Chapter 14: The Vampire and his Hunter

Antoni P.O.V

Dusk has just tapped its feet on the horizon and The Red Petunia nightclub is already packed.

The rose-colored barn doors split the glowing red petunia in half as they’re pulled ajar, allowing the crisp air to sneak past into the crowd of humans. Sweat and sex fill the air, but it’s not overbearing. Antoni made sure to set up triple the amount of cotton candy and vanilla scented candles throughout the Halloween decorations within the nightclub.

“Ready for the hoards, Signor?” Gabriel chuckles beside him. He’s sporting Frankenstein make-up tonight.

Antoni uncurls his lips from around the cigarette, puffs of smoke dissipating in the air in front of him as he looks down from their perch to the cave black walls below. “It’s already begun, Gabe.”