Oliver looked at Zarine in shock. ‘Do you know this thing?’ he asked her mentally.
“Owtch!” Golmul winced. “He’s a shouter, isn’t he?”
Zarine forced a laugh. “He certainly is.” Her eyes flashed in Oliver’s direction, so quick he almost missed it, and gave him a warning look.
Oliver looked back and forth between her and Golmul, lost in a swamp of shock. What was happening?
Golmul wrenched his attention away from Zarine and back to Oliver. His bulbous eyes narrowed slightly. “Very chatty, too. It’s almost as though I can hear every thought in his squishy brain, flapping around like budgies!”
“Ha!” Zarine said, a little too loudly. “What an imagination! No, you see, he’s one of those sorcerers who thinks he can intimidate others’ Demons by letting them see every thought he’s ever had. Then you tell your human just how scary he is... well, you know how it goes.”