Aeon Mythic Power Evolution

"You tried very hard to brainwash me", Aavesh calmly spoke before the Entity.

"Unfortunately for you - My Soul seems quite resistant to Brainwashing for some reason - Now shut up and let me finish this test!"

With the Golden Gauntlet, Aavesh then used the Power to infuse Ley lines - connections between the Dimensional Elements.

A White string of energy Connected Empyrean, Nirvanloka and Somnium - indicating the Common force of Good between them.

A Black string of energy connected Naraka, Kayaamat and Abyss indicating the Common force of Evil between Them.

A Blue String of energy Connected between Empyrean, Machina and Naraka indicating the Common force of Law between them.

A Yellowish Green String of energy Connected between Somnium, Vodovorot and Abyss indicating the Common force of Chaos between them.

A Greyish String of energy was formed between Nirvanloka, Duat and Kayaamat while another Grey string of energy Connected between Machina, Duat and Vodovorot Indicating the Common force of Neutrality in their Respective Extremeties.

With that Aavesh Controlled the arrangement and Placed it on to the Table.

* Ring Ring Ding Ping Ring

The Table vibrated with a Tremor and shattered - revealing an Iridescent Blue Lotus.

Aavesh's hearts Trembled before it... sensing something intensely kindred within it.

He reached out and the Blue Lotus flew out towards him and he gently caught with his hands.

The Golden Gauntlet then dissolved into the Lotus - letting have Golden Specks on its Petals with a slight flicker of Multicolored Lightning.

The Lotus then communicated with Aavesh- It showed it's elation in him breaking the shackles placed on the Aeon Mythic Power but told him it wasn't enough... It wanted to accomplish it's final Goal- merge into the Aeon Mythic Power within his Soul.

'I want to finish what I was created for- I have waited far too long- don't worry about me - I will live on within you as part of your Mythic Power- I will not take a No!- Please grant me fulfillment Aavesh', The Lotus Communicated within his mind.

'If I merge with Your Mythic Power - It Will Evolve to gain something the Cosmic Will hates- You will gain authority to use your Power with no repercussions - Your Power will no longer be shackled by Others- It will be bound to You alone and You will be able to build everything from Scratch...'

'This is the Wish of the Autarch! Will you not honor his final Sacrifice?'

Aavesh was moved by it and asked reluctantly,' Are you sure about this? '

' Yes!', the Lotus Quickly communicated back.

Aavesh was about to say something when the Entity howled furiously before him.

"YOU! - If you merge that thing with your Power- You will be against Cosmic Order- That Vile thing will turn you into an Abomination! You will walk against us! You will Never Achieve Ascension With This! The Cosmic Order set by the Cosmic Will is inviolable for All Aeons! You want to go Rogue? You want to Renege on this Responsibility?" The Entity Roared at him with its Misty Body Trembling. It seemed like it would dissipate any moment!

Aavesh raised an Eyebrow at the Entity, " You are hiding something here- Both of you!"

Both the Entity and Blue Lotus stared at him in surprise.

Aavesh then spoke calmly," Evolving a Mythic Power - Is very - Very Hard- So you are not just a Conscious Treasure - You are something more - Way More!"

He then pointed at the Entity," YOU - on the other hand , have been trying to fuck with me the moment I got here- You not only tried to limit choices- You also tried to brainwash me and for some reason - you don't want me to fuse with the Lotus, But you don't dare to destroy it or me- meaning something is restricting you from taking the Last Step- Besides I sense a similar aura between you both, it's more concentrated on the Lotus and very impure on you- meaning the Lotus is the source while you are a - consumer? On further analysis, the Lotus doesn't have any favourability towards you - it could be said that it hates you! So how did You get it's Power?"

Both Parties were stunned at this, Aavesh was even able to find this?

Kronos smiled deviously as he spoke in laughter, " Well would you look at that! This Brat is not an idiot! Bahahahaha! He saw through the whole situation quite logically - In the Future, people are going to Cry to Death while arguing with him! He's Damn good- Ok - I don't want those other old fogeys to take him under their wings!"

He then spoke sternly to Irolin who already started to sweat as he saw his teachers face,

"Irolin! You better take him as a Disciple, that way he will be my Grand disciple as well and My Oath about teaching people outside of my lineage will not apply to him! You better take him as your direct Disciple! Man it's so nice seeing a Cosmic Scheme being broken down by a Mortal Brat! Hahahaha!"

Irolin hurriedly nodded and then looked back at the Screen with a complicated expression... Who knew this kid would do such outrageous stuff as a Mortal! He was happy that he helped save that brat from the clutches of the Abyss!

