Chapter 43: Unwanted Companion

Oliver blundered blindly through the forest. He ran as though tumbling downhill, unable to stop. Panic snapped at his heels, pushing him faster.

But no matter how quickly he went, he could not escape the voice in his head. “You’re going to break your neck if you keep charging along like this, Ollie-boy,” Zarine said reproachfully. “And I don’t think you realize how inconvenient that would be for me. How about a little bit of consideration for your passenger?”

“Shut up,” Oliver gasped. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

He pushed himself even faster, as though to outrace his own thoughts. Oliver was possessed. ‘Possessed!’ He trembled. Zarine could call it bonding or whatever she liked, but there was no other word for it.

Oliver stayed to the shadows as much as he could, fearful that someone would see him.

“Someone see you, here?” Zarine said in disbelief. “Unless you’re worried about the opinions of a chipmunk...”

“Stop it!” Oliver yelled. “Stop reading my thoughts!”