Arrival of Reinforcements

An Eerie Vile inky black Aura Emanated from the Biomech as it stared at Conrad with immense killing intent.

Conrad then gazed at him menacingly as the wounds regenerated within seconds.

"You destroyed my Demiplane - tch, you didn't think it would be enough did you?"

"No- all I know is that you are one fucked up piece of Dickhead- A Dickhead that's to be cut no matter how much it takes", Aavesh retorted back.

Upon hearing that voice from the Biomech- Vishwa's eyes widened in suprise and horror," Kid! You!- what's this ?"

"It's a long story, in short This dickface and Khorramzadeh are responsible for the events playing out now, - Let's Just kill first and talk later Okay?", Aavesh replied but his eyes remained focused on Conrad- ready to shoot once Conrad made his move.

The other Demigods still stared at Aavesh with caution, for all they knew this Colossal thing was another threat.

But they agreed on one thing- Conrad had to die.

Conrad then smiled with an infuriating expression of smugness as he spat out,

"Cursus - Time to earn your pay!"


The Planet shook as the Fleshy ground cracked - a mix of dirt and protuding flesh oozed out of the gigantic hole.

It was like that Tidal Wave of Flesh, just more disgusting... And alive.

Aavesh then saw a massive purple Slimy hand, the size of 10 Biomech's put together - emerge out.

Then within a few seconds, several large Earthquakes erupted, leaving several large cracks on the ground out of which several similarly large hands tore out of the flesh dirt mix.

Aavesh and the Demigods watched in horror as hundreds of Titanic Sized large Illithids crawled out, emanating a strength Nearly equal to Stage 19 Peak.

Aavesh turned to see Conrad melt into the ground, escaping.

"Everyone Protect your mind!", Eitra yelled as the Titanic Illithids let out a Devastating Psionic Pulse- all at once.



Aavesh felt a torrent of mental energy attempt to crush his mind forcing the Biomech to it's knees while the Demigods strained hard at such a massive attack.


A massive barrage of Starlight Arrows cut down the Titanic Illithids suddenly from the void, as two figures on a silver Disk erupted through the void- their Auras so suffocatingly strong it could make one despair.


The Monstrous Planet roared in ...fear?

Everyone gazed in surprise at the two new figures who now levitated before.

"Damien? You Came-", Aavesh immediately recognised one of the men, his friend Damien Vorlesh who looked significantly Strong now!

He had Wings made of flickering Starlight and a beautiful glowing Butterfly hovering near his head- signifying his restored Azatan status, his presence almost immortal - he had completed his Ascension, he just needed to walk through the Gate of Dreams to Fully become an Immortal of the Somnium.

But Aavesh stopped as his caught the appearance of the second figure, he had a mix of black and ash hair, his face nearly identical to Khorramzadeh yet without the Infernal Features, his expression stoic and almost tinged with a hint of sorrow, his black eyes clear and Null, his face riddled with scars.

He wore a simple black Armor and wielded a Black Katana- his aura undoubtedly one of a Mind Breaker.

His Aura - being the Most suffocating one, he didn't belong to the Material Universe yet his aura not yet of a Mythic Immortal - as if stopped short of taking the final step.

Everyone fell silent.

Damien then chuckled as he spoke," I knew they would have the same reaction as mentioned when I first met you"

He turned to Aavesh and spoke," This is Karna, Khorramzadeh's Twin Brother and his most hated Enemy that no one knows about"

Aavesh then gazed at Karna who stared back in the same stoic expression, he couldn't sense anything from him, nothing.

It was like his thoughts didn't exist at all.

"Well- I should have known you would come", A familiar voice spoke from the void as as Khorramzadeh walked out of warped space.

"The Gods wouldn't sit still, not after what we did - they would send someone to try to save the 'Primal Key'", an eerie hoarsely voice arrived beside him- The Crooked Clocksmith had come.

He let out a new Aura of Undead Eldritch Power.

