Cultivation Technique Comparison

The Next Morning all the Six candidates had gotten ready and stood in the Meeting Grounds before Dr. Corvus and Miss Sabine.

"Miss Sabine will help you to find your suitable Cultivation Techniques... and she will teach you how the Energy Systems Work- After this I have a Quick Starter Program that you all need to pass- After you cultivate you will have enhanced Physiques and stronger Minds- that means you can study fundamental subjects like Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology - After this we will arrange Language, Culture, Economy and Law Classes for you all- If you don't clear these subjects- We will have to fit an Implant in you that will be very Painful and You feel like a Miserable Puppet - because you will be one- So Don't Slack in any subject - We chose you all because you are the best Talents in the Outer Rings! If you can do this- you are better off being Euthanized and Recycled! Understood?!", Dr. Corvus spoke a bit extra harshly today- Aavesh observed despite his tired eyes and slightly dehydrated lips.

' Probably because he wanted to frighten the Kids into studying Properly... Not that I am Going to Complain We sure could use information '- Powers alone won't help survive the Horrors that awaited them in the Universe - They needed Knowledge as well...


His stomach churned a bit in frustration...

Aavesh felt a slight weakness over his body...

He needed food- He had Consumed Substantial amount of Vitality with Yesterday's Stunt.

He needed to refill...


They were Going to get food after Today's Cultivation Session...

Whatever Let's get this over with.

Aavesh was still a bit distracted from Last night's Stunt and all that information was still running around in his head- Especially the Energy Cultivation Technique - He couldn't really make anything out of it- despite recording everything - Just because one could mimick stuff- didn't mean they understood it well.

Sabine looked at the Kids tapped on a Tablet to show a Holographic Projection of a transparent human with his Meridian Pathways being highlighted.

"Listen Kids- You first need to understand a Basic Tenet in Cultivating the Energy Path, which is the Easiest of all 3 Paths- The First Prerequisite is to have an Elemental affinity and then have functioning Meridians- without which you can only dream about Cultivation, Kids remember - Don't ever try to publicly expose your affinities... Only your Affiliated country, Employer if necessary, your Teachers, family and maybe - maybe friends can know about your Elemental Affinity! It's ofcourse best of you can keep things as a Secret ", Sabine advised seriously to the kids. A single slip up... would cost them dearly.

One could not be too careful about one's strengths...

"Your Meridians- have a certain inherited Elemental affinity... it means you can only use a specific type of Elemental Energy as Qi within your Lower Dantian- Anyother Element is Essentially a waste of time because you Don't have affinity for it..."

"Now as you sense Energy - You can will them using certain Mantras, Sutras and Postures, etc into your Meridian Pathways - Look carefully at the Holographic Projection Here!

" Your Meridians will automatically remove elements that do not match your affinity and you must push this Energy Specific Pathways according to the Cultivation Technique and complete a Revolution which ends in Storing the Refined Elemental Energy- Now Called as Qi into the Lower Dantian"

"After You create the Seed... You don't need your Meridians to filter any Energy and you can directly absorb the preference Elemental Energy!"

"You can also slowly begin to controlling Your affinity Elemental Energy outside the Body but this is a Gradual Process - Seed Creation is the Goal of the Sensing, Training and Meditation Stage... I have left some information about Seed Creation in your Rooms"

"Now Kids look at the Projection again - The Body Cultivation Techniques involves enriching and Refining Blood with specific Techniques and Using the Meridians to Transport this Blood to the Middle Dantian - The Body Core! also known as The Heart Blood Pool!"

"Again We Refine Mental Energy as well and Use the Meridians to Transport it to the Upper Dantian!"

Sabine showed various Live Projections of the Three Types of Cultivation to the Kids who payed rapt attention.

"Now I have sent some VR Headsets into your room with Affinity Testers- In 30 minutes, I will visit all of your rooms and guide your Stage 0 Cultivation Techniques - These are Excellent Grade Techniques, the best in the Outer Rings - Do not cultivate without me- Unless you want to die - Now Go On"

Everyone Went back to their Respective Rooms and put on the Headset left on the Beds.

Sabine then viewed her data feed and began to observe the Results.

The Kids Seemed to be playing a bit with the VR and trying to See how different Cultivation Techniques Suited them...