The Entity replied coldly now," I suggest you remove those dangerous thoughts - or you will face a catastrophe that not even Kronos can save you from! You-"

Aavesh then Interrupted him," Your threats are boring- And you are using a classic intimidation tactic- You a dignified spirit from Machina is lying- I sense anxiousness in your tone! Oh Come on I can see the whole plot from a mile away! So here's my theory since your are being so uncooperative - You are a Parasite!"

The Face of the Entity changed as soon as Aavesh spoke this.

Aavesh continued,

" You are Parasitizing The Blue Lotus! But You are doing it only on a surface level - You are using the Lotus's Power to act as a Fake Test Spirit, then using your impure Power to 'enhance' My Predecessors - From the Beginning you are running a scam! With my Predecessors and the Lotus as the main Victims!"

" But here's the interesting part- The Test itself is a trap for all of my Predecessors! And It is how you absorb Power from the Lotus! So your Modus Operandi is basically brainwash the chosen one into taking a direction that let's you- say hypothetically absorb Power from the Lotus and then Bless the Chose One with a Strict Slave Contact! "

"In fact I have a bold claim - I am the only one who is aware of the slavery Contract before taking the Test and the only one who Kronos sent down Personally to take the Test, All of my other Predecessors were found by You first and you led them here with subtle brainwashing tactics and then executed your Modus Operandi - But I find 2 inconsistencies here, One you are not Main mastermind and Two the Lotus is very Powerful - Powerful enough to kill you- in nano seconds but is forced under some kind of Agreement! The Only Being that can do something like that is-"

Aavesh smiled evilly and Paused for dramatic effect.

Both the Lotus and the Entity became speechless at this shameless behaviour.

Kronos grinned as he spoke on observing scene," He's almost there! Just a bit more..."

But then Aavesh's face turned to show an expression of boredom and annoyance," Haish, it is the Cosmic Will - there is nothing more generic than it"


Invisible Knife tipped chains headed for Aavesh through the void and just as they were about to the enter the space of the Test - they froze as Kronos merely gazed at them...

*Pata pit pata pi

They slowly drew back to their source in a shivering manner- Kronos then drank a cup of tea and spoke calmly while gazing at the sky above the Hexagonal Building, " Don't break your own Rules, It does not look good at all Cosmic Will- It proves that you are indeed - a Manchild"

The Sky Above the Hexagonal Building was warped with Tribulation Lightning, A face with an anger could be seen if one saw carefully...



The Cosmic Will bellowed angrily at Kronos, but he simply shook his head, and spoke," Mate you are one second from getting wiped out- I won't warn you again and again- Don't throw your dong on my Turf Bitch, Also the boy did not say anything wrong, So SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Suddenly Irolin and Kronika backed off quietly as they sensed the changes in their Teacher's Mood.

Kronos then thundered out to the sky with an even stronger force,


The storm clouds disappeared in a flash - The Cosmic Will with its Tail tucked behind it's legs.

Both Irolin and Kronika were in awe at this scene as they slowly came back into the Room.

"That damned thing finally left, I swear it is like a dirty loach- it's very sight disgusts me- I need my wine now-"

Seeing it disappear, Kronos then finally smiled, summoned a wine bottle, popped the cork and leisurely took a sip from it. The Trio then looked back at the screen.

Aavesh was stared at by the Entity and The Blue Lotus in shock.

The Entity only dully looked at Aavesh and did not say anything.

Aavesh rolled his eyes at the Entity and ignored him. He then spoke to the Blue Lotus in his hand, " Now - You, can you tell me about yourself?"

The Blue Lotus then spoke softly, " I am an Icon "

Aavesh's eyes widened in shock at this.

Icons- They were like the Ancestors of the Mythic Power! One word from them - you would lose your Power in a flash! Icons were created by Beings with New God Level and Above Power in their Respective Higher Dimensions!

But their creation was quite controversial, Icons were rarely created for the best intentions.

And Most of the Icons were created in the Evil Dimensions as a form of tool to collect 'Resources' create an endless army of low grade Mythic Soldiers, Feed the Energy back to the creator, etc.

Usually The Nine Dimensions have allowed their aligned users to explore their own way and form of Mythic Power in within the Dimensions.

There was no restriction besides the Thema set by Each Dimension.

So why did someone create an Icon?

In short like all Weapons of Mass Destruction - Icons were created by Those Super Powerhouses with good intentions at first - to let their power be inherited. To help guide fellow followers. To Punish the wrong, all the good reasons.

But how did shit hit the fan?

A New God from Empyrean was killed and his soul extracted by a Demon God to learn about his secrets - by a stroke of luck, the information about Icons was there.

