Chapter 2: Class Begins

Hallie’s POV

It’s the first day of class and I am beyond nervous. I woke up with a lot of nervous energy, so I decided to go for a jog around campus before the sun had even risen for the day. I just needed a way to let out the nerves before class otherwise I would be a mess.

It also doesn’t help that today is the day to make a good impression on people in my class because I need to make friends and the best opportunity to do that is on the first day in a class full of new students who are in the same boat.

Since the weather is warm out as we go into spring, I decide to play it safe with blue denim shorts, a black band tee that is cropped just above the band of my shorts, and a pair of white sneakers. I pack my bag and leave my room, ready for the ten-minute walk to my lecture.

As I leave my room, I’m reminded of the mystery man I saw in the kitchen a couple of nights earlier. I was too stunned by how attractive he is to have asked for his name or even given him mine.

I barely said a full sentence before he left the room. I did find it a little strange that he said he came in for a snack but there wasn’t any evidence that he ate anything and only left with a can of soda. It was an odd interaction, but I’m secretly hoping I will run into him again and do a better job of acting like a normal person.

The walk through the campus grounds to my building is stunning and everything I wanted in a campus when researching what school I wanted to go to. The grassy areas are lush and green with many students sitting on it in groups drinking coffee or even just single people wanting to quietly read a book or listen to music under the shade of the trees. It feels as though I’m in a movie right now.

I pull my tote bag over my shoulder and push my sunglasses further up the bridge of my nose as I walk past the library building. I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of my time in there studying when I want a change in scenery.

I arrive at the building and head inside. As I’m walking down the hallway to the lecture hall, I see the line of students waiting outside to be let in, so I slip in behind them. Without hesitation, I make my way to the front of the room where the professor is stood and sit in the fifth row, a seat down from a girl sitting by herself. She is stunning with her light mousy brown hair and kind hazel eyes.

I lick my lips as I peer at her from the corner of my eye, trying to figure out if I should start up a conversation with her or not. She seems nice enough, so maybe I should just say something. But what if she rejects me and I end up friendless for the entire –

“Hi, my name is Abby.” A voice cuts through my panicked inner monologue.

I turn to the girl to see she is smiling at me. Relief instantly washes over me knowing that the hard part is done. “Hi, I’m Hallie. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Is this your first day?” Abby asks as she picks up her belongings and moves into the seat beside me. I nod. “Well, thankfully it’s my second year here, so I would be happy to show you around campus if you need a tour guide.”

My eyes widen in shock. “What is a second-year student doing in a first-year class?”

Abby shrugs and spins her pen between her fingers, “I needed to pick a blow-off class for the semester, and I thought history would be an easy choice.”

I chuckle in response because it seems like a very classic college student thing to say. “I’m in the same boat, but I happen to love history, so it seems that we’ll make great study partners.”

“Alright everyone, settle down,” The professor announces to the class, hushing everyone to complete silence.

I lean over and lower my voice to a whisper, “And I would love that tour around campus.”

“My name is Professor Zen and welcome to Mythology 101.”


When Professor Zen dismisses us for the day, Abby and I head out of the building and into the warm air as it settles against my skin.

“For a class about mythology, I think it’s going to be very interesting. Don’t you think?” I ask Abby as we begin to walk aimlessly. She is meant to be my tour guide for the day, so I’m letting her guide me wherever she wants.

“Mm, I don’t know. I don’t particularly find learning about if vampires and witches once existed on this earth and what possible evidence they might have to back it up. It all seems like a load of BS to me.”

I chuckle and shake my head, “That is a very valid point and one I might have to agree with. But you must admit that learning about it is going to be a little intriguing at most.”

Abby turns to me, a smile tugging at her lips and shrugs. “Yeah, maybe.”

“So, where are we going?” I ask, curious as to where she wants to take me first.

“I figured we could stop at my favorite café for lunch if you’re down. Trust me when I say they make the best avocado toast you’ve ever tasted.”

I scrunch my nose up at her, “Avocado toast? Isn’t that a little unoriginal? How could it possibly be that good?”

Abby abruptly stops walking and clutches her heart with her hand, feigning a look of disappointment. “I’m hurt you would say something so cruel. I’m sure you’ll be eating your words soon enough.”

I laugh loudly as Abby wraps her fingers around my wrist and drags me in the direction of the café. I’m glad I decided to sit in the row with Abby because there would’ve been a good chance that I would’ve been eating lunch alone today instead of with my new friend.

After a couple of minutes of walking, we arrive at the café. I notice it’s across the road from what appears to be one of the many sporting stadiums on campus. We head inside and order two plates of avocado toast and sit at one of the empty tables outside.

I slide my sunglasses on top of my head and look over at Abby. “What are you studying?”

“Nothing special, just creative writing,” Abby responds with a shrug. “Go ahead, make the face that everyone always makes whenever I tell them my degree. I’m used to it.”

I shake my head profusely because I don’t want her to think of me the same as everyone else she has met. “No, I would never. I think it’s an interesting degree. What are you looking to do with it?”

The corner of Abby’s lips turns up into a smile and she nods as she fiddles with her sunglasses. “Publishing, hopefully. It’s been a dream of mine for a long time.”

“That’s the same with me and becoming a veterinarian,” I smile because I can totally relate to her at this moment. “I grew up surrounded by animals, so I have always wanted to go into a field where I can help them.”

Abby nods with raised eyebrows, clearly impressed by my words. “So, we both have big dreams, huh?”

I chuckle and shrug, “Yeah, I guess. Let’s do our best to reach those dreams and make them a reality. Deal?”

Abby stares at me for a moment, her eyes searching my face. I hold my breath until she reaches across the table and holds her hand out for me to shake. “I like you, Hallie. You’re one of the most real people I have ever met. You’ve got yourself a deal.”

I shake her hand as we both chuckle. The sound of loud laughter and yelling captures both of our attention and we turn our heads to watch a group of about thirty guys walk toward the stadium with gym bags slung over their shoulders.

Amongst the crowd of men, I spot one that looks slightly familiar. The guy I saw in the kitchen turns his head to lock eyes with mine from across the road. He gives me a cheeky grin before turning away.

Abby slaps the table in excitement and leans forward. “What the hell was that?”

“What?” I laugh nervously, trying to brush her off.

“I know River Knight, the most popular guy on campus, did not just smile at you like that.”

“Must’ve been a mistake and he was looking at someone else,” I shrug casually just as the waitress brings our food out. I use it as a distraction to get some air into my lungs because that man just sucked it out of me with that flashy smile.

River Knight – not only is he attractive but so is his name, and I can finally put a name to the face. Now I’m even more intrigued by him and why he smiled at me like that.