Multicolored Rabbit and spoke in a female voice,

"Eon you bastard, did you finally get a conscience to find and Awaken me!?"

An angry and a resentful voice came out from the Rabbit, who scanned the surroundings to find where Eon had run. Unable to find him, The rabbit turned to see Anya who was looking dumbfoundedly at her. The Rabbit smiled mischievously as it spoke,

"It has been several millennia, I see that you do not remember me but that is alright - My name is Yukti - just think of me as your summoned beast. I will teach you new tricks as well!"


"Of course! How about I teach you a trick to turn frogs into gold coins?"


At Another place, Zhong began to feel intense Pain from the Tumors in his hunchback. It was like something incredibly hot had suddenly arrived and he had begun sweating profusely. His mother saw this and let out a hoarse scream despite being in her paralyzed state to alert her Husband.

Her Husband immediately rushed back in to see Zhong curled up in a corner and his skin seemed to be red hot almost like a molten piece of iron - But this is when the Miracle happened. His hunch slowly mended and his spine no longer had any lump within. Zhong felt strength returning back to his body and this time he took the support of the wall and got up.

He then forcibly straightened his back with a crack sound and his father also jumped in to help him align his spine properly. His father Wang Ling, had witnessed the whole situation and although he could not understand what was happening, as soon as he saw his son try to fully stand up without the hunch holding him back- He immediately pushed Zhong to the wall and straightened Zhong's Back to perfect his spinal alignment.


Suddenly the atrophied muscles in Zhong's back began to repair extremely fast and all dents and bents in the bones also repaired even faster. Zhong could not help but feel and shocked at this. He remembered a boy with glowing purple bluish eyes walking towards him and flicking his head and now this?

Damn! What was going on? All of sudden a an orb invisible to his father appeared before him. It was golden and it seemed to radiate a deep intimacy - a form of connection with him. What was this he wondered?

He fainted then.

Vita - The Key spirit that was within Zhong sighed with guilt. He had unknowingly caused him so much pain - But Thankfully, His sibling Eon woke him up from his slumber. He would now reverse all damages caused.

Alena whose were bleeding before - stopped instantly and it caused an itch to form in her eyes. She quickly got up and sensed a nearby Fountain to wash it again but did it in a delicate and careful manner.

But as she washed the blood off - her eyes reflexively opened and her dark hazy vision was suddenly filled with bright light! It was like seeing the world for the first time! - She could not believe it!

A Beautiful silver-winged orb appeared from within her, unbeknownst to her. The silver orb called herself - Caelum.

It looked on apologetically at her, as it thanked her Sibling Key Spirit in her mind," You always cared for Us Elder Brother Eon - Thank you for saving my Partner from this unnecessary Stigmata"

Elsewhere a Half Orc Boy - Kai was suddenly able to speak and hear, Although croaking sounds came from his voice and Unfamiliar sounds entered his ears which completely startled and disoriented him for a while. A Beautiful Teal colored orb humming with Music came out and looked at her groaning partner. Her name was Aria.

It then let out a silent whisper, "Thank You Eon..."

At the Dilapidated Pod where the Emersyns lived, Camilla felt the stakes within her body completely leave and she felt an incredible freedom to move without her Limbs getting in her way! She jumped a bit with joy. Observing her joy was a Purplish Red Orb, His name Caedes.

He sighed for a moment before, speaking in the void," Thanks for Not letting me mess up again, I will Protect her properly this Time!"

Just Then the Half Dhampir Girl Yuna felt her body change in an indescribable manner - Her bones had suddenly strengthened and her vision gained for the first time in her life - color. She no longer felt weak and her emotions did not seem to dampen anymore - she felt relief and a little bit of joy in her once-cold heart. She began to let out soft sobs of relief.

A greyish-blue-green fluorescent Orb hung guiltily above her. Her name was Morre, she let out tiny wisps of energy to soothe Yuna, She then floated next to Caedes as she spoke, " When do you think we should meet that rigid Arse Eon?"

"Soon, We Do Owe Him One For This"


On the streets Aiden was stunned to see his permanently scorched hands heal- he was told by his Foster Father - He would never heal for he was cursed by the Devil Himself. Well Fuck that old Lard!

Infact all burn wounds across his body and face began to fully heal - He no longer had to feel th scorching Pain.

A Flaming Reddish Orange orb with dark Black hues perched on Aiden's unsuspecting shoulder - His name Was Infernos and he felt humiliated - Not because Eon rescued him but because he deducted an Old One was more likely responsible for extending his sleep in His Partner's New Form. He spoke, with a bit of hatred in his voice," Well - we'll see who out schemes who - Cthullu!"

