Chapter 51

Unable to take any more emotional abuse, Gabby walked across the parking lot to her car and sank behind the steering wheel.

Back at the rehearsal in the pavilion, when they'd gone over placement and timing and what everyone was supposed to do at the wedding, Gabby had signed for Flynn. She was concerned he might miss a direction and, knowing him, if he did something wrong tomorrow, he'd be upset.

But he'd...completely ignored her. Just outright acted as if she wasn't there. A couple times, Avery had smiled at him and signed for his benefit. He'd smiled and nodded an acknowledgement. Yet, Gabby? If she didn't know any better, she'd swear it hurt him to look at her.

From there, they'd headed to a private room in Le Italy for dinner where she'd been even more invisible. The group chatted and laughed while she'd done everything in her power not to get sick.