Chapter 31

Flynn checked his watch for the tenth time. It wasn't like Gabby to be late for work. He sat back in the chair in his office and debated texting her. She was only ten minutes late, and they were scheduled in-clinic today on a light load, but in all the time they'd worked side-by-side, he couldn't recall her ever being tardy.

Maybe she'd called in sick. She'd seemed fine yesterday. He couldn't remember her calling in sick before either. Not even the time she had pneumonia two years ago and he had forced her to go home. She'd put up a stink.

Worry clawed at his gut. Shaking his head, he slid his phone closer and thumbed a text. She was probably hung up in traffic or something. But when another ten minutes dragged by and there was no word, he rose and headed to the front desk. No matter what, she always texted him back. Didn't matter the time and didn't matter what she was doing. She always responded.