Fall of Rodred

This Black suit or maybe Mecha had quite the Granular Texture- It's Musculature was quiet evident, There was no specific Helmet or body part design. Everything was uniform throughout the Design - The Armor - It would almost be invisible in the night- There was no visor on the face or Specific Marking.

"Data on your sister's live location and the Blueprint of the Redstone Orphanage Facility has already been uploaded to the Mech SYS, it's call sign is Blackwarp"

"I have designated you as the owner of the Mecha, You should be able to voice out commands, Just say 'merge' to wear the Mecha- It is fully fuelled Sir", Tyr spoke.

"Merge", Aavesh commanded out.



The Black suit hummed slightly as it stood up from its place and Kneeled before Aavesh - the Head opened and enveloped Aavesh's head to make the connection between them.

Aavesh felt something new probing his mind- He knew what it was, But took a deep breath in and calmed his mind to accept the Neural Invite.

It was the Time of Trials - No matter how much Tyr wanted to stop Aavesh from doing this, he could not go against Aavesh's commands as it would violate his Core Protocols. Infact the Only Reason he did not delete himself was because of Aavesh's Requests and Commands, Making sure that he had to follow Aavesh's Commands on Priority instead of Offing himself.

He was duty bound to strictly follow the Commands of the Main Adhi Family - Now Aavesh's Family had become the New Main Family due to Nayaki's Rebirth.

If Aavesh died now- He would record a message and send it to the Grandparents while deleting himself.

He could only Pray to the Great Singularity that Aavesh survives this Trial.

Syncing with Mecha was never simple- How the mind would adjust to the Neural load was unpredictable, Some Would crumble from the Massive load of information pumped into their brain, others would become berserk or even become completely new people.

It was inevitable for all races to face this issue- After all Mechas helped them fully utilize their Cultivation Prowess and even amplify their combat strength!

For some People, Mecha Armor had become their second skin akin to their homes and other people delved into forbidden stuff- making Bio Mechas or even successful Chimera Mechas.

It was like in the Ancient Times- Like how Cultivators would not leave their homes without their favoured weapon which increased their strengths by several folds.

Mechas were exactly that now- Perfect amplifiers of strength and greatly improved the Survivability of their Pilots.

But how could such a perfect story exist? The ability to use a Mecha was always strictly regulated and only Authorised people would be allowed to use them and would still be restricted given their ability to cause immense damage.

In civillized Society and Environments, Mechs would be very carefully used unless someone was seeking death but Outside the heavy control zones- Anything went.

That's why what Aavesh was about to do was enough to get a Death Sentence.

Funny is it not? Aavesh was Lawful Neutral but was doing this...

Heh- Aavesh had his own set of rules as well and they took priority over the Damn World!

Especially when it concerned his family.

Aavesh felt an Electrical shock as he accepted the Neural Invite, His mind felt a massive amount of New Information inject within- His vision began to alter with random flashes of images as he felt the features of the Mech Blue into him- as he and the Mech became one.

His veins across his body flared up in pain as his mind was under massive amount of stress from just the merge.

Aavesh felt like he was about to blow up- No wonder people started Cultivation and then used Mechas, Mortals should never even dream of using a Mecha- or their mind would never be able to handle the Load.

* Whizzzzzz

Just as Tyr though Aavesh would soon fail at it - Aavesh's mind unconsciously activated his Neural Processing Augmentation.

Ofcourse, at the Cost of his Vitality.

Aavesh Painstakingly processed the Massive Load of Information and finally managed to achieve basic Synchronisation of 10%.

Tyr sighed in relief but did not hold much hope for the Synchronisation level to reach the required percentage of 60% so Aavesh could use the Mecha.

Aavesh was in tough standstill situation - Even if his High Processing Power helped to sort out the Information - Each step felt painful and tested his will.

He could not improve beyond 10% without suffering significant agony to his mind. Every process seemed like climbing a steep mountain filled with swords at every step.

Aavesh's mind almost crumbled from the whole situation but he Remembered his sister- that small girl- who was languishing in a cell, just minutes away from him.

Why was he doing this? Because she was his Sister.

Would he do this for others? Others Not related to him? Maybe-

But his family was important - He'd lost everything in his alternate Timeline, So why the Fuck should he lose his Sister now?

His thoughts coalesced into determination which made his will to bear the Synchronisation Process erupt upwards.

