Chapter 58: Building Bridges

They remained there, locked in embrace, for a long time, both sniffling quietly. Oliver wished it would go on forever. He did not release Vamira for a moment, not even to wipe his eyes. His tears fell into her hair, where they remained, shivering, like dewdrops upon grass.

But, at last, they broke apart. A dark spot remained on Oliver’s tunic where Vamira had lain her head. It was nearly soaked through with tears.

Vamira noticed at once. “Sorry,” she murmured, reaching out to brush at the spot with one hand. Then, suddenly, she laughed. It was a startling, explosive sound. Vamira clapped her hand around her mouth at once, looking mortified.

Oliver burst out laughing, too. It had been so unexpected, he could not help himself. Vamira laughed louder. Once again, Oliver followed suit. They kept encouraging one another, one giggle leading to another, each funnier somehow than the last.