Chapter 10: The Lotus Pool


“Alpha! Is everything alright?” Gamma Chavoret expressed fearfully running back to the area of conflict. Getting a change of clothes wasn’t a good excuse in times of battle, and trying to appeal to Prayut’s good side was impractical as Prayut didn’t have a sliver of goodness in him. Either way, Gamma Chavoret was screwed.

“Hmm, DOES IT LOOK LIKE eeevVERYTHING’S ALRIGHT?!” Prayut bellowed, with a slight voice crack in the middle of his sentence, stripping the gravity of his tirade. “My wife’s on the floor half naked, your second-in-command is lifeless, our enemy has returned back to safety, and MY F*CKING SHOULDER BLADE IS TORCHED. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE EVERYTHING’S ALRIGHT?”

“, it dddoes not sir,” Gamma Chavoret stammered, stuttered, stumbled, and slurred.