The Demon God saw the 'Grand' Potential of these Icons and created a host of New Icons- in the Abyssal way of course.

And so Began the Eternal Strife. Becoming Evil for the common People became easier - and all out within all dimensions ensured destruction of more than 93% of the existing Icons.

The Current Icons were retained for specific purposes and functions.

The Icons were like taboo Artificial Intelligence to Mythic Beings.

Now Icons were mostly created as a way of Emergency Inheritance at a huge price to the creator. They were highly Restricted by their Mythic Dimensions.

To think that a Celestial Autarch Level Icon was present here.

Aavesh Trembled a bit as he held the Blue Lotus in his hand! How terrifying!

The Blue Lotus projected fragments of Memories and images as it narrated it's story.

It showed him it's birth and a blurry cloaked man.

It then showed him a memory of Entering the Machina Realm- a Vast Super city - the likes he had never seen before.

The Blue Lotus continued," After my creator died, I went to Machina to continue the succession Plan- But who would have thought, the very Cosmic Will my Creator died to protect, would turn against him- Due to my programming protocols I had been ordered to assist the Cosmic Will and Machina in their affairs and I was asked to allow an unconditional Joint request from them"

It showed him the memory of Betrayal and Parasitization of its power.

" I agreed on the basis that they had war plans and a crucial task that needed my assistance - They asked me to Abide by this Parasitic contract and I - was duty bound to agree it."

Memories of it being sealed on to this assessment and creation of the Golden Gauntlet all with Kronos's assurance to fight back if there were any foul play displayed...

"I knew there was almost nothing I could do to revert this - so I added to this elaborate assessment and requested it to be held at Kronos's Territory, My creators most trusted friend! I intentionally let a clause that I would use all of My Power of someone like you clears the Test- They agreed readily - Because they had their own scheme and ways to circumvent my clauses "

It then showed him memories of brainwashed Aeons Brought directly to the assessment as the Blue Lotus understood that the plan it had was a failure.

"For So Long I saw the bitter truth about the fruitlessness of my clauses- I saw each chosen Successor be led astray and use the Power of the Aeon for whims of the Cosmic Will "

" They have already absorbed so much of My Power through the Yugas- I am a shell of what I was at the beginning - You see they have succeeded long back in creating a substitute and controllable Version of the Aeon Mythic Power - My only consolation is that they never able to incorporated the ability to Time Travel and change Destinies at will- But they are not far off from fully mimicking it though..."

" I am tired now and I am utterly defeated - So I will use my Power to change the Your Aeon Mythic Power, in a way that they shall never be able to Control- I will then cease to exist and This Power shall never be under their Control anymore"

" I am the final link, With my changes your Aeon Mythic Power will not be the same! I will restore it to the Original Blank State, the state in which it was the first time my Creator Formed it! For all those Powerful Abilities - you will have to discover them on your own - as my creator did, This is my Only Possible Gift to you - so you will not be the Enemy or Slave to the Cosmic Will or Machina anymore- They will not treat you harshly as this IDIOT - they will leave you be Until you discover the Way of Time within you"

"You will be the Last True Aeon ever to exist! As I cleanse and help you alter the Mythic Power, I will play first Memory my creator sealed within me - the first time he forged the Aeon Mythic Power within him - with that this power will truly belong and integrate within you..."

Aavesh looked at the Blue Lotus that was awaiting his decision...

At first he had felt overwhelmed that he had somehow received a Powerful Aligned Mythic Power that belonged to a Celestial Autarch.

He saw what it was capable of- eliminating an overpowered opponent with a gaze, finding truth in illusions and possibly even Time Travel...

But at the end of the day... they were not his hard work were they? This Path was an already Paved path - meaning there was almost no room for changes and modifications, everything was set in stone... he would repeat the same mistakes and faults if he walked the paved path...

Knowing the limit of possibility,

It was an uneasy feeling...

He closed his eyes to listen to his inner self, ' To choose between supreme Power and starting over again... An idiot would choose to start over again but then again I won't be at peace if the power within me is not mine..."

Aavesh opened his eyes and let out a bitter smile... 'Hard work it is'

He gazed at the Blue Lotus and spoke, " I'm ready - go ahead"

The Entity clenched it's Misty fists as it stared at them angrily but didn't say anything...

The Blue Lotus emitted Wisps of Iridescent Blue Energy that went into Aavesh's Mind Pond- into his soul where the Power of the Aeon had innately bonded with him...


The Mythic Power of the Aeon did not resist at all... The Blue Wisps Merged into it- changing its fundamental structure - removing all of its old states- It was removing all the inheritances stored within - and for this powerful process - it sedated Aavesh's mind temporarily...

