Chapter 21: The Magic of Darkness

“Is there a reason that all of you are standing around here?” Alyssa asked as she glanced around the room staring at all of the confused and surprised faces.

“We were all concerned when we didn’t hear from you.” Markus said with relief and also confusion with Alyssa’s initial response.

“Hear from me? Why would you have heard from me in the middle of a ritual?” Alyssa asked perplexed.

“I don’t think she knows.” Derek added grinning and then shaking his head in disbelief.

“What should I know?” Alyssa asked suddenly feeling anxious as she stood to her feet.

“You’ve been gone for three days,” Markus said pointing to the window. Alyssa glanced outside, and it didn’t seem much different, but that’s when she noticed the wet grass and the puddles of water here and there. It had been quite dry when she had entered the book.

“I guess, time passes differently there then here?” Alyssa said feeling slightly nauseous.