Chapter 26

Cade sat across from Hailey on the bed and practiced their project one last time on her iPad before Avery arrived. He suspected this was what the girl had been trying to show him on the device the night she'd found him and Avery in an argument, which only made him love Hailey even more.

Checking his watch again, the acid in his gut became volcanic. Avery would be here any minute.

All week it had been a battle not to go over to her house, not to call or answer her texts. He missed her so damn much he'd gotten a collective eight hours of sleep between the time he'd walked out of her cabin and last night. He'd forced food down and went through the motions at work, all to bide his time to get to tonight.

He'd wanted her to have time to think, to get settled after their argument and reach her own conclusions without his interference. He could only hope she missed him half as much as he did her. If she didn't, all his plans and arrangements would be for naught.