
"Now that I think about it, I couldn't go to the supermarket yesterday" Alan thought to himself as he opened the small fridge in his kitchen, "Damn, those bastards"

Alan then went to the supermarket in his area.

While walking towards the supermarket, a few thoughts pondered his mind, "That kid, Carlos, his power was pretty good, but yeah nothing compared to big brother's powers. Who am I even comparing him with?"

"What, if Carlos tells someone about me?"

"No, he should be out cold for a few days at least, my martial arts are not that bad. Are they?"

In a few minutes the store appeared in front of him, and he walked in

After picking up the things he needed, he queued up near the counter, he was pretty far in the line, so he started using his phone to pass some time

He scrolled through his school's blog when he saw a video which had more likes and comments than any other post on the whole site. He quickly tapped on the video to watch it.

Alan soon realized that, the video was of him, it recorded his fight with Johnny and the other eight delinquents, it showed how he easily took care of all of them, without any effort.

He then scrolled through the comment section, and noticed that most comments were supporting him, and praising his skills

"This dude is awesome!"

"Who is this hottie? Which class?"

"Dayum, Johnny must have had it rough"

"Carlos be cringing hard rn"

When Alan read all these comments, a slight smile appeared on his face, and he felt content. After all, the boy was always looked down upon.

After scrolling for a bit, the smile on his face vanished. "Huh?"

A comment caught his eyes. "You martial arts are average, if you wanna prove yourself, why don't you challenge Gary Chu?" The comment read

After reading the comment, he found out that Gary Chu, was the ace of the martial arts club in Alan's school, according to the replies he was on the same level as Carlos.

Suddenly, a random link to another post in the blog, appeared in between all the comments, out of curiosity, Alan tapped on the link.

A video popped up after he tapped the link, Alan played the video and saw a teen about the same age as him, wearing a Kung Fu or a Taekwondo kimono.

"Greetings, everyone. I know that all of you know who I am. I am the leader of our school's Kung Fu team, and my name is Gary Chu." The boy said before taking a pause

"I am here to challenge a certain someone, the person who took down nine students by hitting them only once, the one and only. This person's name is Alan Parker! I Gary Chu shall wait for you in our school's Kung Fu hall, this Sunday, at ten in the morning." The boy continued

"I am sure, you know what's best for you, and also what's best for your reputation" The boy said before the video ended

"This bastard!" Alan thought to himself, he was obviously very angry from what he had heard. He suppressed his emotions, and a look of indifference appeared on his face.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder, instinctively he made space between his shoulders and the hand, and turned around.

After turning around, he saw a man with a descent built and a confident face. The man had moderately short dark black hair, and circular glasses.

"Sometimes you can just let out all of your emotions, holding them in will only make you suffer even more" The man said in a calm tone

"Huh?" Alan muttered

"Don't suppress your emotions for a long time, specially rage and sadness" The man continued

Alan's eyes widened when he realized what the man was talking about

"Move ahead" The man said on seeing the queue move

"Oh-Okay" Alan said as he moved ahead

"How did you know that?" Alan asked

"I am a doctor" The man replied

"A doctor can't read minds" Alan said with a grin

"I am a really good doctor" The doctor said instantly

Alan nodded as he reached the billing counter, after quickly billing his things, he looked towards the man and said "Thanks for your advice, I will surely keep that in mind… that's something a child would say, I think you need to suppress yourself to rise up, and that's the reality", before leaving.

"This kid" The doctor sighed


"Drive your funky soul, Get up!" Alan hummed to a song while walking towards his apartment, which's door was a few meters away. When his eyes fell on the doormat in front of his room, his expression became a little colder.

A small slip of paper was on the brown mat.


Alan entered the room, he did not carry the cold aura along with him, instead the normal look of indifference was on his face.

At a glance, everything in the room felt normal, but Alan could easily notice many changes in the room, he knew someone had entered his room without his permission. But, the question was who? Were they still here?

