I float on my back as the waves lap under me. The sky is a mist of white and blue, the sun a beaming ball of warmth. I can't remember the last time I had a moment to just lay back and enjoy the clouds. Time seems to disappear when you're floating on your back. It's like nothing else matters as the sky sits endlessly before you. Watching the clouds go by is the only surefire way I know of to stop time. If only I knew a surefire way to get Saz's bulging manhood out of my brain.
His voice yells from the deck, his strong arms waving at me to get my attention. Even from this distance, I can see the outlined features of his chest in the sunlight. At least he had the decency to put on some shorts. I look at him, treading water as I wave back.
"Breakfast," he yells.
I give him a thumbs up and he walks back inside, gesturing for me to move faster. I smile and swim my way to shore. If only the clouds could stop time completely.