Chapter 68

Wrist-deep in a bowel resection surgery on an Alaskan Husky who'd eaten gravel, Drake checked the vitals monitor. Stable. Excellent. He could close up and get the hell out of work on time.

"You doing okay, hot stuff?"

Drake glanced up at Brent over his surgical mask. "I'm fine, and don't call me hot stuff. Ever hear of sexual harassment?"

"Yes." Eye roll. "I've been waiting to experience it for five years now. And you're my boss, not the other way around. Sexual harassment doesn't apply here."

Unable to help it, Drake grinned. First time in two days. Two long damn days since Zoe had stormed off during the fireworks. She'd come into the clinic after he'd arrived and had left before he'd gotten out of the OR. He'd thought about texting or dropping by her place, but she seemed to need time. He was giving it to her. Begrudgingly.

Drake frowned at his task. "Suction."

"That's what he said." Brent put the suction hose inside the dog's cavity.