Unification, Love Yourself and Live!

As Several Chaotic Images flooded Aavesh's mind as he entered a Trance like state of mind, Triggered by The Terraformation of a Planet.

His Mind instinctively attempted to Bring Order to the Chaotic Information - To infuse Logic on the Illogical.

After arranging all of the information in a Semi Ordered Form, He felt something Humming Towards him, a familiar inexplicable feeling, the feeling of touching Information that was beyond him- Something that did not Belong to someone of his Level, Yet he felt it coming anyway- like nothing could stop him if he wanted to.

He tried to sync in with that strange Hum within him to follow his Instincts and find out what was Hiding in Plain Sight.

The Moment he did that, his mind went Completely Blank and a Question Bombarded his Mind.

'When are Cultivation Techniques Unified?'

This time he answered with his Instinctive Logic present in his mind.

'They are Unified when they serve a common Purpose '

But this Answer gave rise to a Paradox.

'What is the Purpose?'


'What is the Purpose?'


'What is the Purpose?'


The Question Rang like Continuous Thunder in Aavesh's mind.

He became silent for a Moment but then listened to the Voice within, the Voice in his Heart, He knew the Answer, he just needed to really 'see' it.

He answered the Thought with knowledge that came from the Inspiration.

The Inspiration from Terraforming the World, The Inspiration of Stars Forming, The Idea of Conscious Thought Destroying Ignorance within his self.

The Hum was stronger and stronger as he began to visualise the Answer and explained in ward.

'The Purpose is Shape, Substance and Thought - A Living World, With it's Own Physical Structur, With its own Interconnected Cyclical Energy Environment and With its Unique Sentience! All forming Balance- A frightening Harmony!'

'Harmony does not mean Absolute Peace- Nor does it mean Absolute Conflict - It lies in Between'

' The Constant Intermingling of Elements, the Unending Birth and Death of Stars, The Ever Changing Universal Consciousness '

'The Habitable Worlds are built with Harmony of Shape, Substance and Thought'

'So Cultivation must be Harmony - Harmony by Becoming a World!'

The Last Answer Gave him the Solution to the Conundrum that took weeks to even solve.

The 3 Cultivation Techniques Fused Together in a Synchronous Manner- To effectively Create Harmony within Body, Energy and Soul.

The New Technique Pieces itself within Aavesh's Mind, For now it was no longer someone else's Cultivation Technique, it Was his Own and only he could use it.

The New Cultivation Technique was something that wanted to go Beyond Perfection, it wanted to be Transcendent! and the Last Step to Full Transcendence - required a name from it's creator -

" Celestial Convergence Communion", Aavesh spoke out loud, as the Complete Technique etched into his Mind.

Then all of a sudden a flood of a voice filled with Concern hit his Ears and Aavesh felt instantly pulled back to reality.

His vision had completely turned black, as he felt overwhelming Fatigue and strain hit him, He could not move a single muscle- He felt barely conscious.

He was able to hear some muffled voices as he felt people Surround him.

"He's Breathing Again, His Heart rate has stabilized- No major injury to his organs", Someone spoke softly.

"E7Z9 has extremely abnormal Brain Activity, Chief Corvus- A few moments ago according to all Monitors his Physical Brain Activity Exceeded that of even Stage 6 Cultivators, I don't know what he did but this caused an immediate Cardiac Arrest which caused all this Havoc", A Hoarse Masked voice spoke with clear confusion and a bewildered tone.

"Any Foreign Substances Found? Toxins, Cocktails, IGs-", Dr. Corvus's Familiar Dry voice sounded in Aavesh's Ears.

"That's the Thing Chief!- We found nothing! All Med Bot Checks confirmed that his Brain suddenly went into an Extreme State in an instant without any Nootropics or other Substances, However we can't rule out Info Hazards- That is the Best Answer we can Give You, But E7Z9 must Rest for a Week atleast! His Body is in a very bad shape but his cells have begun recovering abnormally as stated in his file- But he needs atleast a week before he can resume Training", Another Hoarse Masked voices spoke out, it sounded more professional for some reason.

"Alright, Sedate him for a week, I can see that his Mental Levels have not fallen at all- He seems to have Broken through to Meditation Level 5, Wait- Err It's still climbing? Ugh - Closely Monitor his Improvements...", Dr. Corvus seemed to have gone silent on hearing that Aavesh was still improving - Even in Damn Coma!

"So far his Mediation Level seems to increase in a Stable Manner- He should not suffer any Repercussions for the Time Being, since his Mind seemed to have been expanded Beyond his Realm Limits since this incident- Natural Improvement should be Normal", The Same Professional sounding masked hoarse voice spoke.

These voices sounded as if someone spoke through a voice modulator and set the setting on Neutral and amped the Roughness of the sound to make it extremely hard to identify.

Only Dr.Corvus's voice was clear.

*Sigh Get Well Soon Kid- On account of you increasing your Meditation Levels, you won't suffer Punishment this Time- Okay Send him in the HAB Pod, If he does we all lose our Necks, The Commander Will Kill Us Personally - Now Take him- Go!", Dr. Corvus sighed as Aavesh was immediately taken and sent to the HAB pod, Soft needles were injected into his Body as Aavesh still couldn't do anything at all, he was extremely fatigued.

"Aavesh... Shh You have to sleep now- Let your mind rest...", Eon's voice came out of nowhere and seemed to soothe him to sleep.

His Pain fatigue began to completely lessen out and he felt relaxed...

Aavesh did not fight this feeling of sleep and dozed off right away.


A week later,

Aavesh lay asleep in his bed, in his room.

The Masked anonymous Medical Professionals spoke to Dr. Corvus who stood at the Door.