Her Gaze looked non chalant at all the kids actions except when she switched to Aavesh's Data Feed, she had a strange look.

'This Brat... why is not choosing a Cultivation Technique? What's up with that messed up look on his face... Ugh Damned Monsters'

In Aavesh's Room, Aavesh immediately put on the Headset and began to compare The Current Systems of Cultivation Techniques with the ones he imbibed Yesterday.


The Black Low Grade VR headset transported him to a Simple Training Simulation with white Walls and bunch of Testing Gear...

'Ugh- The Low Grade VR headset actually has a lot of Testing Functions- *Welp so it's not a Low Grade Headset after all'

The Equipment was quite simple and the interface was pretty realistic...

Well it wasn't the Galactic Network but it was a good alternative...

Also the Headsets were using an closed Intranet - They could not access The Galactic Net through this Headset - They could also not access the Facility Network - Damn it was pretty secure, Well that's the Average standard for a Black Ops Boot Camp for you!

Shaking his head - He checked his affinity again though - He cringed as he saw the results.

He 2% Percent affinity for all Primal Elements Except for the Lightning Element where he scored 20% Affinity which was pretty Decent but looking at the Other Elements his face twisted in a crying manner!

He didn't bother checking Composite Element Affinity - He knew it was Going to be fucking Horrible.

It was Really Too Tragic! His affinity for the other Elements Were Terrible!

'Its likely due to the Abyss Harming me that time- *Sigh Can't cry about spilt milk now'

2% Affinity... Meant that he was at the Human Standard- He was as good as a Mortal with the other Primal Elements... Atleast he didn't have 0% Affinity or Negative Affinity - Dude's with That Level Really had it rough.

He checked for Actualized Elemental Affinity - Which came out as a suprise...

'Huh? What the heck?! I have affinity to the Tribulation Element? and it's at 9% ? It is in the Average Level but it's a Pretty rare affinity... Wait I do Remember that I was struck by Tribulation Lightning in that Heart Demon Dream Realm or something... Let's check it's information first!'

He clicked on the Info Icon on Tribulation Element and read the contents...

----' You have Gained affinity to this Element after Being Punished by the Universe and Surviving as a Mortal! This Element can help negate the Lightning Resistance of Evil Beings when used along with Lightning Element! It can also help to Purify Living Beings, Items and Substances but has a high chance to damage them instead.

The Tribulation Element also helps to activate latent potential of Beings, Items and Substances - if they survive it's effects.

Effects on Cultivator - Can Be used to Build a Perfect Body Core/ Heart Blood Seed- Tribulation Element is Unbiased - Any Element can be used with it... Users of Tribulation Element face Enhanced Tribulations when Cultivating- Getting Mixed in Unrelated Danger Attribute is active - Cultivator May randomly get mixed up Mega Encounters and is likely to attract Random Types of Tribulations each Year. Luck Explodes Upwards Briefly if Cultivator Survives Tribulation

Ways to Improve Affinity - Be A Masochist! Throw Yourself in Life Threatening Danger! Have an SM Relationship! Experience The Essence of Random Danger! Be Tortured by Forces Chaos and Evil! Best Way is To Surrender Yourself Before Tribulation Lightning to Truly Understand its True Essence!

Good Luck! You Can Do This!'----

His face twisted horribly as he read further- What kind of F*cked up Element is this?...

Nah! I don't wanna Cultivate This ! No Nope Nada!

His Eyes reluctantly Darted to the 'Perfect' Body Core claim and he sighed inwardly...

'Sacrifices need to be made for the Greater Good- But I won't be a Goddamn Masochist! I won't get into any Kind of Nonsensical Relationships Either- Best I can Do is Tribulation Lightning... Fine I'll Cultivate You- My Luck - My Poor Luck! * Sigh It can't be helped'

He then checked the Very Rare Section - Absolute Abstract Elemental Affinity. Such a section was created due to some Monstrous Beings having researched the Foundations of a Higher Dimension - It consisted of the Nine Abstract Absolute Elements:- Space, Time, Life, Death, Reincarnation, Matter, Antimatter, Primordial Chaos and Oblivion.

