Chapter 21: Nervous Wreck

Hallie’s POV

I’m a nervous wreck ten minutes out from River arriving at my door. It feels as though I haven’t been able to get any air into my lungs no matter how many deep breaths I take. I’ve been running around the room like a madwoman as I try on multiple different pairs of jeans and basic shirts that are appropriate to wear to a café.

River’s comment about me looking cute in sweatpants has been replaying in my mind since last night. And although the compliment was sweet and made my heart want to explode, I knew I need to impress him by dressing nicely. I want to be someone he wants to be seen with in public and is proud to have by his side.

I know I’m getting ahead of myself, and this isn’t a date – just a friendly lunch between two people – but I don’t mind allowing myself a couple of minutes of wishing that in a perfect world this would be a date and for once I get the hot, popular guy. Unfortunately, that’s not my reality.