Tyrants' Death( Vol 4 End)

Within the Inner Galactic Rings,

GLNAC Capital Planet Theia,

Kumaran Estate,

Kriti looked at the screen with a frown as she sat with Antriksh who had a similar dark expression on his face.

They lamented the poor kid's fate- Their Respective fathers had decided to intervene but fate plays cruel games.

The Kid even though he won, it was clear - Khorramzadeh was never going to let him off.

Kriti then spoke to Antriksh," Husband, There's something I need to tell you, it's about our Eldest Daughter"

Antriksh then focused his eyes on her and listened attentively.

"Kriti seems to have inherited the Astral Painter's Eyes Gene you spoke of- it's probably activating due to the Higher Dimensional Blood within her"

Antriksh had a shocked look on his face and he immediately asked," Has she begun to see the Auras?"

"Even Better- She's able to see Hues of colors, For some reason it's more strong and stable, I know you used a Blocker because of how unstable your condition had become but I believe our Children won't need that very blocker- Your Mother, she managed to harness her condition...", Kriti spoke with a hopeful gaze.

But Antriksh smiled bitterly and spoke,"Kriti there's a reason I used a Blocker- for people with the Astral Painter's Eyes we see much much more- our Eyes can not only see emotions but also see the True Horrors hidden within this reality- We should ask our Children if they want to pursue this path or if they want to use the Blocker, Either way we must decide fast", Antriksh did not hide the fear in his eyes as he remembered those memories and monsters that would torment him for years and years until he decided to use a blocker and seal 90% of this ability away - he had a more unstable variant of this ability due to certain injuries which had caused his Condition to go extremely haywire.

Kriti sighed softly as she hugged Antriksh to comfort him.

" This condition of yours- you told me it's extremely reactive to Mythic Blood, sigh I think we need to see whether this Astral Painter's Eyes has evolved or not, if it's unstable as yours, I will talk to Nalini - Okay dear?", She assured Antriksh with this.

Antriksh gazed at her deeply and then added," Your Mom knows how to allow a person to view other People's memories - I want you to see mine and then decide "

On hearing this Kriti smiled and spoke," You are quite fearless - you would let me - knowing how Strict I am- view the memories of a trouble maker like you?"

"What can I say- I want to be punished for the rest of my life by you only ", Antriksh then spoke with love in his eyes.

"Tch how cheesy!",Kriti laughed and hugged Antriksh her eyes turning into crescents.

"Let's meet Mother tomorrow okay?"


Both of them cuddled peacefully, fully aware and appreciative of the rare moments in life.


As Aavesh observed the bloody fight before him.

'I must trigger Astral Frequency Resonance when he activates both of his Mythic Powers, but Corvus and Sabine should be fine, that spaceship is far enough from the main zone of the mini nuke", Aavesh analysed.

But what he saw next made his eyes widen in surprise.

Two New Tyrants simply tore through the Flayed Tyrant within seconds - his head had been squashed like a watermelon while his body torn by bare hands of the New Tyrants.

In another second the Chef Tyrant had been beheaded with his own favourite knife while Another new Tyrant kicked his lifeless body to pulp.

The Punch Tyrant had also be sec killed, he had been Incinerated to ashes by three New Tyrants who Manouvered around the stronger targets to finish him first.

They didn't even have time to scream - dead just like that!

What stage where these New Tyrants made for?


It had to be known that Every minor upgrade after Stage 10 was incredible, like a Stage 10.1 Warrior was nothing in front of a Stage 10.5 Warrior, it would just be a Seckill at that point.

Within the next second the Trio Tyrant were killed by the New Tyrant holding a Decree- They had been turned into meatpaste within a matter of few seconds.

They were the fastest to die, leaving behind only 2 Old Tyrants.

The Wyrm Tyrant and the Will Breaker Tyrant.

The Other Old Tyrants had been killed like cannon fodder.

The Wyrm Tyrant smiled and simply burst into a massive Swarm of Red Flies and maggots that Engulfed four New Tyrants with ease.


But the New Tyrants were not human to begin with and they began to hack wildly into the Swarm mass that was holding them.

Meanwhile the leader of the New Tyrants held the decree and muttered Infernal Chants causing a Ring of Fire to form around Aavesh, intending to throw Aavesh into Avernus, the most dangerous Hell Layer of Naraka!

Aavesh could obviously see this and shook his head in disdain.

'What a Bitch'

He then immediately spoke in Infernal Dialect and the ring of Fire Surrounding seemed to ripple as everyone sputtered in awe looking at this scene.

A Nine Year old kid that could actually speak Infernal Dialect in such a Proficient manner.

Even Khorramzadeh looked at Aavesh with a suprised gaze,' This- I didn't see this coming - Or maybe it was already there... Hmmm -The Variable is... perfect for the Experiment'

Chu Feng immediately asked out in surprise," Where the Hell did you learn High Diabolis Lingua?!"


At that moment the Ring of Fire Shattered and a Tremendous Backlash hit the Leader of the New Tyrants- temporarily immobilizing him.

