Chapter 9: Co-What now?

Victoria P.O.V

It’s late by the time Victoria arrives home, the clock in the foyer signaling 2am.

Or is that a three...?

Victoria squints at the clock, her lips parting open and chin extending forward in an attempt to bring herself closer.

“It says 2am.”

Victoria whirls with a squeak, her duffel bag dropping into the crook of her elbow. Within the span of a blink, she has the arm with her duffel bag extended in front of her, fingers clenched and knuckles white, while the other grips the blade on one of her skates.

Giuseppe is walking toward her with his hands in the pockets of his fluffy red patterned robe. His feet are clad in black slippers, concealing his presence as he makes his way across the floor. Victoria catches a glimpse of tired eyes and tightly pursed lips before he gently closes the door and turns to face her.

“Papa.” Victoria lets out a sigh of relief and quickly let’s go of the skating blade. She drops her duffle bag into her palm, swinging it behind her thighs. “I didn’t mean to wake you. I was out with Cora. We lost track of time. Sorry.” She scrambles to take off her shoes, voice hissing loudly across the sleeping house. It unnerves her, the darkness a vast contrast from the nightclub.

Giuseppe smiles patiently, seemingly taking no notice of the offending item being hidden. “That’s alright, Bella. Come, I have news to tell you.”

Victoria nods vehemently, glad for any distraction. “I’ll just have a quick shower and meet you in your office.” She doesn’t wait for his answer before sprinting up the steps. She chucks her duffel bag in her closet making sure to throw blankets and gardening clothes on top of it. Not that anyone ever goes snooping in her room, but better safe than sorry.

She is the daughter of a mafia boss after all.

Humming, she digs through her handbag for her phone. A message from Noah blinks brightly.

‘I wish you had let me walk you all the way home. Oh well, LOL. Hope you aren’t dead in the shower, T.’

Victoria snorts, the sound scratching her throat as she shakes her head and walks to sit on the bench at the foot of her bed.

‘Don’t you worry, N. It’ll take more than sparkly drinks and frigid air to kill me.’

Her thumbs hover over the send button, guilt popping into her mind. Noah had ignored the advancements of multiple girls tonight in favor of helping her create a better time management schedule. They were all beautiful – practically goddesses reborn – and yet, he still chose her.

She fingers tap on the screen again. He may not have all the facts, yet his advice was solid, better than anything she had come up with herself. She’d be no better than the mafia if she didn’t let him know that.

‘Thank you, Noah. Not just for the very loud, very cramped, distraction tonight, but for giving up your night to spend it with me. I know you don’t have many nights off yourself, so I truly appreciate it. You’re a great friend.’

She watches as three dots appear on the screen instantly, then disappear just as quick. She waits, her eyes flicking under her message to the ‘read’ sign, multiple times to make sure that she didn’t imagine it.

When no message comes through, she throws her phone onto her bed behind her and drags her feet to her vanity beside the arched doorway. If he doesn’t want to respond, that’s fine. His brain is probably overloaded after being out all night.

A high-pitched birdsong chimes throughout the room twice and Victoria is leaping onto her bed before the end of the second tune. A gif of a dog sitting in a field of roses is the first message she sees, making her giggle.

‘Don’t mention it, Tori. You know I love you to bits.’

A radiant feeling spreads throughout Victoria’s body at his words, chasing away the cold nerves. They’ve been friends for so long, but rarely do they voice deep feelings for each other. It feels like the moment after she completes a new routine for the first time with no mistakes.

Nice. Exhilarating. Worth it.

Stretching her arms above her head, she heads into the ensuite, bathing faster than a flash of lighting. She dons her black nightie and matching robe. Music still pumps through her limbs, shaking them. Lights still dance across her eyelids, blinding them. But, despite the churning alcohol in her stomach and the disorienting headache, Victoria finds herself feeling light, her mind wondering what it is her father wants to talk to her about this late at night.

Perhaps there is an internship position available at the firm! Excitement shines in her eyes at the thought. She'll have to revise the schedule Noah helped her plan tonight, but that's ok. It shouldn't change too much. Besides, she'd be a fool to let this opportunity pass.

Even Noah would say so.

‘Believe in yourself and live in the moment’ he had said. She smiles, remembering how sincere his words had sounded. It made her pleased, a warm feeling taking root in her gut at the thought that someone was on her side.

A feeling of warmth tingles along her arms as she braids her wet hair down her back while strolling to her father’s office. Her white slippers pad softly on the floor like a cat. One side of the doors is already open, so she doesn’t bother knocking and continues into the warm room.

Giuseppe is sitting on the lounge by the fireplace, and he lifts his head toward her as she walks in. It is only in the truthful light of the fire does she notice how grim her father looks. His eyes aren’t simply tired, they are dull with dark bags under each emerald. His lips are chapped while his skin is loose and pallid.

Dread burns her stomach like acid boiling inside a cauldron. All fantasies of internships burning away like ash in the wind.

“Papa, what’s wrong?” She places a hand on her father’s knee, voice trembling with concern. “Are ... are you ill?”

“No, Bella. I am not ill.” He pats her hand on his knee, lips huffing out a small laugh. She notes the lack of smell then, in the room. Her father does not exude the sweet smell of Toscano cigars, and there is no candle burning on the table or by the windows. Even the wood smoking in the square steel furnace is emitting nothing more than hot, grey air.

Victoria furrows her brow and brings one knee onto the sofa so she can face her father more directly. “Then what is the matter, Papa?” Giuseppe says nothing, but his fingers twitch over hers.

“Papa, you’re scaring me.”

Giuseppe swallows and it’s like time speeds forward with that one motion. His words are calm, voice steady and low, like how Victoria has overheard him speak to the guards and other clients of the underworld when he thought she was not around. His eyes stay trained solely ahead on the spitting fireplace as he speaks.

“Upon your graduation you will become a Co-Managing Partner alongside Antoni to a new law firm being built at one of the Amato’s old nightclubs. It has already been torn down, and renovations are underway as we speak. Full completions are predicted for early next year.”

Victoria feels like spitting all her fire at him too.

“What?” she breaths, voice barely heard over the sound of blood rushing through her ears. He says nothing, does nothing. There is no flicker of emotion across his eyes, no regret or anger or sadness at what he has ordered her to do.

Victoria huffs in disbelief and stands. She can feel hot pressure building behind her eyelids. Her eyes roam around the office, a poor attempt to keep the tears from pooling. There are more papers on the desk then the last time she was in here, the files as thick and red as blood.

She stomps over to them and reads the label – Lady Fortuna Law Firm.

Victoria feels like spitting all her heart’s fire at her father before cleaving him in half and shoving the pieces behind the metal guard of the fireplace.

“Oh f*ck no. You have got to be kidding me.”