Space - Referred To the Range of Void you could control or even shape to your whims

Time- It speaks for itself - You could tap into rare forces like Destiny using this Element

Reincarnation - It is the Cyclical Flow of the World- You could virtually be immortal using this... and Trap Enemies with the highest forms of Illusions

Life - Endless Vitality and Promote Growth of a Living being.

Death - Eliminates the Living with the Required Precision... Can be used to kill Immortals as well

Matter - Create and Manipulate matter with pure will...

Antimatter - Destroy Matter to its base structures with terrifying Efficiency

Primordial Chaos - Have an Endless Battery of Energy, Enhance Presence and Quality- be able to be Everything, Can Override Light Element.

Oblivion - Absolute Nullification - Element is Essential Nothingness - Can reduce Mental Presence, Can Override Dark Element and Severely affect Mental Health of Target.

All these Abstract Elements have a Plane Dedicated to them which is intertwined with all Higher Dimensions like the Primal Elements.

Few Beings are born with affinity to such Powerful Elements and they are often Plagued with Trouble - Just like Him.

He gazed at the Calculated Percentage - a whopping 40%!

It was an SS Grade Elemental Affinity- The Maximum an Non Cultivator can ever have...

It meant that he was deeply cared for by the Plane of Oblivion...

Well he did undergo all the required Processes and suffered in that Oblivion Plane for a long time before he managed to come out .

Atleast that didn't happen for nothing.

Aavesh also made a mental Note- He had affinity to the Oblivion Element - Not Null Shadow or Nullifying Element, No Nullification was but a part of Oblivion...

He had confused himself on this before and kept stupidly calling it Null Shadow...

One Must always use the right name or be plagued with bad luck.

But it was okay Now- He had met his Ancestor and now he had clarified this convention - It was no good to be in a confused state- Null Shadow was part of Oblivion and he had affinity with the complete Oblivion Element according to his Ancestor.

He then compared the Meridian Pathway Patterns and was extremely shocked! Just what Cultivation Technique did he inherit?

This... Ancient Cultivation Technique had subtle complexities, longer Revolutions and seemed to be made for the Entire Human Meridian Network compared to the Modern Cultivation Technique...

The Qi Purity would be Extreme... He would properly be able to break down Elemental Energy to the Basic Structure and refine it to an unbelievable Density!

This was Excellent!

Aavesh Moved on to Body Cultivation Technique comparison-

The So called Body Cultivation Technique Was an overall Improvement of the Body Structure from the Fundamental Level... Like improving Hardware and adding a Nuclear Fusion Reactor at it as well.

One Need to condense a Heart Blood Seed in the Middle Dantian which would absorb and refine all Nutrients, Tonic, etc into an invigorating Essence which would be supplied to all cells using the Meridian Network in the Body- The Essence would then be used to invoke a structural change at the cellular level which would - Depending on the Technique used - finally improve the Body.

The Essence used to invoke this change was extremely important as well, so an Appropriate Cultivation Technique had to be used to build the Heart Blood Seed...

Aavesh looked at the Information he had imbibed from Irolin's Gift... This was something he had derived himself from the inheritance memories.

He checked the Mental Cultivation Technique - The Core Purpose was the Improving the Soul, Building the Mind Pool Seed using the Mind Pond and Enhancing the Control of the Soul to all areas of the Body - this Would be done using the Meridian Pathways to diffuse the Mental Energy to all Parts of the Body...

The Mind Pool Seed has to built using the Astral Energy either for Arcane Pool, Divine, Reservoir or in his case Curse Well and Psychokinetic Furnace.

The Problem is- He needed to build it for all Four Types...

This would not just require Reconciliation between the Divine and Arcane- It needed him to Reconcile Arcane, Divine, Curse and Psychokinetic into one Concept...

This was going to be a Headache!

But that's fine...

He logged out of the VR Session and Shared his Findings with Eon who looked Flabbergasted at him and shook his head in disbelief.

"Dude... You made the Impossible even more Impossible! Wow! " Eon exploded out on Aavesh who smiled bitterly at his reaction.

His Fate - Seemed to be biting at him.

"Take a look at my Derivations - We should be able to come up with a solution right?!", He pleadingly spoke with Eon.

Everything seemed so Complicated to do!

Complications - Why Don't you runaway from me- Make My Life Simple Will You?!

"Ugh Fine - Let's take a look at what you learnt from those Memories - Whoa Hot Damn!"