Chapter 95

Before Jason even opened his eyes, he knew exactly where he was and with whom. Considering he'd never, not once, spent the entire night in a woman's bed, he should be flipping his gourd. Actually, after being intimate, history had proven he should be needing the next conquest. Ready to bolt. Interest flailing.

Not wrapping her in his embrace, face buried in her hair, and wanting to take her again. Not content, at peace, and satisfied beyond all measure of doubt. Not...happy.

Was that what this was? Happiness? Sure, he knew joy. Had felt it many times. Had tried it on for size and worn it out. But damned if he'd ever associated the emotion and being with a female in the same regard.

He inhaled her gingerbread scent, her strands teasing his face, and smiled. He had her spooned against him, an arm around her waist, and the other tucked under her head. Her light, even breathing indicated she was still unconscious.

Warm, supple woman. He was hard, just to be contradictory.