Chapter 27

The hospital kept me for observation for a few days. Mainly to make sure I could manage my pain. Surprisingly, I didn’t suffer any broken bones or any internal bleeding. After being thrown down a flight of stairs, I expected to be way worse, but I was mostly just really sore.

The nurses came in frequently to make sure I’d wake up, that my oxygen numbers were good, that sort of thing. I was actually pretty okay. Despite the fact that I hated hospitals, I didn’t mind this stay.

Probably because I got to spend a lot of time with Rowan. He would stay with me all day from before the sun came up until after it went down. I told him that he didn’t have to, but he insisted. I found it really sweet. And I really enjoyed the company.

Jessica would come by at night so he could leave. James would even bring me breakfast as a nice break from dreaded hospital food. I felt really special to be surrounded by people that cared so much about me.