Chapter 57

Vet bag in hand, Drake knocked on Zoe's front door. Crickets chirped in the fading dusk and a whippoorwill cooed from a nearby tree while he stood waiting for her to answer. Wisteria from vines along the side of her house wafted on the soft breeze, and it was not nearly as soothing as Zoe's lavender scent.

For the past two hours, he'd showered, paced his house, and did everything in his power to erase the sensation of her taut little body clinging to his. Ever since Cade's wedding a couple months back, he'd been wondering what in the hell was wrong with him where she was concerned. Unable to nail down a reason, he'd fought to numb the strange uneasiness around her and the errant thoughts which kept drifting to a break in the ten commandments of sanity.

And tonight he'd pegged the culprit for the constant itch under his skin. Attraction. It had been so long, he'd forgotten what it felt like. Honestly, he'd thought that particular sensory was permanently damaged.