Chapter 8: Not Like Others

Hallie’s POV

It’s Monday morning and I’m looking forward to going to history class today and being able to see Abby. I haven’t seen her since I left the club on Friday night, so I want to let her know that I’m okay and apologize for ending up in the state I did.

I’m a little embarrassed that River had to put me to bed and place a bucket beside me just in case anything decided to exit my stomach, but thankfully nothing like that happened.

Although River is nice, and a little mysterious, it still wasn’t ideal having him take care of me. The main reason is he is the most popular guy on campus, and I don’t want him to think that I spend most of my weekends in that state. I know I barely know him, but I still care what people think about me.

I get dressed for the day in a simple pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt because it’s a little overcast today with a chilly breeze. I sling my tote bag over my shoulder and begin the walk to my first class.

Despite it being an overcast day, I still find the campus grounds to be stunning. The grey weather does nothing to deter students from gathering on the lawn in front of the library building. I see reusable coffee mugs in hands as laughter fills the air around me. I smile to myself because it’s nice to know that no matter the weather, everyone on campus is happy to be here.

I arrive at the building earlier than I normally would because I want to meet up with Abby beforehand. The room is already open, likely from the previous lecture, and I spot Abby sitting in the same seat. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail on top of her head with the strands falling around her face as she looks down at her laptop screen.

Nerves consume me as I descend the stairs toward her. I have rehearsed what feels like a hundred times over the weekend how I’ll apologize to her. I had it down pat until I saw her side profile and instantly felt guilty again for how I left on Friday night.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves because there is no avoiding this conversation. Abby is my only friend and I want to keep her in my life. Chewing on my bottom lip, I slip into the row of empty seats and walk toward her.

Abby’s eyes lift to mine as she sees me approaching and a smile graces her lips. “Hallie! It’s good to see you’re alive.”

I cringe at her words and slowly lower myself into the seat beside her. “Abby, I’m so sorry for what happened on Friday ni –”

“Wait,” Abby holds her hand in front of me, stopping me mid-sentence. “You’re not seriously apologizing to me right now!”

My brows furrow into a frown, confused by her words. “I mean, yeah…”

Abby stares at me for a heartbeat before a loud, high-pitched laugh escapes her lips. Students sitting close by stop what they’re doing to look at us and I feel my cheeks grow warm as I sit in front of Abby while she laughs.

I hold my breath, very much confused, as she wipes away a stray tear while her laughter dies down. “Hallie, you’re the cutest. You don’t need to apologize to me! You have nothing to be sorry for. Yeah, you got drunk quicker than most would and the hottest guy on campus offered to take you home. That is nothing to apologize for.”

A sigh of relief escapes my lips and the tension in my shoulders dissipates. “Are you sure? I feel terrible that I left you at the club alone because I was a mess.”

Abby shakes her head, “Stop trying to apologize. I’m just glad I got to witness the first time you ever got drunk. Besides, getting too drunk like that happens to the best of us, so don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll have more wild nights like that.”

Hearing Abby say that makes my heart swell with happiness because I’m glad she wants to continue being my friend even after I left her high and dry at a club. I’m not going to let myself get in that state again, not because I don’t like it, but because I don’t like how I can’t control my body or my brain. My conversation with River that night is a prime example. It’ll be easier to just limit myself with alcohol in the future to avoid situations like these.

“You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that,” I say as a smile spreads across my lips.

“You want to know what I’m more curious about?” Abby says as she turns to face me fully in her seat, her hazel eyes bright. “I want to know why the hell River Knight offered to take you home.”

“I-I…” I stammer, not knowing how to answer that question myself. I have no idea why River offered to take me home when we had barely spoken before then. It’s just as much of a mystery as it is to her. “I don’t know, Abby. Maybe he was trying to be a good neighbor.”

Abby shakes her head and rests her hand on my forearm, “I’ve known River for a year now, and I have never seen him act that caring and kind toward someone before, especially a freshman.”

My brows raise in surprise and concern at her words. What could she possibly mean by that? “I’m not following…”

Abby’s tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip before she continues to speak. “I don’t know if you know this, but River is very much a known playboy on campus. He has been with too many girls to count on both your hands and isn’t the type of guy to willingly help out a girl like that unless there is something in it for him.”

The image Abby is painting of River is not the one I have of him. In the week that I’ve known him, I have found him to be sweet and caring, despite how mysterious he comes across as. I never once thought that he would only act that way to get into a girl’s pants.

“I don’t think so…” I say slowly, trying to comprehend everything Abby has said. “River didn’t try to sleep with me after taking me home. He made me some food and even grabbed an extra blanket from his room just in case I needed it. He got me into bed and then left.”

Now Abby’s eyebrows are raised in surprise and confusion. “Seriously? Now I’m even more curious about him. This is unexplainable.”

“I mean, is it so hard to believe that he’s just trying to be nice toward me without some ulterior motive?” I question. Although Abby seems to know of his character better than me, I’d like to think that maybe she is only seeing the surface level of him, and not his true self.

“Maybe,” she admits, “But who knows with him. I just want you to be careful, okay? Especially with Giselle watching his every move.”

I had completely forgotten about Giselle. They seemed pretty cozy in the club and when I saw them in the alleyway. I want to know if they’re dating or not, but given River’s history with girls, that question could be debatable.

“You don’t have to worry about me,” I say softly as I’m reminded that a guy like River who can get any girl he wants would never look twice in my direction. “Nothing is going on between us.”

“That could be up for debate,” Abby says as Professor Zen walks into the room, silencing everyone’s conversation with his booming voice.

I watch him walk toward the front of the room, his balding scalp glistening under the fluorescent lights. I can hear his voice, but I don’t register what he is saying because I’m too distracted by thoughts of River.

Although River seems so untouchable to me, I like being around him because he’s sweet, witty, and seems caring toward me despite how little we know each other.

My heartbeat quickens at the thought of his unique eyes, and I find myself wanting to learn more about him because what Abby said isn’t enough for me.