Chapter 4: Caught Watching

Hallie’s POV

It’s Thursday afternoon and I’m walking home from my last lecture of the day. So far, all my classes have been interesting with great professors who I know will be fantastic throughout the semester. Since it’s only the first week we haven’t learned a whole lot besides going over the syllabus, so I’m looking forward to getting started on the proper content next week.

It’s been two days since my strange encounter with River in the kitchen. Although he is insanely attractive and popular from what Abby has told me, I find him a little odd. He is very mysterious despite how outgoing he seems, and I don’t understand why I always run into him in the kitchen when he says he’s getting food, but I never see him eat anything.

I can’t help but wonder if he’s in there hoping someone will come in for him to make conversation with or if it’s for another reason I don’t understand yet. Whichever it is, I find myself hoping he is in there whenever I am just so I can look into those red-speckled eyes of his.

The sun is starting to set low in the sky as the wind begins to pick up, brushing cool air along my exposed, fair skin. The campus grounds are mostly empty as students head home for the night or to the library to do some last-minute preparation before next week when the real class content begins.

I did promise to call my parents later this week and considering I have a fifteen-minute walk to the dormitory because my class was on the other side of campus, I figure now is as good a time as any to give them a call. I’m not scared to walk alone, but I’m in a new place I’m not entirely familiar with yet, so I wouldn’t say no to a little bit of company.

The line rings three times before my mother answers the call with a cheerful voice.

“Sweetheart! I’m so glad you called. Frank! Get over here. Hallie is on the phone.”

I chuckle when I hear my dad mutter something under his breath as his slippers slide across the hardwood floor in our house. He will wear those slippers no matter the weather and will wear them down until they’re falling apart because he loves how soft they are. I don’t question it most of the time.

“Hallie, how have you been?” Dad asks when mom puts her phone on speaker. “We’ve been waiting for your call.”

“Yeah, tell us everything. And don’t leave anything out!” The excitement in my mom’s voice is intoxicating, making me laugh as I slowly walk along the pathway beside one of the science buildings.

“Well, everything is going well so far.” I don’t know what to tell them because nothing of importance has happened yet. Besides becoming friends with Abby and meeting the mysterious River, I don’t have much to tell.

“How are your classes? I know you were worried they might be too hard for your first year.” Mom says.

My eyes scan the area around me, taking in the beautiful scenery of the shadows being cast across the foliage of the trees lining the pathway and the subtle glow of orange in the sky as the sun dips lower. I can definitely get used to this sight every Thursday night.

“They look interesting from what’s been discussed so far. My professors seem amazing, so I should do okay. I’m surprisingly looking forward to my history class the most. I have always found mythology fascinating.”

“You always seemed to have your head down in books about creatures that don’t exist and people who murder others,” Mom chuckles. “Speaking of which, I hope you’re staying safe with that crazed serial killer on the loose.”

“Your mother and I have been watching the news, Hallie, and it looks dangerous out there. Make sure you aren’t walking around campus alone.” Dad interjects.

I swallow hard as I look around the campus grounds as I walk by myself. If they’re that worried about a serial killer getting to me in a city with millions of people, I better help ease their minds a little.

“Nope, I would never do such a thing. Besides, there haven’t been any crimes committed on campus so far, so I think I should be safe.”

“I hope so, Hal, because I would hate for something to happen to you while we’re so far away.” The concern in my mom’s voice makes me chew on my bottom lip and take a deep breath. It’s hard being this far away from them when they’re all I’ve ever known, so I understand their concern for me.

“I’ll be okay, I promise,” I say softly, hoping it’ll ease their minds.

My parents are essentially my best friends because growing up I didn’t have a lot of friends in school. I went to a small school all the way through until I graduated high school because that’s just how it is when you live rurally.

Because of the limited number of students in my grade, I found it hard to make friends because everyone seemingly had their own friend groups. Given it’s such a small community, people weren’t willing to let others into their tight-knit circle because they didn’t like change.

That’s just the reality of living in a small town.

It was because of this I wasn’t able to fit into any friend groups. But luckily, I made one friend who was always by my side. Samantha. We were best friends and still are even though I moved away. She decided to stay in town, and I decided to leave. If it weren’t for her taking me in as her friend, I would’ve grown up fairly lonely.

This is why I’m thankful that Abby approached me on the first day and wanted to be my friend. I didn’t want another repeat of my childhood as I try to become an adult.

“I hope you’ve made some friends,” Mom says after a moment of silence. I guess I got lost in my head and forgot to follow up with another comment.

I smile to myself, “Yeah, I did. Her name is Abby. I briefly mentioned her to you the other day. She’s so cool. She’s my only friend so far, but I don’t mind. I’m still settling in.”

“I hope you’re not out dating boys yet,” Dad says with disdain in his voice, and I can’t help but laugh.

My dad should know me better than that. I’ve never dated anyone before, so I don’t see why I would jump into it during my first week on campus. “No, Dad, I’m not dating anyone. I’m trying to focus on myself for now.” I chuckle and shake my head.

I’m almost at the street my dormitory is on when I hear giggling echo around me. I stop in my track and look to my left to see where the noise came from. I squint slightly when I see two figures standing in the dark alleyway. I can’t make out many of their features because of the dim lighting as the sun settles in the sky.

I can hear my mom’s voice asking me a question through the phone, but the device is no longer pressed against my ear as I try to get a better look at what is happening in the alleyway. My heart is pounding in my chest because I have no idea what I’m looking at.

I can just make out that one of the figures is leaning against the wall and the other towers over them. Now that I’m looking at them and their body language, it must be a couple wanting some private time in the alleyway, away from peering eyes like myself.

As my eyes adjust to the light, I look a little closer at the taller figure. I take notice of the dark curly hair falling over the man’s eyes as he leans into the girl. His jawline is sharp, even when he smiles down at her.

The closer I look; the sooner realization dawns on me. This isn’t just any guy with a random girl, it’s River Knight.

River’s eyes snap to look at me as he lowers his face toward the girl and presses his lips against her neck sensually. He never takes his eyes off me, and he doesn’t seem to be fazed that I’m watching such an intimate moment as he continues to stare back. It’s when the corner of his lips turns up into a smile that I snap back into reality and urge myself to continue walking.

For a moment there, I couldn’t look away. I felt trapped in place, unable to break eye contact. My skin feels as though it’s on fire and as I blink rapidly, I can see still see him watching me.

“S-Sorry,” The words struggle to come out because of how hard my heart is pounding. That moment felt electrifying with the way his eyes stared back at me, never waiving. It was as if he enjoyed me watching him in such an intimate moment.

“Is everything okay, sweetheart?” I can hear the concern in my mom’s voice.

I look over my shoulder and see nothing but the dark and empty street and exhale slowly. “I’m okay, Mom. It’s nothing.”

I don’t know what it is about River, but I always seem to find myself captivated by him whenever he’s around. It’s as if I’m in some kind of a trance. It must be those d*mn eyes.