At the Diner, both Petrov and Alyssia were stunned to see 2 Orbs floating before them- A white and a Black Orb hovered before them. Petrov felt his shaky ghost body stabilize with the help of the Black Orb, while Alyssia felt the Dark Pull in her mind slowly dissipate at the White Orb's presence.

The white orb was female and called herself Lux while the Black orb was male and called itself Umbra.

It was unique encounter that both of them could not Predict.

Their Shared power - was Prophecy and both of them would experience shared visions of the future together. But they had a cost - It gave Petrov Existential Pain while Alyssia would feel her mind open to dark perverse thoughts - greatly troubling them before. But now it was gone - The two Orbs spoke to them in their minds,

"We need to talk"


Elsewhere in the Perpetual Vodovorot, at the Dilapidated palace filled with symbols of Yog-Sothoth. The man with the metal mask with broken watch dials as eyes, looked at the Plate of Alignments before him in surprise and confusion.

"They were not supposed to wake up yet - but they are awake now! This changes everything on the Board. I wonder what will happen...


A few hours later, Eon woke up from his weak form- This time he consumed a huge amount of Astral essence to wake everyone else up. He was still weak but not weak enough to faint yet. He had recovered quickly thanks to Aavesh's sleep state. He then crushed a unique ⚛ symbol made of countless runes.

It then opened a mysterious Portal that only allowed him to enter a very private dimension belonging to key spirits alone.

It was a simple abode - made of Proto Astral Essences and Fueled By Primordial Crystals Left Behind by the Cosmic Autarchs.

A Dim conference Room had been generated by the others beforehand itself.

He saw the Other Key Spirits waiting for him.

A council had to be convened again - to discuss their next plan.

They all greeted him excitedly,

"Eon - Good to see you brother"

"I did not think you would end up saving us again Eon"

"So you did not forget completely about me Eon?"


Eon raised his hand to stop them from gushing too much.


"Its nice to see you all again but we have matters to discuss - II bring grave News the Lawful Neutral Autarch is dead - My Partner is dead, I saw his death with my own eyes as I was being imprisoned by the Old Ones - But before his death, he managed to cast me off to the Material Universe where even strongest Old Ones do not dare to personally Step in..."


"It can't be"


But they stopped shouting at Eon and then allowed him to continue,

"He is dead - He died for this Universe - I saw everything"

"For now I have chosen a new Companion, not to replace Him but to help my Partner carry out his final wish, To always help those that fight against the Old Ones"

"I was quite lucky to be cast in the Material Plane - The Restrictions here prevent any form of Eldritch Horror to descend down upon us-"

Yukti spoke up then,

"So The Restrictions Set by Adi Shakti still Protect Us! But I dare surmise this might be the last time we can fully rely on it"

Caelum interjected as well,

"After all this is the Final Yuga - After which this Universe will fully experience a complete rebirth - meaning everyone shall die, but we do not know if an Old One will come again to interfere"

Infernos looked on and spoke silently,

"It is very likely they will interfere and mold this Universe to their Will - It will then become a Cosmic Farm - where everything is bred as life stock for their Master!"

The Others fell silent at this, But Aria spoke up this time,

"The Archaic Gods still control the most essential aspects of our Universe - we must wrestle full control back to them so they may finally open up the Legion of Gods Vault"

Caedes also chimed in,

"That Vault is crucial - for the birth of new Archaic Gods, Since most paths to Godhood were broken during the Endwar - all besides the Vault - Our Companions will only have a chance then..."

Eon waived his hand again,

"We must now focus on what we can do - we must ensure that our current Partners have the best Foundation needed - As for mine, I'll help my current Partner in attempting the Full Legend Path"


All key spirits looked at Eon in Shock, that path was a definite Path to Suicide- but nevertheless it was powerful - But it was a very Hypothetical Path thought of by the Cosmic Autarchs on creating a new form of Warriors who could brave the Deity Tribulations without using a Higher Dimension.

It was only a concept back then - Even now such Paths were frowned Upon due to their High Difficulty and the fact that almost No One managed to fully accomplish the first Phase. Although His master had thought of the Starting Point - Anyone who walked on this Path would have to do the research and Exploration by themselves.

As for them, they were following a similar path to the Legend - but since their Companions had satisfied the Unique requirements of Physiques - They did not face much of a Problem despite their paths also having a deadly death rate.

Eon further debated possible counter measures and future plans to get their Partners to work together. At least to set a foundation of friendship between them.

Eon then said his goodbyes and left the Secret Dimension and turned into a purple orb that disappeared into Aavesh's mind pool.