Chapter 72

Lying in bed, Drake flipped through TV channels and waited for Zoe to exit the bathroom. It had been fifteen minutes since she'd run water or made a sound. He stared at the door as if that would make her come out faster. Worry twisted his gut.

Those pictures had obviously upset her. There was nothing he could change about that or her circumstances. Best he could do was be with her, offer support, and pray to all that was holy her genetic testing came back negative. Even if it didn't, he'd be here, where he'd always been.

Sighing, he set the remote aside. He had the sinking suspicion she planned to dump him if she got a positive result. She'd fought the idea of dating so adamantly before she had a clue if her mom's condition was even a factor. Knowing Zoe, she'd shut down, back off, and wait out the impending storm alone. Not that he'd let her.