Chapter 18: Indecent Exposure


“You held onto it this entire time?! I assumed it was lost in the jungle,” Anurak pondered, lightly squinting his eyes, harkening back the frantic images of that day four years ago. I didn’t want my mate’s memory to linger on the event: the day when his parents were executed and the evening he witnessed my rape.

I quickly interrupted to lighten the mood, “It WAS lost, but I found it. And it wasn’t worth anything when I tried to barter it at the night market, so I just kept it with me.”

“You wouldn’t have dared!” Anurak naively hypothesized the validity of my statement.

“The pawn vendor said it’s faux leather, so the bag itself is only worth a few baht,” I cajoled, finding it entertaining to rouse my old friend.