He gazed at Aavesh with great hatred but then smiled grimly as he spoke," I have assimilated your Meridians- I am not a Demigod yet, but I -"


His body exploded into Blackened Bloody bits of flesh and mist spraying out.

It was simple slice from Karna, who seemed to think of the Crooked Clocksmith as irksome with the clear irritation in his eyes.

"See That's what happens if you don't come with your Demigod Body and just send a Necrotic Puppet heh", Khorramzadeh laughed at this and then he turned to meet with Karna's gaze.

" Always freaky to see my face on your body, How's it going Aavesh? We are nearly at the end of the contract, anyhow unfortunately-"

" I can't let you kill Conrad yet", Khorramzadeh slowly spoke.

Everyone's heart tightened at that statement, Khorramzadeh was no joke- even now they didn't know the depth of his strength.

His expression twisted as a massive Flaming Claw struck at them in a fraction of second.


Karna expressionlessly blocked the claw-

He then simply sliced at the void as Khorramzadeh's face morphed into one of annoyance as he tried to exclaim but caught off.

Both of them disappeared as Damien spoke," Well We don't have much time, The Blackswordsman just dragged him into the Far Dimension - but just Temporarily, that move cost him much more than you think- Move!"

Aavesh spoke from the Biomech after a moment," I can kill him permanently - but I am not a Demigod- I'll need your help in restraining in him"

"Yeah The Gods told me it was something like this",Damien nodded as he agreed while the other Demigods gazed at Aavesh in surprise.

Damien was a True Azata, who just saved them all from those Titanic Illithids.

"Considering you all are here - Chu Feng, Anya and Coral must be safe right? ", Aavesh asked Vishwa and the others who now nodded back, their suspicion and hostility now removed.

"We can't do anything about those spatial wormholes, if we want to stop this Invasion, We must kill Conrad and disrupt his connection with the Planet"

"Everyone gather on the Disc- we will not waste time, I can sense the him near the Core of this Planet", Damien spoke and Everyone gathered on his Silver Disc- elongating in size to accommodate the Biomech as well.

"Weapons at the ready, this will be a quick and Deadly Descent - as far as we know this Planet is out to kill us with everything it has", Markus frowned as he sensed a subtle yet Behemoth sized killing intent covering them as it radiated from the Planet itself.

A Forcefield enveloped them, Damien knocked another Lightning Arrow with a spiral Tip and aimed it at the Ground.



The attack drilled a Massive hole leading straight to the Core within seconds.

"RAAAAAAAAAAGH", The Planet let out a painful howl causing the Demigods to clench their heads from it's horrible screams.

Damien Flinched a bit and then immediately controlled the disc to descend downwards.





Millions of Disembodied limbs smashed against the Disc's Forcefield as everyone looked on grimly.

"The Planetary Structure had long been replaced with Living Flesh- this Conrad has killed enough to open a Dimensional Rift to the Evil Dimensions-", Roden pointed out as they descended ever so quickly.

"Not only that- the Planetary Spirit is also trapped in the flesh mounds, it's being used to control the Resentment Energy and the Excess Mythic Power to prevent the breach- he has something truly heinous planned ",Chu Ning'er pointed out, her ability to discern restrictions on Chaos top notch.

"These people are beyond saving, but their trapped souls have a small hope for Salvation, of one day we manage to kill this Immortal Creature, they can be saved...", Rachael muttered sadly at these poor souls, as an Azatan Demigod she hated Imprisonment the most!

Aavesh silently observed their comments and inwardly thought,' So even they can't kill this Monstrosity now, Conrad and Khorramzadeh what the fuck did you both do?'

After that everyone Remained silent but the undulating strength condensed around them as they got closer and closer to the Planetary Core.

It was unquestionably the Placenwhere Conrad would be at his strongest maybe even the Cursus Infant may join in.