Aavesh immediately fell into a trance like state...

Dark Blue Mist filled with immense amount of runes and Laws seeped out of Aavesh's Body.

They contained knowledge so vast and incomprehensible yet coveted by all- It was something so unspeakable and ...sad.

One could see even the Entity trembling as it saw all that knowledge and Power leave Aavesh and become ... Energy.

They converted into Pure Energy as Dissipated into the void - forever untouched and indecipherable by Anyone.

One could see Kronos's eyes tear up at this scene, He softly sighed and spoke, " This is it... Your Glory and Legacy - All gone now, Rest in Peace My friend - You have a worthy Successor, I promise - One Day He will make the World remember You"

With that, he finished the wine bottle in a single gulp and dully stared at the screen with complex emotions.

The Consciousness of the Blue Lotus then bonded deeply into Aavesh's soul to help him experience the Enlightenment Memory.

Aavesh's Eyes flashed with soft white light as his mind was dragged into an inexplicable dreamy state.



In a shallow Dark Sea, Aavesh woke up with a Glowing Blue Lotus in his right hand.

Despite being underwater, he suprisingly didn't panic- it was like his mind was in an incredibly calm state...

He then swam upwards to see a starless night sky and a very dark damp World... or might be just a massive Underground Cave- he couldn't tell very clearly despite the Lotus in his hand.

He swam aimlessly in a single direction in search of a shore with the Blue Lotus illuminating his surroundings.

Soon he came across more shallower surfaces that began to slowly elevate in a certain direction.

Aavesh followed this direction and after a few minutes, it got shallow to the point that he could literally just walk.

*Tick Tick Tick

A sound of clock ticking could be heard in the distance...

Aavesh followed it and came across a Glass like Barrier that blocked his path...

He punched at it with his freehand but it did not budge...

He stopped and then stared at the Blue Lotus, as if by Instinct, he gently brought to the Glass Surface.

*Tip Tap

As soon as the Blue Lotus touched the Glass - The Glass vibrated like a Pond that had pebble thrown in.

Seeing No restrictions now - Aavesh then entered through the Glass like a rock falling into a pond.

And then he saw...

What lay behind...

It was like he was staring at the world for the first time.



He saw a World with an Infinite Whirlpool of Countless Types of Energy converting into matter, matter to Energy.

It was a never ending process with everything in its place- constantly trying to achieve a state of Perfection.

He was standing on a Blue Energy Surface that led into the Core of the Horizontal Whirlpool.

He walked forward and yet with each step he seemed to have crossed an unimaginable distance within the Whirlpool.

He could sense this Whirlpool was made of Pure Order and didn't have inkling of Chaos despite how it looked.

He walked closer into the Core and saw something that etched into his mind...

At the Core of the Whirlpool lay a White Hole and and a Blackhole, each Connected to the Massive Whirlpool.

But they formed something unique - A shape of a Sand Glass...

One could see a translucent black and silver light flicker between both of them.

The White hole fed Energy into the Black Hole, The Blackhole displayed excess energy into the Whirlpool - The Whirlpool supplied Energy to the White Hole, forming an Infinite Loop - It should have been impossible but it was happening before him.

He then saw at the core of the Point where the Energy passed down to The Black Hole - an almost translucent Blue silhouette in the shape of a soul orb...

He walked towards the silhouette- strangely unaffected by the Massive Forces of the world around him.

It gave off the breath of True eternity...

Inextinguishable, Indestructible, Infinite.

"What are you?", He could not help but exclaim in wonder.

No reply was given, not that it was needed...

He reached out and touched the Orb, it let out a translucent pulse of Energy into him, causing him temporarily merge with the essence of the Orb.

As he became one with it, he saw things so beautiful yet so deadly, so small yet so massive.

His vision went beyond the Infinite Whirlpool, where the vast universe which absorbed and sent energy into the Hidden Whirlpool...

This was the centre of the Universe, where the True heart was hidden.

It was core of all- Here lied the Power with the potential to allow one to change their destiny, rewrite Time, Bring back what was forever lost.

It was the true crucible of reality...

It's rulebook... It's Blueprint... It's heart...

Between the countless Big Bangs and Big Contractions - The Orb Existed for a single purpose...

- maintain a delicate Balance - A Perfect Beautiful Balance, to allow the Children of Universe... to transcend like the Archaic Gods did...