Suddenly 2 Powerful Auras Erupted from the remaining Old Tyrants -

A Savage Demonic Aura exploded as a Swarm of countless Mutated insects erupted from Wyrm Tyrant and latched on to several New Tyrants, all clumping in thousands around the New Tyrants, forcibly pinning them to the ground!

No matter how many times they tried to break free- they kept being swarmed by millions of insects that seemingly came out of nowhere.

If not for their body their body being made of Infernal Iron, they would have been Devoured alive by these swarms, looking at this chilling scene made the audience tremble a bit, Just the thought of being caught in such a Swarm was terrifying.

Then consecutively something even more horrific took place.

The Combined Infernal and Undeath Aura of the Will Breaker Tyrant exploded out like a maelstrom!

A Deathly Black and Green Haze covered the rest of the New Tyrants -




Several Red hot Chains erupted from the Old Tyrant's Hand and instantly Pierced the heads of the new Tyrants surrounding him.


The Chains retracted back to his palm as they all fell down lifelessly.


The Old Tyrant spat molten blood and grinned as in his Palm lay a Clump of Souls.


These Were the Souls fueling the Golem Bodies!

What the fuck was this move? Most of the Audience were extremely shocked to see this move!

It was just seconds and this Monster separated Souls from bodies!

This was terrifying killer move!

How many such monsters did Khorramzadeh create? One could only shudder at this thought.

"You all are too young to beat me- how can you face the might of 2 Mythic Powers combined?", He spoke with disdain in his voice.

"Anyways- thank you for the Soul Snack- I'll put it to better use under Lord Khorramzadeh's service!", he smiled and proceeded to swallow the soul clumps.

"Those souls belong to me- in the name of King Khorramzadeh!", The Leader of the New Tyrants roared furiously and used the full might of the Infernal Decree against the Will Breaker Tyrant who frowned at this move and stopped devouring the souls.


An Extremely Powerful Beam of Royal Infernal Plasma shot out from the Decree and it was met with a Sinister fusion of Orange Infernal Flames and Blackish Green Undeath Lightning!


Both sides were unwilling to give up and were now locked in an unstable stalemate, causing a massive disturbance as their surroundings began to shatter under the sheer force of their clash.

"Now", Aavesh found the perfect opportunity to detonate the mini nuke.

His hands flickered with Silver Mythic Power as he triggered the Astral Frequency Resonance of the Amalgamation.

This small action of his did not go unnoticed by Khorramzadeh who narrowed his eyes and then stared at the fight.

A few moments before,

Chu Feng on the other hand felt an ominous premonition, he immediately turned to the direction where the spaceship was and immediately communicated with the occupants- Corvus and Sabine.

"You two- Get the Fuck off from the Planet this instant! What's about to happen next is not what you can handle- Scram! I'll take care of Aavesh - Go Now! Scram while you are still alive!", His spiritual thoughts bellowed out to Corvus and Sabine who immediately turned pale and they dare not disobey a Stage 12.0 Powerhouse!

Corvus gritted his Teeth and immediately took control of the ship, immediately blasting off to the Upper Layer of the Planetary Atmosphere.

Meanwhile Chu Feng appeared behind Aavesh who had just detonated the mini Nuke, grabbing him and Conjuring a Powerful Energy Shield.

"It won't be enough- Allow me", Khorramzadeh stepped in and immediately a Massive Spherical Orange Shield covered all three of them.

At the same time, the Will Breaker Tyrant felt something odd in his soul- as the Amalgamation Crystal began to shudder violently.

Then a sharp pain Engulfed him-

His head exploded out as everyone watched in Horror as a Massive Dark Grey Crystal appeared in it's place.

And it was immediately met with the extremely powerful Royal Infernal Plasma Beam emitted by the Decree.

The Wyrm Tyrant who had been trapping the New Tyrants gleefully suddenly felt a terrifying breathe from the Amalgamation Crystal and he Turned his head, his Eyes widened with extreme Fear, and he Covered himself with a Tidal Wave of his Swarm, desperately digging underground.

Suddenly Even Aavesh's danger instinct Tingled wildly, confusing him as he didn't know what was coming - but he could feel his hear beat faster and faster.

The Amalgamation Crystal remained seemingly unaffected by the attack from the Decree and it had even absorbed it and Kept on growing in size, shimmering ever so slightly.

The Leader of the New Tyrants, thinking this was a trick of the Will Breaker Tyrant, kept on blasting the Amalgamation Crystal without care intent on breaking it.

The Crystal grew in size until it reached the hight of a small Building in an instant - everyone watched on curiously, trying to guess what kind of new trick the Will Breaker Tyrant was playing now.

But little did they know- the Will Breaker Tyrant was already dead- his Soul had been ripped apart and rendered to it's primordial State by Terrifying Undulations within the Amalgamation Crystal itself as the Two Mythic gone wild!

Suddenly strange Chromatic cracks appeared in the void around the Amalgamation Crystal and it stopped pulsing.