As far as they were concerned, the Cursus Infant couldn't utilise it's full power that could kill them all in an instant due to the Heavy Restrictions imposed by the Universe for being in the Material Universe.

But the damn thing was immortal and couldn't be killed with the Mythic Means of their Mortal Universe, A Mythic Immortal had to do the job which was currently not possible.

For now they could only kill Conrad and this would definitely force the Damn thing to escape from the Material Universe.

This should put a hold onto the Invasion and prevent the Birth of the so called Dark Emperor.

These so called 'Emperors' were exceptionally terrifying Eldritch God existences that had been borne from the Annihilation of a Significant Race.

Oh and they could control the fate of the Said Annhilated Race, and even prey upon other races if they felt like it.

It was completely different from this Universe's Path to divinity.

The Eldritch way, it could be said.

Slaanesh was the so called 'Desire Emperor' after the death of Trillions of Eldar in a massive Event of Galactic Debauchery.

There where 3 other Emperors older than her and even more Terrifying than her, for they had achieved complete Extinction of their races, devoured the Mythic Fate of their Races and became 'Old Ones'.

However there where caveats to everything, this method had several restrictions -

The Humanoid Race must have a Great Range of Emotions.

Their Presence in the Astral Planet must be reasonably high to stand out.

The one doing the said method had to be a mortal belonging to that Humanoid Race.

A Pact must be made with Yog Sototh.

Their Presence was subtle in the material Universe, but in the Higher Dimensions - they were an Unending Eldritch Disease that had invaded their Realms for Souls and to inflict their form of Depravity.

It was no wonder that this wouldn't ever be shared to the Material Universe in our public.

Only Demigods had access to such horrifying secrets, they also knew that the cost of Immortal Life wasn't cheap- the moment they ascend, they would be recruited to Fight not only their opposing Alignments, they also had to defend against the Invading Four Apocalyptic Eldritch Armies.


Aavesh didn't know this, he only had an understanding that Slaanesh was an Eldritch Deity.

But Damien's Explanation above really opened his Eyes, for people like him who endlessly cultivated to reach the Higher Dimensions for the sake of immortality or Power- It was a Terrible Shock!

He truly couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'There's no peace even above or below, War is Unending ', when Vishwa spoke this, only then Aavesh could begin to understand how Royally Fucked they all were.

"There are 4 known Emperors-

Slaanesh the Desire Emperor

Nurgle the Plague Emperor

Khorne the Blood Emperor

Tzeentch the Intrigue Emperor"

All four of them represent the Fallen Old Humanoid Races that had exceptional Emotional Range and Presence in the Astral Realm.

Infact the Top Four New Humanoid Races that are essentially Evolved remnants of the Previous Races that had been exterminated by these Emperors.

"The Somnic Elves descended from the Unrestrained Eldar who had birthed Slaanesh"

"The Nirvanic Dryad Race descended from the Green Godling Race that birthed Nurgle"

"The Vortic Orc Race descended from the Royal Krorks Race that birthed Khorne"

"The Celestial Sprite Race descended from the Eternal Spirit Race that birthed Tzeentch "

"That is all we know, as for who did the saving, it's a top racial secret that they guard closely - so you'll have to ask them yourself"

"But the main problem is we actually share a Mysterious Common Genetic Ancestor, our Gene Progressions are surprisingly close despite the Obvious Variations, Even Among the other Humanoid Races we share Extremely Close Genetic Lineages with the Top 4, we have a strong presence in the Astral Plane and we have an incredible Emotional Range "

"This is a recipe for disaster, especially now, we only have two cordial allies in the Top 4, being Elf Race and the Sprite Race, the Orc and the Godling Races are somewhat Neutral to us, but we don't have a good name in the Humanoid Race Alliance generally "

" We are essentially the Next Ticking Time Bombs, if the record of the Top 4 Humanoid Races are to be believed, then the Galaxy is in for a Nightmare if another Emperor is successfully born for atleast the Next Ten Thousand Years"

A lot was riding on this...