Synchronisation 22%... 35%... 56%

Tyr was shocked and his eyes were filled with hope- Just a little more to get the Strength of a Standard User.

The Percentage in his visor did not go up...

One Moment, Two, Three...

Nothing happened...

Damn it must Fate Play Tricks like this?

* Booom

A Pulse emitted from the Mecha as the Percentage shot up again - to Monstrous Levels.


'That's - The level of a Standard Combatant!', Tyr was shocked.


'Military... Military Grade Synchronisation!'


' Elite! Elite Unit Synchronisation! Only Few Dozen Billion have this Capability!' Tyr hands shivered as he thought of the Implications - It was bound to be Massive!


'Fuck- This is Extreme Mecha Warrior Synchronisation! The Human Race has some few Hundred Million with this Level, Could it be that he could crunch the Last Percentages in his first Mecha Sync?"

It then dropped.

But Tyr was not disappointed at all- He believed that Aavesh did have the potential to full unlock 100% Sync and Become an Ultimate!

The Rest of the Mech enveloped Aavesh and grew in size until it took the shape of a 15 Feet Huge Black Faceless Muscular Humanoid Titan.

Aavesh opened his eyes and now was able to see the world in Dual vision,- His body was in a very tough Pod that protected him while he controlled the Mech.












Aavesh chose Ignore for Now.

He moved around to test the Mecha.

His movements were not shaky at all- they were beyond crisp, it was like having near absolute control over the body.

Aavesh then activated the inbuilt weapon systems -


A Large Red Energy sword condensed in his hand- it was nothing to laugh at - for it was no joke to the low levelled Thugs at Redstone Orphanage.

"Hmm?", Tyr who had just activated the Portal Spiral, noticed a strange Anomaly in the Orphanage.

The Love Blueprint seemed to have changed imperceptibly. Nayaki's Location had changed as well.

Something had happened. - 'This is Not Good', Tyr immediately sent the Updated Data into Aavesh's Live feed.

"You'll have to hurry Sir- There are some anomalies taking place, I am unable to process them for some reason, I have sent it to you", Tyr spoke with a worried frown on his face.

"Anomalies?- Keep your Guard Up and Neutralize anyone who comes in apart from Me and My Sister",Aavesh spoke with caution in his tone.

The New map displayed the changes happening in the area before him.

He wouldn't risk anything here - His Sister Desperately needed the facilities here.

A Spiralling Portal opened a few metres from Aavesh- who then walked into it.



A Spiralling Portal opened before the Main Dark Red Gates of the Orphanage much to the Onlookers shock.

Pedestrians immediately cleared of as Security Forces were called in .


A Black Faceless Humanoid Titan Mech stepped out of the Portal and smashed the Gates of the Orphanage - Destroying the Energy Shield around it.

"What the Fuck? Run! Run!"

"Run for your Lives! That thing is an Invader!"


The Onlookers screamed in Terror- This was the Third Time an Invader arrived from a Portal on their Planet.

People panicked at the Sight of Aavesh's Punch.

Everyone Scrambled as SECURITY Bots were immediately Activated to deal with the New Threat.

But an Interesting event happened as the shield surrounding the Posh Orphanage broke to reveal a dilapidated Building with a Powerful Dark Aura that caused the Boys to Malfunction and stop.

Aavesh felt the eerie abnormality as he scanned the Building with his Mech to find his Sister.

He felt an Inevitable choked up Sensation as he looked at the Giant Dilapidated Building Before him.

Something was here.

Something Malevolent.

But He stepped in anyway - He couldn't lose her.

His visor showed her life signature on the 13th Floor, But it kept fluctuating in the same floor...

Strange... What the hell is going on? Aavesh leaped upwards and managed to grab at the 8th Floor Steel Walls.



He Began to climb upward when he heard a soft melancholic sound of a flute. It made him want to give up and almost accept his destiny of death but Aavesh endured against those foreign feelings, by biting his tongue to keep his sanity.

It seemed to be mind numbing but he beared it in and kept climbing .

*Chunk chink

' Strange, There's no siren at all- the Security Forces should have come by now'

As Aavesh climbed fast upwards he had an unsettling feeling in his heart- this isn't good, he thought.

He quickly to The 13th Floor and used the Brute Strength of the Mecha to punch a hole in the Wall of the Building.

He then controlled his size to reduce back to his Original child size as the Mecha transformed into an Armored suit.

