Chapter 20

Avery finger-combed her hair into what she hoped was submission, a little embarrassed she'd fallen back asleep. Especially since she woke up to find the bed beside her empty.

After she used the bathroom, she shrugged into the T-shirt Cade had offered last night and followed the scent of bacon and coffee downstairs. She stopped short in the kitchen doorway at the sight of him in a loose pair of sweat pants low on his hips and nothing else. His back to her, he was frying bacon in a skillet at the stove. The shifting muscles in his back was a thing of beauty. His blond hair stood at odd angles, total bed head and rocking it. And him barefoot? In the kitchen?

Crap on a cracker.

The dogs were sitting by his feet, tails wagging in a silent plea for food. Cade was having a conversation with them that entailed him saying "bacon" and the dogs tilting their heads, butts squirming in answer. The kitten was perched on his shoulder.