Profane Ascension Begins

Aavesh wanted to clutch his chest but his own body couldn't move as the Biomech simply fell down, as Aavesh was unable to stand after his heart stopped.

It was just a sentence but it was Mythic ability exclusive to Demigods - to kill all those below them with just a word.

Word of Myth.

Word Power.

He'd almost forgotten about this terrifying aspect...

" Ah the Astral Prism and the sacrifices - thanks for the delivery", Conrad grinned greedily at Anya and Chu Feng.

What it feels like to be out of breath? to feel everything has stopped- to feel rapid decay...

Aavesh gazed at Conrad who was going towards Anya.


She was the only one who remembers him.

Only one.

Even if it was brief.


Sometimes When Death comes to collect it's due, People find a way to live - even if they have accepted their death, there's always that one last thing that keeps them going - Anya was probably the only other mortal in Universe who remembered him, whole almost everyone forgot his existence.

To someone forgotten like this, for a person to remember them- there are things that need not be said to understand Aavesh's determination to save her because of this one reason.

Even if it was brief.

It was still.... a memory before everything went to shit.

Anya had become Aavesh's Anchor unknowingly - he couldn't die before he could get her out safely.

As he felt the cold embrace of death nearing.

He gritted his Teeth and yelled in his heart," NO ! NOT NOW! NOT TODAY!"

As if sensing this new determination, his Legend Mythic Power flared up.

His 'Shadow' reappeared with flickering Silver Eyes.

Aavesh felt.a surge of strength within his lungs as he felt his Heart would beat one more time.

Even if the fluid was vile, even if he was breathing Evil Essence - He need that last surge of strength.

To save them.

* Breathe

As he took the last breathe in, the Biomech stood up and caught Conrad who was still in Normal Human Size.

'Why didn't I sense him?', Conrad turned his head to the Biomech in Surprise.

"GOOOOOOOOOO!!", a hoarsely voice roared out from the Biomech as it leapt into the sky, with a death grip on Conrad.

Coral gazed at Aavesh with an expression of disbelief and pain but she snapped out of it and immediately dragged Chu Feng and Anya who could only watch on in a daze.

"Why are you still alive?", Conrad asked Aavesh playfully.

" You think you can sacrifice both of us in the Sun? Bold Strategy, I'll admit but we both know I can't die like that", Conrad then ripped the arm holding him casually.



Corrupted black blood oozed from the Biomech as it struggled to maintain it's balance mid air.

He stood in air as he could see the Biomech wince in pain.

"Come- Try a punch, this so called Mech was supposed to be able to hurt me", Conrad sneered as he stood bare infront of him.

Aavesh cautiously gazed at him.

"You don't trust me? Well you right about that ", with that , he grinned as his true form appeared before the Biomech, atleast 5 times it's size.

Compared to colossal Biomech, Conrad's new form was outright Gargantuan.


He was a wierd amalgamation of a Demon body, an Illithid Head and other Eldritch body parts- there was probably even more here- that Aavesh couldn't understand.

He then flicked the Biomech mid space, before catching it again and throwing it down the Planet with tremendous force!


This should have killed Aavesh but the Womb Prison within Biomech negated the excessive force.

Still he was forced to feel the agony of the Biomech in an amplified state.

His time was running out- this simple attack was enough to knock him down- no matter how much he wanted to get back up- he was at the end of the line.

Conrad- stepped on the Biomech with a brutal expression.

"Now you understand don't you- I can sense your despair and helplessness - I can forcibly read minds, perks of being part Illithid no?", As he simply tore through Aavesh's mental defenses and read the unencrypted memories.

He paused upon seeing the memories with powerful encryption he couldn't break and then smiled slowly.

"Tsk another Secret beyond divinity hidden within you - a Mortal, heh but here's the thing, you can't seem to grow up at all, you can't Cultivate fast because you face obstacle after obstacle which are ofcourse manipulated by Khorramzadeh - He expects me to spare your miserable life after I beat you, buuut I don't think so", He looked at Aavesh with intense greed in his gaze.