"The landlord? He has the second key. No, maybe Lucy came back? Or Maybe…" Many thought and speculation ran through Alan's head as he shut the door behind him.

The room's light were turned off, and the only source of light was the sunlight which passed through red curtains.

Alan quickly threw his bag away, and said, "Assassination plan or what? Am I such an important person?" while looking towards in the corner of the dimly lit room.

Suddenly a figure appeared from the dark shadow of the room's corner, "Mr. Parker, we are not here to kill you" The figure said in a heavy voice

"How man of you are here? One won't be enough" Alan replied

Suddenly, a shadow appeared behind Alan, trying to attack him

As soon as he realized this, he dashed away from the attack by using the wind.

"Cool" The figure standing in the corner of the room said

Alan looked at the man with seriousness in his eyes, "Who are you?"

"FBI, Open Up!"


"Naw, we, we are from the Diamond Clouds group"

"What's that?" Alan asked

"You are a martial in our territory, and you dare show arrogance to us?"

"Martial? That word again, Carlos said something like that too, didn't he?" Alan muttered, loud enough for the figure to hear

"A clueless one?" The mysterious figure thought to himself

"Boys reveal yourself"

Suddenly, two more men appeared in the room, completely surrounding Alan from all four sides

"You defeated Carlos?"


"And you don't know what's a martial"


"A clueless? Damn" The figure muttered as he scratched his head

The man then approached Alan, finally revealing his face. "Boy come with us, I will show ya, something cool" He whispered, there was a hint of terror in his words

Alan knew he couldn't even run away from these people, and fighting them would lead to an instant death. "I should have turned away after seeing the slip" he thought to himself

"Okay" Alan said with a dry mouth


After travelling in a car for about fifteen minutes, Alan had reached a tall commercial building, it looked like an office of some big company.

Alan was surrounded by the four men, and now he knew that the mysterious figure's name was Kwon, and the other three were his subordinates. Kwon told Alan to address him as Mr Kwon

"Let's go, Kid" Kwon said


Kwon took Alan to one of the upper floors. After Kwon talked to a lady, he took Alan to a room. The room was labeled "CEO's Cabinet". Kwon knocked on the room, before abruptly opening it.

On the other side of the door was a huge room, and two figures were in the room, one sat on the sofa, while the other stood behind him.

"Kwon, you are late!" The man standing said angrily

"Calm down, Mr Assistant" Kwon said with a smirk on his face

The assistant didn't say anything and looked at the man sitting

"Alan, that's your name, right?" The man sitting said with a warm smile, looking at Alan who stood behind Kwon

Alan nervously nodded, he knew the person in front of him was strong, he was probably as strong as his brother, or maybe even stronger, he could feel the pressure this man emitted.

The man then calmly said, "Come here"

Alan quickly pushed away Kwon as he made his way towards the man.

"He is a clueless one, right?" The man asked Kwon

Kwon nodded while setting his black hair

The man then looked at Alan and said, "You're a martial, Alan"

"What?" Alan said with an irritated face.

"I know, you are a little confused, but let me tell you in short, you are a martial, that means someone who has special abilities" The man said

"What do you mean by special abilities?" Alan asked

"Like the ability to control fire, or water" The man replied, "Or something like this" He said as he brought up his right hand, and suddenly a purple colored orb of crystal formed in his palm. The crystals were similar to Carlos' crystal.

"Even you have some kind of power, don't you? There are many people like us, and we are martials, and we are collectively known as the Martial Society" The man said as he crushed the orb in his hand

"There are many prominent countries and groups in this country, and one of those groups is our groups called Diamond Clouds" He continued as he opened his hand, which had sparkling purple dust in it

"And, yeah welcome to the Martial Society" He said before blowing the dust in his hand

Alan just stood there with a flabbergasted face

"Now, why don't we-" The man said but got interrupted by his assistant

"You found Lucy Almond?" The assistant shouted on the phone