Chapter 16

Cade handed Aunt Rosa his coat in the entryway to the gardens and waited for his brothers to do the same. He endured a kiss from his mom, said hello to a few people, and headed toward the open ballroom.

Half the town was already in attendance, by the look of things. The lights were dimmed to nearly dark and candles flickered on the tables. To his right, the DJ played instrumental music while people mingled. To the left was the bar.


He ordered a beer and then turned to lean against the bar, his brothers flanking both sides. From here, he could take in the whole room. More importantly, scope out Avery. He knew she'd be fluttering about, and he wouldn't get to pin her down until the ball was rolling, so he'd wait here and hope to spot her in boss mode.

So hot.

Flynn nudged his shoulder and pointed to the ceiling.