The Shattered Pieces Part-1

"Gonna Give me a Tour Coral?", Aavesh walked aboard the spacious Liner with awe in his Eyes.

"Do you really need one?",Coral suddenly asked.

"Well, I mean it's my first-", Aavesh muttered but suddenly fragmented memories of an Incredible Voidship filled his mind, Broken bits of information flashed across his mind.

"Haaaaaahhhh!", Aavesh yelled in pain surging through his forehead.

"Huf... Oww sssssss",Aavesh hissed as he crumpled down.

"The old man never got to tell you huh... He said this would happen", Coral softly replied.

"What? What went on for the 10 years? Why does my mind hurt? My instincts are just on another level...", Aavesh slumped and asked as he held his head, his nose began to bleed as his eyes turned a bit red.


A door opened revealing - Coral -in a more advanced and patched up Android Body...

She appeared before him and used a stim injector which alleviated his pain.

Coral helped him up and supported him by keeping his arm on her shoulder.

They walked on, as a soft synth music played in the hallways...

"The music's good, Very relaxing but adds focus", Aavesh with a small smile, feeling the vibes to be pleasing.

"Well it's your creation after all",Coral looked at him oddly and replied.

"Me? Music? Am I in the right reality?", Aavesh Nearly choked on his words in disbelief.

"You are a shit singer, an even shit player with instruments but you know how to mix em well, atleast your tastes are Good and you got a logical Knack for the genre"

"Ohhhh, that's- that I can actually believe, nearly scared me to death there"

"Scared to death, Oh you are very funny Aavesh, do you know how many times you've scared me to death on this ship?"

"... Just for science - how many times?"

"3375467 times"



After a few minutes they entered a new lab like area, with all kinds of Equipment and machines that seemed very familiar, like he intimately knew them but the words just didn't form in his tongue.

She then brought him to what seemed like a pod filled with ice cold water and couple of cold crystals as well.

"We used this Soul Nourishing Pod to heal you gradually, without destroying your tattered memories... Though this was to be expected - but given your constitution you should be able to resolve the Desync after eating the Soul Mending Pills from that planet", Coral spoke softly but each word Pricked Aavesh, like something he had been forced to forget.

He got into the Pod and felt the chilly water's mystical properties seep deep into him.

" This will take a while to kick in and then you will understand everything but I need to atleast reduce the shock you'll feel when you learn what actually happened in the past decade"

He nodded at her words.

" Aavesh there's no easy way to say this, but you died that day- you killed Conrad and destroyed that planet, you saved Humanity and this Galaxy from a 10000 year Dark Age"

"But you died- Khorramzadeh killed the 'you', or say he shattered your Soul to pieces- remotely using Secret runes he had planted within your Mind Pond- he effectively destroyed your consciousness and killed you in a sense- though your body was still kept alive, you were akin to living Dead"

Aavesh was a bit stunned but not surprised, Khorramzadeh placed those runes and probably left out the Control Array to someone like Rodred to carry out the deed.

The Contract meant nothing, he sacrificed so much for it, but he still had a tiny inkling on the fact that Devils Enforce their contracts - that they would be devils of their words.


How Naive of him... To think that he could Complete the contract and walk his own way until he had enough strength to kill Khorramzadeh.

Unfortunately or Fortunately, he met Khorramzadeh - a True Devil really.

He should have realised from the start - it was never going to work, Contracts like this were always a brutal trap and this one Shattering his Soul.

Coral continued,

"There wasn't much we could do apart from securing the shattered pieces of your Soul and keeping your body alive"

"Karna was the one who kept your body alive- remember him yet?"

Aavesh winced at that name, that strange yet so powerful swordsman - but there was something amiss- he felt very familiar with that name yet he couldn't remember the person.

"*Sigh I suppose, I explain it to you, Karna is a Mind Breaker like you- he was part of a rare Event, to have twin Mind Breakers from the same Parents "

"Khorramzadeh was his Twin, and death Enemy - You'll remember everything about their history once your soul heals completely, so I'm going to skip that part"

"After what happened to you, Karna destroyed Half of Khorramzadeh's Forces, Nearly destroyed Imperial Capital Planet, if not for the intervention of a certain Devil God"

"We saw what remained of you- Just the shattered pieces of your soul, your broken Soul constitution and we could do nothing to help"

As she spoke, Aavesh had brief flashes of that moment, when Khorramzadeh shattered his soul...

He winced as he remembered a Phantom Pain- like his Constitution had been forcibly ripped to pieces, the lightning exacerbating it and the inability to even think.

"That never ending scream... I remember it, I wasn't able to do anything but scream but no voice would come out",Aavesh muttered with a haunted expression.

That flash of hot red energy and his very consciousness simply broke apart and he couldn't do anything about it.

Aavesh began to sink into the pod as he felt pulled into a whirlwind of memories.

The Past 10 Years Fully played out in his mind as he stared Blankly with a dull glint in his eyes.


With that Coral shut the Ice Pod and sighed softly.

"Well it's about time- the His Soul should have finally started to mend completely now"

"But will he be able to accept the memories of the Blank?..."

She caressed the pod softly and spoke," I hope this works, I want you to live, Good Luck Aavesh"