"He has healed quite quickly and the Sedatives should wear off in few Moments- We also were able to view the Unique Regenerative Augmentations quite closely with the Enhanced Apparatus, Not what you have in Healing Vats here!"

"There's nothing like it Chief- Once injected with Healing Fluid, his Regeneration Process Becomes incredibly fast and Terrifyingly Subtle! The uninjured cells recycle dead Cells- with processes we are not able to understand clearly despite it being so- so small, Like a Tiny set of the Right Evolutionary Mutations applied on certain sections! We-"

"Enough! We will never be able to synthetically replicate this- Right?"

"We don't have the Technology to do this- But I can confirm No one in the Outer Rings can do this, Even in the Inner Rings such stuff is extremely rare and they are primitive compared to E7Z9's Augmentations! Maybe the CORE might have someone- Eh who knows? As far I am concerned this will not pose a security issue you suspected, And Tell the Candidate to avoid Any form of Info Hazards, I done enough tests and It is 65% sure that his brain had accepted something that fried it in such a dangerous degree, there is a reason why we don't always think beyond our realms, Be sure to hammer that in the Candidate! We are done for the Day! "

"That'll be all then, Thank You for Your Care- I will Escort you all out"

*Sounds of Footsteps could be heard in the distance.

A few minutes later Aavesh's Eyes Twitched open finally with some strength, He Slowly pulled himself up and sat on the Bed, he felt immense stiffness in his muscles.

They had become weak and his Elemental Energy sensitivity had weakened as well...

Only his mind seemed to be a bit Strong, No he didn't feel Mental Fatigue again, Mentally he seemed stable for some reason, But why was he filled with the Illusion of Power? Like he could manifest an Aura or something...


Aavesh felt Deep Pain from his body - He did not feel great...

"Ughh, What happened..."

Eon popped out from the side and stared at Aavesh with a complicated expression, "You always seem to get into trouble when things just calm down"

"To be fair, This Time It was pretty Chill-"

"You almost died", Eon the spoke out icily.

Aavesh became silent after that.

Eon continued with Pain in his voice,

"I saw you convulse and Tried to stabilize your erratic body, But you were burning up- Your Body was getting destroyed infront of my eyes and I- I was helpless- I Couldn't do anything for you- I couldn't stop your Brain without harming you and I couldn't heal your body as it kept being torn from within by you! Somehow you triggered the Alarms in your room with your Erratic Vitals- Aavesh I saw your Heart Stop, And for the Second Time - I felt such despair when I couldn't save my Partner and Now I had to Watch you die..."

"And I know it was because of my damn video! I am not telling you to stop taking risks but - but can you *sob not die?", Eon choked his words out.

Aavesh felt a heavy strike hit his heart, He sensed Eon's fear and sadness, as well as his concern.

"You are all I got left too- You are my Little Brother you know! *huff Aavesh I didn't want to bring this up- But you are not living for yourself, Aavesh if you consider your Family and me, Do you think we all would be happy of you died? We would fucking hate you for that! *Choke You stupid self righteous Idiot! You can't just only live just for your Family - Aavesh you have to live for yourself - You told me you had dreams and Aspirations But I don't see shit!"

Aavesh wanted to retort but became silent .

"You shouldn't do things with a Die Attitude- You got to do things because you want to live!"

"I taught you all this while, I didn't do it because I am going to die- I did it because I want to live!"

"You have to stop having that corpse attitude and start believing that you are important - You stopped loathing yourself, now start loving yourself man! And don't Fucking ever behave so recklessly- You know your mind gives you a warning regarding this, Aavesh you need to be more self aware when you get such opportunities - Don't just think what you'll get from them, start thinking whether you can survive if you do- Now that but is off my chest, Aavesh please don't be reckless, It's not our Way and we do things with absolute precision! That means Patience and self awareness!"

"Think about what I've said to you, Now go Get something to Eat, Shoooo", Eon shooed Aavesh away but Aavesh just smiled back at him, it was a bittersweet smile.

His heart had shook with Eon's claims and deep down he knew, Eon was right.

Eon's concern and lecture almost made him cry, but he controlled himself...

It reminded him again what it was, to have a family... to have someone worry for you.

To have someone hold you close and give you warmth that this cold universe could never give...

Truth be told Aavesh deeply missed his family, Eon's actions hit him deeply and made him feel- that he wasn't alone, that there was still someone who cared for him unconditionally...

If it was the contract or gratitude before, Now it was more, Eon treated him like a brother... Like Family-

Maybe he was emotional but he was human too no? Even he wanted to be careful about and be cared for...

Even he wanted someone by his side...

He spoke out almost in a whisper...

"I'll try..."

He then got up and walked out slowly, trying to readjust his body.

After Aavesh Eon then sat down, drained out... and spoke to himself," Yukti, I am trying too- I see my old self in Aavesh, A Key Spirit with no regard for living forward,ll One who'll die for others but never live for self... I know I rejected and rebuffed but when I lost everything and was Trapped in that rock, I dreamt of you... of how much I want to be with you, How many mistakes I made and how many times, I've hurt you... But I truly want to be with you and do right by my Partner! I learned from your Advice- My Beloved Yukti - I found family in that little boy like you said, I might not express my feelings and outright jump at your sight but I want to be better- I've learnt a lot from these Mortals over these few months and I will do my best to ensure Aavesh never takes my old Path of Cosmic Indifference - I hope you will forgive me one Day Yukti, I will try as well to be worthy - Worthy enough to confront my feelings about you and Maybe just Maybe Normally Talk with you...".Eon sighed as he spoke to himself but dreamed of that Familiar Key Spirit...