Chapter 49: A Night in The Hamptons

Antoni’s P.O.V

Antoni changes the sheets on his bed and waits until Victoria has fallen asleep before calling Gabriel. “I need you to organize a meeting with Marcello. Sunday night, 7 p.m. He can choose the location, but I want only four men there. You and Luka are coming with me and Victoria as well.”

“And if he refuses?” Gabriel asks with a tight voice. There’s a lot of noise in the background coming through the phone, crashing and loud grunting. He must still be at the Russo mansion, cleaning the ruble.

“You make sure he doesn’t,” Antoni replies sternly. He hears Gabriel utter an acknowledgment before the phone line goes dead, and he sighs. Dropping his phone onto his desk, Antoni looks toward his bed. Victoria is still sound asleep, wrapped snugly under the thick winter blankets in one of his long-sleeved shirts.