Chapter 75

Eyes burning at his tender words, at the way he'd said her name with reverence, Zoe traced the hard planes of his body. The muscles in his back shifted as she worked her way down to his taut ass, over his hips, and around to where they were joined.

God, how she loved his body.

Closing his eyes, he inhaled. Tension and restraint coiled him, radiated off him in waves. His fingers of one hand clenched hers and released, only to cup her jaw while he slid his other arm between her hips and the mattress. The shift drew them closer, nudged him deeper, and she bit her lip.

His familiar scent of warm male wove around her, the fine hairs on his chest teasing her nipples. Every nerve became hypersensitive as he slowly withdrew. The thickness of his shaft glided along her walls and she felt every inch of him retreat. Oh, and he had a lot of inches. Not so huge he hurt her, but yeah...deliciously filling. When nothing but his tip remained inside her, she made a sound of protest at the loss.