Chapter 22: The Promise of Promises

The old Crownseeker was breathing shallowly, but he was alive. Oliver made to rush over to him, but he stopped short.

There were two other people crouching near Crane. They were women, both with rich, dark skin. One straightened at once as soon as Oliver had come into view, her back as straight and rigid as a halberd, with a height to match. She had gray hair which she had drawn back into a severe bun, and her glittering eyes were narrowed in open suspicion. Her chiseled face and thick jaw were all angles and lines, bristling against Oliver.

The other was much younger. Oliver guessed she was no older than him. She wore a form-fitting dress the color of cream that shone against her skin, the bodice slashed with ribbons of red. The woman was sitting close to Crane, her hands laid lightly upon a stained rag she had pressed against his chest.