His Night Vision turned on as he walked into the Dark, Powerless Building. His visor Glitched suddenly, showing 3 separate Life signatures of his sister.

The Creepiness of the situation was increasing as the Melancholic flute sounded even more strongly.

Aavesh gazed at the three locations - a nearby classroom, a kitchen mess and that Chamber where she was kept.

Some Entity was playing with him- He felt in his instincts but he needed to find her first!

The Classroom was the Closest - He would check there first.

As he walked towards the direction of the Classroom, a cold breeze blew past him and he felt strange eyes gazing at him in the Dark- What the fuck?

No- There was nothing around him.

'*Shit! I am Wasting Time!', Thinking this Aavesh ran to the Classroom and Slammed the Door Open .

What he saw inside shocked his soul...

There was no living being in the Classroom - all the children were apparitions... Some had missing eyes, some no hands or legs , all sharing scars all over their body and yet they were extremely pale, yet translucent - like their bodies were now white sorrowful mists.

When they saw him, they didn't scream - they calmly gazed at him with a wierd smile that pricked his heart and began to sing an unfamiliar lullaby,

"His smile fair as spring,

as towards him he draws you,

His tongue sharp and slivery

as he implores you,

Your wishes he grants

as he swear to adore you,

Gold, silver, jewels,

He lays riches before you,

Dues need be repaid

and He will come for you

All to reclaim

No smile to console you

He'll snare you in bonds

Eyes glowing afire

To gore and torment you

Till the stars expire..."

Aavesh couldn't move from his place as he was transfixed into listening the eerie Lullaby.

As soon as they spoke the Last Word they turned into White mist which dissipated - leaving the Class Room Empty.

Aavesh felt his hands shiver as he his mind tried to calm down.

'Wha- What the Hell was that?' Aavesh thought tremblingly.

He heard about ghosts, spirits and all but this was chilling - Outright Scary...

What was this...

'No she's not here', Aavesh snapped himself back as he realised his sister was not here.

'The Kitchen Mess hall Then- that's nearest from here', He shook his head as his heart sank and rushed in the empty hallways - Not a soul in sight.

Aavesh opened the Kitchen Mess hall's door with a Bang- Only to find the Place Mostly Empty...

Except for a hooded being who seemed to be stirring some Black liquid in a Vat silently.

'Huh', Aavesh stopped in his tracks as he observed the hooded figure, with his guard on.

"Hello? What's going on- here...?", Aavesh asked the Hooded figure .

The Figure did not reply, just stopped stirring the Vat and turned towards Aavesh.

Aavesh took a step back as he felt something very odd from the Hooded Man.

The Man then removed the hood to reveal a disfigured yet highly recognisable face. It was Rored- One his Sister's Tortures.

Aavesh gripped his fists as he immediately entered a fighting stance.

Rored had a dull look in his face like he was a slave, Immediately opened his jaw at an inhuman length and screamed out, "WAAAAHHH".

He pulled the stirring Laddle out and threw the Dark Contents of the Vat at Aavesh.

Aavesh immediately dodged and increased his speed to close up on Rored.

But Rored Matched Aavesh's speed as well as he tried to use the Laddle like cub to beat Aavesh with.


Aavesh Blocked Rored's blow but was stunned by the strength behind it- Suddenly Rored screamed again and started to Hit Aavesh multiple times at an incredible speed while Aavesh relied on his instincts to Block the Blows.

Aavesh then let a Blow forcibly hit him and Punched Rored in his face but it did nothing - he realised that to beat Rored- he needed to use his mind to find a solution.

This Rodred was able to Literally match the strength, resilence and agility of a Mecha - It was almost like his strength was being Mimicked - No it would take a specific spell with absurd requirements to match such a perfect way of Scaling Strength.

'Was there a conduit?', Aavesh thought while trying to Deflect Blows from that absurdly strong laddle- Aavesh's Attention fell on the Ground where he observed that the dark liquid was a bit odd - Could it be a conduit for the spell?

Aavesh punched back at Rodred with his left Arm while his Right hand conjured A Red Sword of Light with 10% of his fuel reserves which he threw onto the Liquid spilt on the Floor.

The Sword ignited a fire around the liquid Furiously, while Rodred kneeled down in an inanimate manner , while losing all of his previous strength.


Aavesh pummeled Rodred hard to find out where his Sister was but Rodred never spoke a word.