Even Khorramzadeh gazed at it and frowned, trying to understand what had suddenly flipped the Causality of this Dead Desert Planet-

"It's going to Blow now", Chu Feng muttered as he quickly tried to find out what dangerous thing was about to happen next.

Aavesh too gazed at this in surprise,' Those Cracks- They are Dimensional Cracks,I remember seeing it happen when that idiot tried to fuse two Mythic Powers into that sword- but why are they so big? Wait-!'

Aavesh suddenly realised with widened Eyes as the Crystal Exploded with unprecedented Power!



A Tidal Wave of two Mythic Powers Erupted Dimensional Cracks as well-

Undead and Infernal Mythic Power - Entwined and Disentangled at the same moment!

These Reactions sounded simple but were exceptionally Terrifying of the Sheer amount of Force, Heat, Energy from the Mythic Particles that had been formed and Destroyed within a few Parsecs.

This Consecutive Explosion covered the Entire Planet within seconds.

Blackish Green Lightning and Orange-Red Hot Flames covered every inch of the Planet as Corvus Narrowly escaped the Terrifying Blast, taking the Spaceship into Orbit before the Reactions could reach them.

Corvus and Sabine then gazed in horror as they now understood what Chu Feng meant- such a terrifying means of Devastation!

The Audience watching were also stunned in silence.

What had happened? The screen had been engulfed by flames and turned completely white and bright.

That's when they received a live view of the Devastation occuring on the Planet through several observers who had been simply keeping tabs on the Planet in case a Space Naval Battle was about to occur.

The extreme images and data sent a shockwave to all those who saw it.

Suddenly several higher ups of various factions started sending out messages frantically -

The whole Galaxy had been thrown into extreme Fear and Chaos a Planetary Devastation by such a Monster Meant Khorramzadeh could easily fucking conquer their strongholds in a matter of seconds!

Billions could be killed in a snap without knowing what had happened!

They had to somehow avoid this fate at all costs!

Next several Powerhouses across the Galaxy watched the Livestream carefully, to see if anyone could survive that Apocalyptic Planetary Destruction.

Minutes later the Light Cleared up as they saw tremendous amount of smoke and flames covering the screen.

They then saw an Orange Shield that suddenly began to float up and the screen closely followed it, controlled by Khorramzadeh himself.

The Spherical Shield then expanded outward- Stabilizing the Ravaged land and removing harmful substances and Energies.

Within the Shield now stood 3 People, Khorramzadeh who had a curious smile as he gazed at the state of the Planet.

Chu Feng stared at the outside with a shocked expression .

Aavesh's face had turned pale and he seemed to mumbling some jibberish as he never expected the Devastation of Destroying the Amalgamation Crystal to Jump from a 'mini nuke' scale to become a 'Planet wiping Asteroid' scale in a matter of seconds.

"To think you accidentally caused the Fabled Mythic Particle Entanglement and Unraveling Processes ", As a Demigod Khorramzadeh was able to observe what had just happened and he spoke while the Orange Energy Shield did not reveal any sound.

"The Devastation was extraordinary, both the Old Tyrants and New Tyrants have died without leaving a trace behind, looks like you made good on your Threats to the Wyrm Tyrant- he's gone for good this time, I saw his Mythic Power shatter - releasing all of his victims while the blast took his life and his soul had been brutally ripped grinded down to his Primordial Spirit State- Sheesh", Khorramzadeh continued as both Chu Feng and Aavesh were now staring at him in a confused manner.

"But look at what the Planet has become, it's ecosystem has been forever changed due to the Massive Dimensional Burst of Mythic Power from both Naraka and Kayamat!

In time, it will become a precious Resource world for Mortal Devils and Daemons alike!", His next words hit like a Bolt of lightning to the duo, causing Aavesh to frown at the scene and he immediately turned to see where the Spaceship was, to which Chu Feng kept a palm on his shoulder and spoke," They are fine, I sent them out the moment I sensed the deviation in Causality"

But Khorramzadeh suddenly interjected with a Patronizing tone,

"Don't be so distraught, you gave this pitiful dead world a purpose and now it will be claimed by the Adhi Empire - a rare fear and contribution to the Infernal Imperium! "

"I saved your life, because I need to give you your surprise as well- although my Decree was destroyed, it doesn't hinder any Causality rather your little stunt only made it permanent ", Khorramzadeh grinned with a Malicious Glint in his gaze.

He removed the sound blockers from the shield and spoke sternly,

"Rathiel Republic - if you wish to see your Saviour alive - Start Your Assault at the Planet that will determine the destiny of this Pitiful Star Sector"

Khorramzadeh then dragged Aavesh and Chu Feng to an unknown destination through the Infernal Portal as the Ten Tyrants Program Livestream Ended Officially.

The Ten Tyrants Program would never be held again now.

Now the world would watch how the Crumbling Rathiel Republic would reply to such threats.

And what was the Planet where destiny of the Star Sector would be decided?

What was going on?

It seems that time would only tell for now.

End of Volume Four