"You have a powerful secret about you- I can decrypt your memories in my Demiplane as I devour and assimilate you- Oh you poor child- you actually thought you had a fighting chance against me? I have been at this stage for countless years unlike you who got a shoddy mech for such a short time that best you can do is tickle me"

He became emotionless as the amused expression on his face disappeared leaving behind a cold ruthless Tyrant.

"Mortals can't beat Demigods with mecha kiddo,, alright You've played enough- time to die- For Real this time", Conrad waved his hand and the Biomech was absorbed into his Demiplane for assimilation.

"Now where were we?", Conrad grinned as he gazed at the fleeing Trio.

"Let's toy with them a bit- Cursus do your thing"


Through the Biomech Aavesh could sense that he had fallen into a Blood Ocean world, where the sky was crimson with no land in sight- Just an infinitely expanding black blood ocean...


He sank into the Ocean just as his last breath was up.

He now could feel a strong grip of death around his neck.

" I"

"Can't die now"

"So much"

"To DO!"

Those were the last words he was able to mutter out of the Biomech.

The Line between life and Death was becoming blurry.

He wouldn't die so quickly- but he would become a cripple- unable to move, even if the seeds kept supplying vital force to him, the order of a Demigod was supreme - he must die- someway, for it was unvoidable -;only another stronger Demigod could save him.

His death would not be a peaceful one, nor would it be quick or painless.

It would begin with His heart stopping, then the dissipation of his innate internal energies and lastly the collapse of his mind pond- all under the influence of the Demigod's Commandment, formed through tge strength of the Laws of Death which the Antagonistic Demigod had comprehended.

Demigods of All Alignments could use the Laws- but their Alignments decided how they would use.

For example,

On a general Level,

Lawful Alignments stick to upholding the Laws, like preventing Untimely Death.

Chaotic Alignments stick to breaking the Laws, like causing Untimely Death.

Neutral Alignments focus on the in between, they Negotiate with Untimely Death, if they are more hard core they will bring a modicum of Balance to keep the situation stable though not always Viable.

Evil Alignments focus on the Cruelty and Self Power that can be gained through situation of the Untimely Death.

Good Alignments focus on the Greater good and absolute selflessness that must be done within the Situation of the Untimely Death.

Untimely Death is merely an aspect of the Laws of Death, but one can see how different Mythic Powers can affect such an aspect to various ends.

Aavesh's situation was much worse- Conrad would never take a risk with a variable like Aavesh.

A strong variable? Simply Kill - don't wait- Just Kill.

And so Aavesh landed in this pile or should it be said?- ocean of shit.

Aavesh felt sluggish as he sank deeper and deeper within the pitch black ocean.


Suddenly a Glowing Ref Progress Bar popped in his vision.

* DEATH STATE- 7%...






'Is this a death timer or what?ugh I feel so.... tired ', Aavesh thought in a daze.

His previous determination was still present in his subconscious but the Death Commandment was supreme- Even his Legend Mythic Power could only support him for a minute...

His Will would be the Last to die, but he would watch as he would wither away- it couldn't be helped, before his body was ruined- He had reached the peak grade of the Mortal Physique and Peak Grade of the Mortal Soul.

Slow Death.

Maybe Conrad wanted to destroy him this way to absorb his memories, who knows?

He only knew he had to think fast- before the Progress Bar reached 100%.


Meanwhile ,

Coral rushed with the duo, to the barely intact ship and hacked it's Nav and PI systems with a gaze, she then jumped into the ship and activated it's Sub Light Engines to Escape while carefully maintaining the shields around Chu Feng and Anya.


The ship took off into the sky and the PI activated its Distress Beacon, but then just as the ship was about to accelerate and leave the upper Atmosphere - Space Warped.

No matter how fast it accelerated it couldn't leave the Upper Atmosphere.

A grim look flashed in Coral's eyes as she muttered," the planet itself is Demiplane"

Escaping was impossible now.

Despair now filled the Trio, as Conrad approached them with a toying expression.

"Now - I won't waste a second, why don't you all Di-"


A Massive Explosion took place in the sky, not far from them as Conrad Turned his head with a frown.

A Hole had formed in the sky and Several People flew in.

Several Demigods.

Vishwa, Eitra, Rachael, Roden, Chu Ning'er and Markus arrived, with several wounds on their Bodies.