A soft warm maternal voice could be heard in Aavesh's mind, ' Child- you have come here at last... at my true heart- child, I don't have much time but feel this Cosmic Structure - This Cosmic essence - understand - This Power is in everyone - but they do not see - But You See my child - gaze at Truth - Understand the Incomprehensible - Protect Reality - Your Reality - Take the Oath which all have forgotten - take the Oath that none Dare - Awaken the essence of Eons which is in you - in all'

Aavesh then opened his eyes, but now they seemed to deep, unfathomable as he now understood the true Nature of this Mythic Power - the true Nature of the Aeon, He then spoke a simple yet powerful Oath, " I Vow to Gaze at the Eternal Truth with No Eyes But mine, Become one with the Infinite Realities to forge the Cosmic Balance within me that none shall break..."


The Infinite Whirlpool Exploded - as finally another being took the True Oath...

Aavesh felt a qualitative change in his Multicolored Soul - He felt a deep sensitivity to Powers of Order now...

His Aeon Mythic Power seemed to have changed even more than it's original state.

It no longer bowed down to External Forces - It was only beholden to him...

His Power came with a Burden - A Responsibility - to be A Judge of not just all but himself as well - from now onwards - he was beholden to himself.

The Price of using this Power must come from his own understanding - his own energy - his experiences - it could now be molded to suit him- He did not face a moral obligation to be good or evil - he could be both - provided he understood the weight of his actions and was willing to bear them.

He was now truly a Mortal with the Nascent powers of a fledgling Aeon...

An unbelievable existence.

The world around him Trembled as the maternal voice spoke in his mind,'You have a huge, painful path ahead of you child- I dare not say - I wish for you to transcend - and become like me- but I - don't want you to lose yourself - I want - you to be happy - Child - My poor child - why do I feel - something within you- No - It is you - you Live! Oh My Beloved Son - How much more - must you sacrifice - for me...'

Aavesh's heart Trembled as an unknown pain came from the depths of his soul - a feeling of longing for someone he didn't even know- like how yearned for his parents...

Tears streamed from his eyes unknowingly for some reason...

The Voice spoke again in a hurried concerned tone with a hint of sobbing, ' You must... stay safe- You must live as yourself... don't become something else... Be you- Please don't lose yourself - No matter what... We all love you... Live Well..."

The voice disappeared abruptly and Aavesh screamed out in Pain," NOOO!"

As if Possessed, he spoke instinctively out of a forbidden memory in a different voice, " I will find You! I will not let Him WINN! I WILL FIND YOU ALLLL!"

And then he snapped instantly, to himself in a slightly confused state, ' Uh what? What did I say? Oh right - that voice, it was advising me to be my true self And live well! Ohh, It's not everyday you meet such a kind person - a warm aura and personality - Hey I feel good now! I feel more different - like I can sense this place fade away - wait this is not a memory! Oh Fuck it's Real! Shittt I need to get back ! Or this place is gonna collapse with me - Get me out - Out - out- OUT!'

A Blue flash of light appeared and dragged him out of the collapsing void...

Aavesh was back in his own body while holding an illusory fading Blue Lotus - back in the assessment site with the Entity staring at him like an Idiot.

The fading Blue Lotus spoke first, " I didn't think - you could actually go to the Birthplace of the first True Aeon- You are really - ...hah - I only simulated the memory but your soul involuntarily - went to that place - I sensed you disappear ....but - now you have come back with an even stronger Aura- ... You are truly the Last True Aeon- ...I didn't fail... my mission - One ... Final... thing... give... your... power... a... new... name..."

It struggled to maintain its final essence as it awaited Aavesh's Answer .

Aavesh looked at it fading figure with sadness in his hearts but decided to honour it's last Wish. He spoke from the feelings within his heart which strangely synchronized with his mind," Since this Evolved Aeon Mythic Power is mine - and I don't follow the Cosmic Will anymore- In it's eyes - I am a Renegade - So My Power shall be Renegade Aeon Mythic Power!"

"Good... Name...", It spoke as it faded away in peace - it's mission complete. His hands were empty now...

He turned to the Entity who then stared at him for a moment and then left from the place without a word - back to the Machina Dimension...

A Door of white light then opened infront of Aavesh as he stepped into it leaving the place silent...

As silent as himself - the secrets within him - unknown to himself, will cause a Scale of Incredible disaster many years from now...

Many times one suppresses Painful Memories - rewrites them to keep their minds sane...

One suppresses Personalities to save themselves from something truly horrible - worse than an enemy - from themselves.

No one would know what was WITHIN Aavesh's soul- not even Aavesh himself - but the day HE wakes up - Shall be the day - DESTRUCTION will arrive to material world - who knows - if Aavesh will survive the consequences of HIM awakening... For HE is Aavesh and Aavesh is HIM... One thing is Sure, that day Eldritch Blood will be spilled...

Heads will roll.

A God will fall.