Chapter 40: Appear and Disappear


“Greg!” I shout as I rush to catch up with him, but I can’t find him anywhere. Where the h*ll did he go? Why is he so fast? And why am I wearing these stupid heels?

That explains to me why he is able to move so quickly and I am not.

I give up at the end of the street and send him a mind-link instead. He doesn’t have to respond to me, but he won’t be able to not hear me unless he’s asleep. “I’m so sorry,” I tell him. “I didn’t hear you. I was distracted… I am terrible. Please come back so we can talk about it.”

He says nothing, though, and I’m not surprised. Not only am I an awful date, but I am also an awful friend.

And apparently an awful crush.

With my shoulders slumped, I turn around and walk back down the main street, past the few restaurants and bars where people are laughing and having fun.

I bet at least half of them are out with the new mates they’ve just discovered.