"SON!",Chu Ning'er and Roden roared in anger as they watched the miserable state of their son.

"YOUNG MISTRESS!", At the same Rachael roared in anger as well she saw Anya.

"Kill First- Ask questions later!", Vishwa yelled and forcibly punched Conrad into bloody paste while positively generating a massive Earthquake on the Planet.

Markus frowned as he felt something off with the atmosphere and sent out a massive pulse of Purifying Light enveloping the Planet.

"Take them to a safe place first!", Markus spoke while gazing grimly at the Planet.

"It's not over yet- Something is horribly wrong here- The Planet isn't reacting much", Eitra spoke out as his golden Eyes stared hard at the ground.

Chu Ning'er and Roden rushed over and Immediately took Chu Feng into their arms while stabilizing his condition with their Mythic Powers.

Rachael also grabbed Anya into her arms as she ignored the Energy Shields, she assessed her condition and her eyes went wide open with extreme rage, "KHORRAMZADEH HOW DARE YOU!"

At the mention of that name, Roden and Chu Ning'er grit their teeth in anger as they saw what Khorramzadeh had done to their precious son!

Rachael then removed the Curses and put a stop to the Corruptive Infernal Essence infecting Anya, while Roden did the same for Chu Feng.

Meanwhile Vishwa grabbed Coral and asked," Where's Aavesh? I thought he was with you?!"

Coral worriedly spoke," He was-"

"Devoured by me, Absorbed into My Demiplane you old Cunt", Conrad's disembodied voice spoke up.

Vishwa gazed back onto the planet and tried to locate where it came from.


A thick ball of Blood shot out of the Planet and formed a Blood colored Conrad as he gazed at Vishwa with Contempt.

"Ahh- I survived, what?! You will have to kill me a few hundred times more to Truly kill me? Oh the horror - Just Kidding", Conrad spoke sarcastically as the killing intent from Six Demigods latched onto him.

" Come on - kill me already", Conrad opened his arms to show a welcoming and vulnerable pose.

"He's wasting time",Eitra spoke as he narrowed his eyes.

"You are absolutely right!", Conrad now smiled at Eitra like a triumphant thief.

"Well you are all too late anyway - My Profane Ascension has already begun!", Conrad now spoke in a more Demonic voice as he raised his hands as if to signal the Orchestra before him to start it's crescendo.



Lightning struck wildly across the sky and then an Earth Shattering Sound followed as massive Space Portals opened in the sky leading to Other Star Systems in other Sectors.

Densely populated ones

"I know the Energy is shocking right? It's like Ten Thousand Ships activating the Wormhole Drive! It's less costly than you fucks who literally travelled through the Demonic Dimensions which could have gotten you all kiled- Well I am not suicidal like you stupid fucks!"

"RISE MY LEGION! FEED AND FEED UNTIL THE LAST HUMAND IS DEAD ! GOOOOO!", Conrad roared out loudly as Millions of Illithid Hybrids tore from the Ground of the Planet and rushed into the Portals hungrily.

The sight horrified the six Demigods as they then saw Conrad grinning with a malicious gaze.

"Welcome to Planet X, your Personal Interstellar Graveyard!"

* Zhiippppp

Then hundreds of Blood Balls shot out from the planet and took the shape of Conrad.

"Everyone Stick together!", Vishwa spoke quickly as he could see several attacks from all directions launching at their group.

"I hope you enjoy your permanent state here", The Conrads spoke in unison.

"Once Again- Welcome to Planet X"


"Mom- What's that?", A young kid asked as he saw hundreds of figures blotting out the Sun over a city.

The woman gazed in horror like all the People,

"In-In Invasion! ", A middle aged man muttered out in primal fear as the woman rushed towards her child, grabbing him running to escape.


The crowd fell into Chaos, while the Law and Order Cultivators looked at the oncoming Tidal army of Illithid Hybrids grimly.

"Has the distress signal been sent out?"

"The tech is unresponsive"


They were truly in Cluster fucking shit.

Similar scenes played out on multiple Planets where the Portals connected.


Meanwhile the Kho Min Sector,

It was all very silent, deathly silent.

Upon taking a closer look, all of the people were dead, except for the AIs.

Billions dead, just like that.